
  • 网络Dengfeng;dengfeng city
  1. 河南省登封市首例甲型H1N1流感病例的警示

    Inspiration on The First Case with Type A H1N1 Flu in Dengfeng City , Henan Province

  2. 登封市2002-2006年人均GDP与工业废水排放量、工业二氧化硫排放量指标二次多项式曲线拟合较好,符合环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)倒U型特征。

    The per capita GDP of Dengfeng from 2002 to 2006 conform with secondary polynomial curve of discharged volume of industrial waste , discharged volume of industrial SO2 .

  3. 登封市可持续发展指标体系与综合评价研究

    Study on Sustainable Development Index System and Comprehensive Evaluation of Dengfeng City

  4. 河南登封市发现一批王莽铸币

    Coins of the Wang Mang Reign Discovered in Dengfeng City , Henan

  5. 2007年登封市副伤寒疫情流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Paratyphoid in Dengfeng City in 2007

  6. 正负态非等效假说在人居环境规划中的运用&以登封市发展战略规划为例

    The Application of the Positive and Negative Non-Equivalent Hypothesis in Planning of Human Settlement & With the Strategic Development Plan of Dengfeng as an Example

  7. 2003年郑州市文物考古研究所与登封市文物局在登封市告成镇高村清理出一座宋墓,墓内壁画保存完好。

    A tomb of Song dynasty was excavated at Gao village in Gaocheng county of Dengfeng city in 2003 . The murals in the tomb was saved well .

  8. 来自河南登封市公安部的一名姓杨的警察周一告诉时代周刊说,他们已经收到了少林寺的举报,正在侦查此事件。

    A police officer from the public security bureau of Dengfeng , Henan , surnamed Yang told the Global Times on Monday that they have received the Shaolin Temple 's report and are investigating the case .

  9. 登封观星台位于河南省登封市城东南巧千米的告城镇,是中国现存最古老的天文台。

    Dengfeng Astro Observatory is located at Gaocheng Town , 15 kilometers southeast of Denpfenq City , Henan Province.It is the most ancient as-tronomical observatory extant in China .