
  • 网络Anaheim;Anaheim Convention Center
  1. 沃巴赫给出了加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆几家迪斯尼乐园酒店研究的例子,这些酒店使用大型电子排行榜来展示洗衣工人相互之间的工作效率并进行比较。

    Werbach gives the example of several Disneyland hotels in Anaheim , California , which used large digital leaderboards to display how efficiently laundry workers were working compared to one another .

  2. 但至少阿纳海姆的GPS设备是像手机一样的手持设备,学生还能维持一点颜面。

    However , at least the Anaheim students could keep some dignity by carrying the trackers like phones .

  3. Part1ABriefHistoryofDisneyland迪斯尼乐园简史在美国动画大师沃尔特·迪斯尼的倡导下,1955年7月17日,世界上第一座迪斯尼乐园在美国加利福尼亚州的阿纳海姆市建成并正式开园。迪斯尼乐园是大型主题游乐公园。

    Disneyland has seen 50 summers pass in procession since its gates first opened July 17 , 1955 .

  4. 为了解决七年级和八年级学生的逃课问题,加利福尼亚州的阿纳海姆联合高中学区在2011年推出一项为期六周的GPS跟踪计划。

    Anaheim Union High School District in California ran a six-week pilot program in 2011 to stop truancy among seventh and eighth graders .

  5. 莱特是位私家侦探,也是总部位于加州的阿纳海姆的(Anaheim)莱特集团(WrightGroup)的老板。

    Wright is a private investigator - andowner of the Wright Group - based in Anaheim , California .

  6. 圣路易斯公羊队的进攻内锋罗杰o萨福德就是一名热心玩家,他还参加了2013年在阿纳海姆市举办的MLG电竞比赛。

    St. Louis Rams offensive lineman Rodger Saffold is an avid gamer who attended his first MLG competition in Anaheim in 2013 .

  7. 23日Deadline网站披露了这一消息后,迪士尼24日早上在加州阿纳海姆举行的粉丝大会D23Expo上宣布哈灵顿将饰演《永恒族》中的戴恩·惠特曼。

    Disney announced he will play Dane Whitman in " The Eternals " during a panel at the D23 Expo in Anaheim , California on Saturday morning , after the news broke on Friday via Deadline .

  8. 上周五,《加勒比海盗》中的明星演员强尼·戴普(JohnnyDepp)出现在了阿纳海姆会议中心。他以一身杰克船长的全副装扮亮相,引来观众一片尖叫。

    Last Friday , Johnny Depp came onto a stage at the Anaheim Convention Center and wowed the crowd by appearing in full costume as Captain Jack Sparrow , the star of the Pirates of the Caribbean films .

  9. 在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆的迪士尼乐园和佛罗里达州海湾湖的沃尔特迪士尼乐园,撒骨灰的情况频繁发生,因此当工作人员发现任何有关骨灰的迹象时,就会发送特殊代码“HEPAcleanup”进行上报。

    At Disneyland park in Anaheim , California , and Walt Disney World in Bay Lake , Florida , it happens so frequently that staff have a special code to call in when they spot any sign of cremains : " HEPA cleanup . "

  10. 今年的D23博览会将于8月23日至25日在加利福尼亚州的阿纳海姆举行,届时将公布更多有关该公园的细节。

    More details surrounding the park are expected to be shared at this year 's D23 Expo being held in Anaheim , California which will run from August 23-25 .

  11. 上周五,《加勒比海盗》中的明星演员强尼•戴普(JohnnyDepp)出现在了阿纳海姆会议中心。他以一身杰克船长的全副装扮亮相,引来观众一片尖叫。

    Behind the scenes at Disney 's first fan convention Last Friday , Johnny Depp came onto a stage at the Anaheim Convention Center and wowed the crowd by appearing in full costume as Captain Jack Sparrow , the star of the Pirates of the Caribbean films .

  12. 阿纳海姆的迪斯尼乐园门票是92美元。

    And $ 92 for Anaheim 's Disneyland .

  13. 这个令人心情愉快的研究在2010年阿纳海姆市举办的实验生物学会议上被提出。

    That euphoric finding was presented at the 2010 Experimental Biology conference in Anaheim .

  14. 设在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆的迪斯尼游乐场开放。

    1955 Disneyland , the amusement resort at Anaheim in California , was opened .

  15. 他打电话向加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆市的一家运动服装公司订队服时。

    Kim called an Anaheim , Calif. , sportswear company to order team jackets .

  16. 特快在阿纳海姆停吗?

    Does the express stop in anaheim ?

  17. 只要他们不在阿纳海姆城开一家新的购物城,你会有空的。

    Provided they 're not opening a new shopping center in anaheim , you will be .

  18. 这位不列颠天才歌星苏珊·波伊尔在助手和朋友的陪同下前往加州阿纳海姆的迪斯尼乐园游玩。

    The Britain 's Got Talent star Susan Boyle was whisked to Disneyland in Anaheim , California by assistants and brought friends along for the ride .

  19. 这个耗费1700万美元的主题公园建筑在加利福尼亚阿纳海姆160英亩的前柑橘园上,很快迪士尼乐园就带来了惊人的利润。

    The $ 17 million theme park was built on160 acres of former orange groves in Anaheim , California , and soon brought in staggering profits .

  20. 2003年丘索维金娜夺得了阿纳海姆世界锦标赛跳马金牌,此时距她首次亮相世锦赛已经过了13年。

    In 2003 , thirteen years after her World Championships debut , Chusovitina won the gold medal on the vault at that year 's World Championships in Anaheim .

  21. 这是一支从考辛斯穿上国王球衣起就打算搬迁到阿纳海姆或西雅图的球队,直到时任总裁大卫-斯特恩出面干涉才作罢。

    This is a franchise that - since Cousins has been in uniform - attempted moves to Anaheim and Seattle , before former NBA commissioner David Stern intervened .

  22. 看到最新开张的上海迪士尼乐园里的大型星巴克咖啡店、芝士蛋糕厂和沃尔夫冈帕克餐厅,你可能会瞬间以为这是在美国阿纳海姆或佛罗里达州奥兰多。

    With its giant Starbucks , Cheesecake Factory and Wolfgang Puck restaurant , you might for a minute mistake the new Shanghai Disney Resort for Anaheim or Orlando , Fla.

  23. 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多的迪士尼世界,以及加州阿纳海姆市的迪士尼乐园都将执行此项规定,而执行依据则是工作人员对游客年龄的自我判断。

    Enforcement of the rule at Walt Disney World in Orlando , Florida , and Disneyland in Anaheim , California , will be enforced solely by a park worker 's own judgment on age .

  24. 历史将它们最重要的城市北京和纽约置于东北角上;而首座迪斯尼乐园都位于南方,分别在香港和阿纳海姆。

    History has placed their most important city , Beijing and New York , in the top north-east corner , and their Mecca to Mickey Mouse , Hong Kong and Anaheim , in the south .

  25. 至今阿纳海姆的迪士尼还在严守此令,其姐妹园加州迪士尼已经开始售酒了(世界各地的迪士尼也都如此)。

    The rule remains in place at the original Disneyland park in Anaheim , though its sister park Disney California Adventure does serve alcohol ( as does every other park in Walt Disney World . )

  26. 那一周的最初两天,外婆去了阿纳海姆与他们住在一起,帮助他们准备庆祝活动。妈妈、爸爸、玛丽安妮和我在星期六上午去那里的教堂参加周年纪念的弥撒。

    Early in the week Grandma went to stay with them in Anaheim to help prepare for the festivities , morn , dad , Mary Anne and I traveled to the church on Saturday morning for the anniversary mass .

  27. 这次动漫节在圣地亚哥举行,仅仅持续几天的时间。实际上,圣地亚哥正在与洛杉矶的阿纳海姆以及其他几个城市竞争该盛会的举办权。即使仅仅是几个克林贡人围绕着你的城市跑一会儿,谁不想要这样的经济效益呢?

    In fact , San Diego itself is now on a battle to hold on to this convention up against Anaheim in L.A. and some other cities that really want it cuz even if it means some Klingons running around your town for a while , who doesn 't want that economic impact ?

  28. 8月中旬,迪士尼宣布,它将在自己的两个公园——加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆的迪士尼乐园和佛罗里达州奥兰多的沃尔特·迪士尼世界度假村的迪士尼好莱坞工作室——修建《星球大战》主题区。

    In mid-August , Disney announced that it will build " Star Wars " - themed areas at two of its parks , Disneyland in Anaheim , Calif. , and Disney 's Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando , Fla. At 14 acres each , the " Star Wars " lands will feature two signature attractions ,