
  • 网络ACRE;Aker;Aaker
  1. 十字军运动的衰落特别是1291年阿克的陷落,使得圣殿骑士团在基督教世界中陷入了严重的危机之中。

    The decline of Crusade and the fall of Acre in 1291 , make templars brought to a serious crisis .

  2. 阿克罗伊德制订出这一整套秘密计划就是为了达到一个目的。

    Ackroyd worked out this whole plot with one objective in view .

  3. 我认为你多虑了,阿克罗伊德不会对任何人构成威胁。

    I think your concern is misplaced . Ackroyd is no threat to anyone .

  4. 兰开夏郡的纺织城镇形成的大三角地带,从曼彻斯特向北至伯恩利,再从伯恩利西至阿克灵顿

    the great triangle of the Lancashire textile towns , stretching from Manchester up as far as Burnley and across to Accrington .

  5. 它们在你完成阿克汉姆主楼的故事情节之后追踪夏普典狱官的DNA线索之前不会出现。

    They may not appear until after you 've completed Arkham Mansion 's story scenes and are following Warden Sharp 's DNA trail .

  6. 住在纽约州奈阿克(Nyack)的JenniferChang有两个孩子,一个九个月大,一个三岁,他们在莱文医生那里看病。JenniferChang试过蜂蜜配方制剂,还试过淋浴蒸汽和让孩子多喝水。

    Jennifer Chang , the mother of a 9-month-old and a 3-year-old who see Dr. Levine , has tried a honey-based preparation , as well as steamy showers and hydration .

  7. 这台电子数字积分计算机(简称ENIAC,埃尼阿克)诞生于2战期间。

    The ENIAC or Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer was designed during World War Two .

  8. 认为阿克1气藏天然气是烃源岩过成熟演化阶段的产物,其RO范围为2.0%~3.6%,属于混源气。

    It 's suggested that natural gas of Ake-1 gas pool was the evolution product of over-matured source Rocks , with the maturity of 2.0 % ~ 3.6 % R_O , and belonged to the mixed gas .

  9. 沃兹花了大量的时间在家阅读父亲的电子学期刊,他着迷于关于新式计算机的那些故事,比如强大的埃尼阿克(ENIAC)。

    Woz spent a lot of time at home reading his father 's electronics journals , and he became enthralled by stories about new computers , such as the powerful ENIAC .

  10. 那些阿克哈姆电影公司的人都来了。

    Those guys from Arkham films are here to pitch us .

  11. 阿克毛案是否将成为中英外交关系的一个问题?

    Will the case become a problem of the Sino-British relations ?

  12. 塔里木盆地阿克1井气藏气源研究

    Gas source study of ake well 1 resource in Talim Basin

  13. 阿克汉姆主楼楼梯左边有一个锁住的庭院。

    Left of the Arkham Mansion stairs is a locked-off courtyard .

  14. 阿克1井天然气气源探讨

    The discussion of natural gas source in well Ake 1

  15. 去到阿克汉姆北门然后右转。

    Head to the Arkham North door and turn right .

  16. 夏和兴作品卢代阿克伤残老年人疗养院

    Xia Hexing 's works Nursing Home for Disabled elderly , Loud é ac

  17. 找到那个位于阿克汉姆主门西侧的破败建筑。

    Find the crumbling building to the west of the main asylum gate .

  18. 另一盘块,它们像“哟,这是阿克!”

    Drive another block , they be like " yo , that was Ak !"

  19. 塔里木盆地阿克1井二叠纪孢粉地层及其地质意义

    Permian palynostratigraphy of the Ake 1 borehole , tarim basin and its geological significance

  20. 塔里木盆地阿克1井天然气成藏地球化学分析

    Geochemical analyses on the natural gas formation of well AK1 in the Tarim Basin

  21. 这两副假牙在阿克汉姆东边那个较靠南边的守卫塔上。

    These two sets are in the more southern guard tower of Arkham East .

  22. 阿克先生本人仍在软禁中。

    Mr acher himself remains under house arrest .

  23. 塔里木盆地阿克1气藏天然气的地球化学特征和成因

    Geochemical characteristics and origin of natural gas from Ake-1 gas pool in the Tarim Basin

  24. 阿克1井气藏是塔里木盆地西南坳陷新近发现的气藏。

    Ake well 1 gas reservoir was found recently in the southwest depression of Talim Basin .

  25. 应用碳同位素动力学方法探讨阿克1气藏天然气的来源

    Origin of natural gas from Ake 1 gas pool using the method of carbon isotope kinetics

  26. 当他在伦敦居住的时候,阿克毛和其家人是我负责的病人。

    Mr Akmal Shaikh was my registered patient with his family when he lived in London .

  27. 木刻版画《云南阿克老人》参加全国少数民族画展。

    Wood block printing Yunnan Ake Old Man participated in the National Minority Nationality Paintings Exhibition .

  28. 1979年教皇访问土耳其时,阿克查曾公开发誓要将他杀掉。

    Agca had publicly vowed to kill the pope during the potiff ' s1979 visit to Turkey .

  29. 这一个就位于西北边的守卫塔顶,那个最靠近阿克汉姆北门的塔。

    Located on top of the northwestern guard tower , the one closest to the Arkham North door .

  30. 卫生间系统的产品残障设计研究卢代阿克伤残老年人疗养院

    Research on Design of Bathroom Appliances for Disabled People Nursing Home for Disabled elderly , Loud é ac