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  1. QCM传感器是一种可以检测微小质量(纳克级)变化的仪器。

    The QCM sensor is a mass testing device in the level of nanogram .

  2. 从而建立了两个新的Se、Te分离富集体系,使原子荧光测定达到纳克量级。

    Two new separation and preconcentration methods are devised , and determination of nanogram levels of Se and Te in rock samples is realized by making use of AFS .

  3. 研究了酚藏花红(PS)与脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)在近中性条件下作用中的共振光散射特征,并以此建立起纳克级核酸的分析方法。

    Resonance light-scattering ( RLS ) characteristics of interaction between phenosafranine ( PS ) with deoxyribonucleic acids ( DNA ) in the near neutral medium was studied .

  4. 测得K562细胞GPIPLD基因的表达水平为每纳克(440±20)拷贝。

    The expression of GPI-PLD gene in K562 cells was ( 440 ± 20 ) copies ∕ ng .

  5. 结论这一实时RTPCR的方法可以从纳克级的总RNA中检出二氢嘧啶脱氢酶的表达,并且ELISA结果与实时RTPCR结果有较好的相关性。

    Conclusions The real-time RT-PCR method can detect the mRNA of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase in the level of several ng of total RNA . The results of ELISA are correlated with that of the real-time RT-PCR .

  6. 《空中之旅:与飞行员一起旅行》(Skyfaring:AJourneyWithaPilot),马克·范霍伊纳克(MarkVanhoenacker)著(Knopf出版社,25.95美元)。范霍伊纳克按年代记述了自己的航空经历,优美地沉思着飞行如何提升灵魂。

    SKYFARING : A Journey With a Pilot . By Mark Vanhoenacker . ( Knopf , $ 25.95 . ) Vanhoenacker has written a chronicle of his aviation career , and an elegant meditation on how flying can lift the soul .

  7. 采用气相色谱法对空气中正丁烯的含量进行了测定,检测限为纳克级,浓度在0.951~7.608mg/m3范围内呈线性关系,变异系数小于10%,加标回收率在104%~97%之间。

    The concentration between 0 . 951 mg / m3 and 7 . 608 mg / m3 shows linear relation . The coefficient of variation is less than 10 % . The recovery range is 104 % ~ 97 % .

  8. 石英晶体微天平QCM是一种灵敏度极高的传感器,可以精确的测量到纳克量级的质量变化以及纳米尺度下物质的剪切模量、粘弹性等力学参数。

    Quartz Crystal Microbalance QCM is a kind of ultrasensitive sensor . QCM could measure the mass as small as a few nanogrames , and the mechanical parameter such as shear molecules and viscosity on nano-scales .

  9. 虽然珠穆朗玛峰是地球上距海平面最高的山峰,但世界最高峰却是夏威夷的一座死火山&莫纳克亚山(MaunaKea)。

    Although Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth from sea level , Mauna Kea , an inactive Hawaiian volcano , holds the record as the world 's tallest mountain .

  10. 电化学石英晶体微天平(EQCM)技术以其简单、快速、可以在纳克级水平上实时检测等优势而成为分子生物学和微量化学领域的有效手段之一。

    Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance ( EQCM ) is one of the effective method in the molecular biology and the microchemistry field because it is simple , quick and the 10-9g detection limit .

  11. 虽然珠穆朗玛峰是地球上距海平面最高的山峰,但世界最高峰却是夏威夷的一座死火山——莫纳克亚山(MaunaKea)。

    It 's Not The Tallest Mountain Although Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth from sea level , Mauna Kea , an inactive Hawaiian volcano , holds the record as the world 's tallest mountain .

  12. 经ELISA检测,抗体部分的表达量不高,但干扰素的表达却已经达到了纳克(10-9g)级,最高已达9ng/ml,而一般干扰素的作用浓度只需皮克(10-12g)级。

    In the ELISA test , the expression of antibody part is not high , but the expression of interferon has been reached nanogram ( 10-9g ) level , the maximum reached 9ng / ml , the concentration of the general role of interferon only picogram ( 10-12g ) level .

  13. 但我现在要去加州争夺戴纳克车赛!

    But I should be in California schmoozing Dinoco right now !

  14. 还有一种墨西哥语的特别变体,名为托托纳克语。

    and an unusual variant of a Mexican language called Totonac .

  15. 我们必需尽可能的追查有关这个“阿罗纳克斯”的事。

    We need to find out all we can about this " Arronax " .

  16. 他们做先将1纳克剂量的病毒做为实验的第一步。

    The first test they did was with a virus dose of one nanogram .

  17. 方法的检出限在纳克级。

    The limit of determination ranks nanogram level .

  18. 除了戴纳克那一帮子都没人和我出去。

    Nobody to hang out with . I mean , except the Dinoco folks .

  19. 铁纳米粒子共振光散射测定纳克级核酸

    Determination of Nucleic Acid at Nanogram Level by Resonance Light Scattering of Ferric Nanoparticle

  20. 我的戴纳克,谁在摸我?

    My dinoco . whoa , whoa , whoa ! Who 's touching me ?

  21. 小体积萃取-石墨炉原子吸收法测定高纯硝酸钡中纳克级重金属元素

    The Determination of Nanogram Amounts of Heavy Metal Elements in Highly Pure Barium Nitrate by Extraction-GFAAS

  22. 一旦击球,就会得分!观众们站起来为他们的球队温哥华可纳克队欢呼加油。

    He shoots , he scores ! The audience stands to cheer on their team , the Vancouver Canucks .

  23. 结合有磁铁矿的多孔微粒仍然具有足够的空间负载纳克量的分子;

    After magnetite incorporation , the porous microparticle is still empty enough to accommodate nanogram quantities of a molecular payload ;

  24. 但集团的旗舰&地产开发商纳克希尔公司已经成为了迪拜过往荒谬行径的代表和麻烦的代名词。

    But its flagship property developer , Nakheel , has become the symbol of Dubai 's past excesses and present troubles .

  25. 用四氨基铝酞菁共振光散射技术测定纳克级核酸

    Determination of Nucleic Acids at Nanogram Levels with Tetra - substituted Amino Aluminum Phthalocyanine by a Resonance Light - scattering Technique

  26. 阴离子染料百里酚蓝与纳克级核酸的共振光散射光谱特性及其分析应用

    The Anionic Dye Thymol Blue React with Nucleic Acids and Determination of Nano-Gram Nucleic Acids by the Resonance Light Scattering Method

  27. 教授把吉格纳克列为引援名单的首选,这一名单同时也包括了波尔多射手查马克和国米的巴洛特里。

    The Arsenal manager has placed Gignac at the top of a striking wish list that also includes Bordeaux 's Marouane Chamakh and Inter 's Mario Balotelli .

  28. 服务员:这位先生要什么?丽萨:他可能想要一桶啤酒,不过,给他一杯咖啡及一杯柯纳克。

    The waiter asks : Would you like to have dessert ? Liisa : I would like to get a cup of coffee and a Mint liqueur .

  29. 位于夏威夷的莫纳克亚山有将近14000英尺高,以至于当你爬到山顶时将位于云层之上。

    The summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii is nearly 14000 feet . It 's so high that as you climb the mountain you rise above the clouds .

  30. 溶液中加入铱元素进行铼同位素的质量分馏校正,在常规的溶液雾化进样条件下,采用同位素稀释法可准确测定纳克级的铼含量。

    Combining the isotopic dilution ( ID ) method with the on-line fractionation correction method , the rhenium content can be determined accurately at sub-nanogram level using the normal solution n.