
  • 网络Nanobots;nanobot;nanorobot
  1. 发射CT用于纳米机器人辐射成像示踪及纳米机器人同位素标记

    Application of emission CT on nanorobot radiation imaging tracing and isotope sign in nanorobot

  2. 最终,纳米机器人将取代我们的红细胞,然且将比我们的红细胞工作效率高几千倍。

    Ultimately , nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more effectively .

  3. 甚至已经有了一个叫cadnano的软件,我们可以用它来设计各种三维物体,比如纳米机器人或者药物传输系统,以及利用DNA自我组装各种功能结构。

    There 's even a software called cadnano that allows us to design three-dimensional shapes like nano robots or drug delivery systems and use DNA to self-assemble those functional structures .

  4. 基于蛋白质和核酸的超冗余生物纳米机器人研究

    On Protein / Nucleic Acid Based Hyper Redundant Bio-nano-robot

  5. 也许我们所有人都会在读完这个句子后的几小时里被纳米机器人杀害。

    Maybe we 'll all be killed by nanobots hours after you read this sentence .

  6. 该文结合一种新型的三维整体式纳米机器人,对其进行了运动学分析。

    The analysis of nano-robot 's room was car ried out , associating with the research about the new3D unitary nano-robot .

  7. 目前,火星服修复纳米机器人及其操纵、传感、控制方法、能量转换、火星服集成等技术尚处于设想之中。

    Now , the Nano-robots to repair Marssuit and their manipulator , sensors , power conversion , and suit integration are still fancied .

  8. 生物纳米机器人是科学研究的前沿领域,分子马达作为动力装置在生物纳米机器人中具有重要的作用。

    Bio-nano-robot is one of the scientific research frontiers nowadays . The molecular motor as power section plays an important role in bio-nano-robot .

  9. 如果我们想进入虚拟现实制式,纳米机器人就将关闭脑信号传输然后带我们去任何我们想去的地方。

    If we want to go into virtual-reality mode , nanobots will shut down brain signals and take us wherever we want to go .

  10. 超冗余生物纳米机器人集合了生物纳米机器人和超冗余机器人的众多优点,在农业、食品、医药和化工等领域具有广泛的应用前景,因而受到学者们的极大关注。

    Hyper redundant bio-nano-robot integrates the advantages of hyper redundant robot and bio-nano-robot with extensive potential applications , and has drawn attention of more and more researchers .

  11. 所以钻石纳米机器人的前景,比起其它使用生物材料的机器人,更加柳暗花明

    As a result , the prospect for diamond nanorobotics remains controversial , although considerably less so for other approaches to medical nanorobotics that might use biologic components

  12. “蚂蚁”或可通过一系列活塞冲程来驱动纳米机器人,这很像汽车的引擎,只是其尺寸是后者的数十亿分之一。

    The Ant might drive a nanobot through a series of piston strokes , rather like a car engine but on a scale many billions of times smaller .

  13. 当宇航员在火星上活动时,纳米机器人可主动修复出现损伤的火星服,而不必让宇航员尽快返回正常压力区。

    Nanorobots can be used to actively repair damaged suit materials while an astronaut is in the field , precluding the need to return immediately to a pressurized area .

  14. 希尔文•马特尔和他在加拿大蒙特利尔理工大学纳米机器人实验室的同事们也使用磁场,但方式不同。

    Sylvain Martel and his colleagues at the NanoRobotics Laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique de Montr é al in Canada are also using magnetic fields , but in a different way .

  15. 科学家研制出一种微型引擎,它是世界上最小的引擎。科学家们表示,这是第一种能驱动纳米机器人——包括能在人体中行走的医用机器人——的引擎。

    Scientists have developed a microscopic engine , the smallest in the world , that they say is the first one capable of driving nanobots , including medical robots that could travel through the body .

  16. 本论文主要从机构学角度对超冗余生物纳米机器人的建模、运动分析、设计和控制等问题进行了研究。首先,将机构学方法引入蛋白质多肽链的研究。

    In this thesis , the modeling , kinematics , design and control of hyper redundant bio-nano-robot are studied from the view of robotic mechanism . Firstly , the mechanism methods are introduced to the modeling of protein polypeptide .

  17. 纳米生物机器人研究与进展

    Research and Progress in Bio-nano-robot

  18. 纳米生物机器人是科学研究的前沿领域,其近期设想是在纳米尺度上应用生物大分子研制可编程的分子机器人。

    Nano biological robot is one of the scientific research frontiers nowadays and its recent idea is developing programmable molecule robot by use of biomacromolecules .

  19. 或也许是纳米技术的机器人可以拆开它,把它送到了回收再利用。

    Or perhaps nanotech robots can disassemble it and bring it to the recycler .

  20. 关于作者:拉里是科学美国人科技板块的副主编,撰写多种与科技有关的话题,包括生物科技、电脑、军事科技、纳米科技和机器人。

    About the author : Larry is the associate editor of technology for Scientific American , covering a variety of tech-related topics , including biotech , computers , military tech , Nanotech and robots .