
  • 网络ayurveda;Ayurvedic
  1. RobinsonNichol说,然后它将扩展到传统医学的其他领域,诸如印度的阿育吠陀医学,以及阿拉伯的Unani医学。

    It will then be expanded to other areas of traditional medicine such as Ayurveda in India and Unani in the Arab world , Robinson Nichol said .

  2. BhushanPatwardhan是印度班加罗尔的阿育吠陀和整合医学研究所(IAIM)的当选所长。

    Bhushan Patwardhan is director designate of the Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine ( IAIM ) in Bangalore , India .

  3. 全球专利机构已经为5000种传统药物颁发了专利,其中2000种属于印度的阿育吠陀、unani和悉达医学体系。

    Five thousand patents for traditional medicines have been issued in global trademark offices , 2,000 of which belong to the Indian ayurveda , unani and siddha systems of medicine .

  4. 阿育吠陀医生应该允许对它们的传统知识的这种误用吗?

    Should Ayurvedic physicians permit such misuse of their traditional knowledge ?

  5. 阿育吠陀让瑜伽练习散发光芒。

    Ayurveda can shed light on the practice of yoga .

  6. 印度传统医学阿育吠陀把牛奶列为“五大白色毒药”之一。

    Ayurveda actually lists milk as one of the five white poisons .

  7. 阿育吠陀最基础的概念就是:每个人都是独一无二的。

    It is the unique mould which governs his personality and characteristics .

  8. 印度阿育吠陀的哲学思想是:人是一个小宇宙;

    The thought of philosophy of Ayurvedic medicines is that the body is a small universe ;

  9. 开始的时候,用一点水弄湿面刷,然后蘸到阿育吠陀泥中。

    To begin with , dampen the face brush with a little water and dip into the Ayurvedic clay .

  10. 阿育吠陀是一门在印度次大陆上流传了数百年的医疗保健体系。

    Ayurveda is a system of health care that has existed on the Indian subcontinent for hundreds of years .

  11. 确保身体每个部位都以打圈方式覆盖了5-6遍阿育吠陀泥。

    Make sure to cover each region of the body five to six times in a circular motion with the mud and brush .

  12. 我们应用阿育吠陀帮助这名女士来弄明白为什么她曾经练习的那些体式会激惹她体内的精微能量。

    Our work with Ayurveda helped this women understand how the asanas she had been practicing had aggravated the subtle energies of her body .

  13. 作为瑜伽的补充,我还学习了西方解剖学,传统中医,日本的指压,灵气治疗法和印度的阿育吠陀。

    I have also studied Western anatomy , Traditional Chinese Medicine , Japanese Shiatsu , Reiki , and Indian Ayurveda , as complement to yoga .

  14. 阿育吠陀泥和再生油有很多养分,可以透过皮肤吸收进去,以协助身体当休息时再生。

    The Ayurvedic mud and regeneration oil has many nutrients that will be absorbed through the skin that assist in regeneration of the body while it rests .

  15. 在传统的阿育吠陀医药中治病用的那些植物现在通过染色工艺被加到了布料中,然后这些布料再被加工成服装和床上用品。

    The plants used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat illnesses are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets .

  16. 例如,全球温泉疗养产业严重依赖于亚洲的治疗传统,阿育吠陀和中医治疗常常被纳入到全世界的温泉疗养方案中。

    The global spa industry , for example , draws heavily on Asia 's healing traditions , with Ayurvedic and Chinese therapies often incorporated into spa regimens across the world .

  17. 因此,去购买现成的阿育吠陀泥可能更加容易,因为并不是很贵,而在西方要去买到各种单一成分却不是那么容易。

    It may be easier to purchase the Ayurvedic mud already made therefore as it is not very expensive and the individual components are less easy to find in the west .