
tōng biàn
  • relaxing the bowels;free movement of the bowels;movement;motion
通便 [tōng biàn]
  • (1) [movement]

  • (2) 治疗便秘,使大便通畅

  • (3) 中医用于某些实证的治法之一

  • 通便泻火

通便[tōng biàn]
  1. 糖蜜有些许通便作用,兼具强身功能。

    Molasses are mildly laxative and something of a general tonic .

  2. 能在肠胃里迅速发酵的食物是绝佳的天然通便剂。

    Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives .

  3. 人工甜味剂山梨糖醇有通便作用。

    The artificial sweetener sorbitol has a laxative effect

  4. 医生们尝试用通便药物催泻以使他退烧。

    The doctors attempted to reduce his high fever by inducing diarrhea with a purgative .

  5. 他在手术前用了通便药。

    He was given a purgative before the operation .

  6. 决明子SCⅠ、SCⅡ的通便实验;

    The purgative experiments of SC ⅰ and SC ⅱ;

  7. SCⅠ乙醚提取物的通便效果较好,但波动起伏较大,且波动周期短;

    The aether extracts of SC ⅰ had better purgative effect , but waved greatly and had short period .

  8. A组腹痛缓解时间、通便时间及平均住院天数短于B组,差异有显著性(P0.01)。

    The times of first stool , abdominal pain relief and average hospitalization day were significantly shorter in group A than that in group B ( P0.01 ), respectively .

  9. 结果芒硝(30g)大剂量灌肠的通便效果明显优于0.15%皂液(P<0.01)。

    Results The catharsis effect in high dose group ( 30 g ) was better than that of the soap solution ( 0.15 % ) group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 利用核素67Ga直结肠通过显像观察,可显著改善肠蠕动功能,迅速通便。

    Take 67 Ga nuclide developing observation , it showed that the product could greatly improve the peristalsis function of colon and relieve constipation .

  11. 咖啡里天然的咖啡因会使大脑兴奋,让你准备好随时应对一天中的事。除了提神,咖啡对意些人还有通便的功效。HuffPost不久前就报道过,咖啡会刺激大肠肌肉收缩,促进食物流动。

    coffee 's natural caffeine content stimulates your brain and prepares you to brace the day ahead.Besides that jolt , caffeine can also offer a laxativeeffect for some people.As HuffPost previously reported , it stimulates muscle contractions in the large intestines ,

  12. 番茄纤维对便秘小鼠通便作用的研究

    The Study of Tomato Fibre to Mice Model with Constipation

  13. 《金匮要略》治则治法辨析《金匮要略》通便法探析

    Differentiation of Treatment Principles and Methods in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber

  14. 结论:半乳糖醇的通便作用具有一定的量效关系。

    Conclusion : The laxative action of galactitol displays certain dosage-effect relationship .

  15. 自拟通便汤治疗老年性便秘37例

    37 Age-related Constipation Cases and the Treatment with Homemade Laxative

  16. 吃了这个通便药否则你今年都不能去洗澡。

    Take the purgative or you won 't go bathing this year .

  17. 酚酞通便效果差,不良反应多;

    Phenolphthaleinum was bad in catharsis with more side effects ;

  18. 我已一个礼拜无法通便了。

    I haven 't had bowel movement for a week .

  19. 卧室中撒尿和通便的容器。

    A receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom .

  20. 此外,山茶油还有一定的通便作用。

    In addition , the camellia oil there is a certain catharsis .

  21. 停业清理和关门倒闭是一个高效率的市场的一种通便下泻的现象。

    Liquidations and closedowns are the healthy catharsis of an efficient market .

  22. 目的评价芦荟软胶囊对通便功能的影响。

    Conclusion Aloe soft capsule could improve feces excretion function .

  23. 目的研究纤梅颗粒的润肠通便功能作用。

    Objective To study the purgative action of Qianmei Granules .

  24. 目的:研究和胃冲剂的润肠通便作用。

    OBJECTIVE To study the cathartic action of Hewei powder .

  25. 若此时妄旅峨下通便。

    If this time absurd travel e under bowel movement .

  26. 目的:观察通便胶囊治疗便秘的临床效果。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Tongbian capsule on constipation .

  27. 不同通便剂对高血压性脑出血便秘患者通便效果观察

    Observation of Different Purgatives on Constipation in Patients with Hypertensivc Cerebral Hemorrhage

  28. 研究魔芋低聚甘露糖对小鼠的通便作用。

    To study the purgation effect of Mannose oligomer in Amorphophallus konjac .

  29. 背景与目的研究通便袋泡茶的潜在致突变性。

    BACKGROUND & AIM : To study the mutagenicity of laxative tea bags .

  30. 肉苁蓉提取物半乳糖醇通便作用的量效研究

    Study on the Dosage-Effect Relationship of Laxative Action of Galactitol from Cistanche Deserticola