
  • 网络ventilation system;ventilating system;HVAC
  1. 采用计算流体动力学(CFD)手段来优化空调通风系统的设计是一个新的课题和尝试。

    It is a new challenge to use CFD to optimize HVAC system .

  2. 船舶空调通风系统设计中的CFD应用

    Application of CFD in Marine HVAC System Design

  3. 曲轴箱通风系统要携带新鲜的空气通过曲轴箱。

    The crankcase ventilation system carries fresh air through the crankcase .

  4. 矿井通风系统BP网络评价法的可行性研究

    Feasibility of mine ventilation system BP network evaluation method

  5. 基于AutoCAD下通风系统可视化管理的实现

    Visual Control System of Mine Ventilation with AutoCAD

  6. 综放采场J型通风系统治理高瓦斯涌出的研究

    J-Shape Ventilation System for Controlling High Gas Emission at Fully Mechanized Sub-Level Caving Face

  7. 在比较完善的矿井通风系统评价指标体系的基础上,用VISUALBASIC6.0编制了模糊综合评判法和BP网络评价法程序。

    On the basis of prefect mine ventilation evaluation index system , fuzzy comprehensive evaluation program and BP network evaluation program using Visual Basic 6.0 are obtained .

  8. BOPP薄膜项目的空调通风系统设计

    AC System Design for BOPP Membrane Production Workshop

  9. 基于D-S理论的信息融合技术在矿井通风系统稳定性评价中的应用

    Research on the Application of Information Fusion Based on D-S Evidence Theory in Stability Evaluation of Mine Ventilation System

  10. 金融街B5建筑地下车库通风系统及防排烟设计&无风道诱导式通风排烟系统的应用

    Ventilating and Smoke Extraction System of Underground Garage of B5 Building Financial Street

  11. 本文介绍了10MW高温气冷实验堆(HTR-10)安全负压通风系统的设计与评价。

    This paper introduces and reviews the design of safety subatmospheric pressure ventilation systems of the 10MW HTR .

  12. DT-1型独头巷道高效通风系统的开发研究

    Development and Research of DT-1 Efficient Ventilation System in Single End Tunnel

  13. 本文针对小空间置换通风系统,以本校置换通风实验室为研究对象,利用Fluent软件建立了单热污染源和多热污染源的三维物理和数学模型。

    In this thesis , based on experiment model , by the way of the Fluent software the physical model and maths model of single-polluting heat source and multi-polluting heat sources in small room are established .

  14. DT-1型高效通风系统在独头平巷通风系统改造工程中的应用

    Application of High Efficient Ventilation System DT-1 in Modification of One Open End Tunnel Ventilation System

  15. 300kW柴油发电机机房通风系统设计及噪声治理

    Ventilation system design and noise control of a 300 kW diesel generator room

  16. 本文介绍了图论在矿井通风系统分析中,对网路独立回路在计算机上的形成以及对网路的克希霍夫(Kirchhoff)非线性代数方程组的求解的应用。

    This paper has presented some applications of Graph Theory in the analysis of ventilation system in Mines and selection of independent meshes on computer . A kind of solution of Kirchhoff nonlinear equations in networks has been discussed .

  17. 通过应用FVP-77程序,在M-6809微机上对五矿两个通风系统优化解析后,在技术合理性、安全可靠性和经济性等方面进行比较,得出了技术经济指标。

    Mine were calculated with FVP-77 program on M - 6809 computer for optimization . Technical and economic indices were obtained after comparisons were made in aspects of technical rationalization , safety relia-bility and economics .

  18. 双向行车公路隧道射流通风系统优化分析

    Optimization Analysis of Two-direction Road Tunnel Ventilation System with Jet Fan

  19. 煤矿通风系统节能的仿真模型研究

    Study to Energy-Saving Simulation Model for Ventilation System of Coal Mine

  20. 上海国际航运大厦空调通风系统设计

    Air conditioning and ventilation design of the Shanghai international shipping building

  21. 模糊控制在滤毒通风系统中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Control in the Gas Filtrate and Draft System

  22. 地下停车库通风系统的噪声治理

    Noise control for the ventilation system of the underground car park

  23. 粮堆机械通风系统中管道表观风速控制在0.15米/秒以下为宜;

    The apparent airflow speed of ducts should control below 0.15m/s .

  24. 大连市14家公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生学调查

    Hygienic Situation of HVAC Systems in 14 Public Places of Dalian

  25. 电气化铁路隧道移动式运营通风系统研究

    Study on a mobile ventilation system for tunnels on electrified railways

  26. 四冲程摩托车用曲轴箱通风系统应当改进。

    The crankcase ventilation system for 4-stroke motorcycle should be improved .

  27. 焦作冰晶石厂白炭黑车间通风系统改造

    Ventilating system improvement of silica hydrated workshop in Jiaozuo Cryolite Factory

  28. 火下综采工作面搬家通风系统合理性初探

    A Study on Ventilation System of Fully-mechanized Face Moving under Fire Zone

  29. 通风系统安全可靠性评价研究与实现

    Study on Safety Reliability Evaluation of Mine Ventilation System and Its Realization

  30. 陶瓷厂换热通风系统设计

    Design for Ventilating and Heat - exchange System in the Ceramic Works