
tōnɡ qín
  • shuttle taking workers to and from work
  • commute
通勤 [tōng qín]
  • [scheduled bus (steamship)] 指接送职工上下班的(交通工具)

  • 通勤车

  1. 据CCTV周日报道,在中国大城市中,北京的平均通勤距离最远。

    The average commute in Beijing ranks the longest among major Chinese cities , CCTV reported on Sunday .

  2. 来自中国深圳的CEOGavinYang说:“'Smacircle以独特的创新设计来填补个人短途通勤领域的空白。”

    CEO Gavin Yang , from Shenzhen in China , said : ' Smacircle is a unique innovative design created to fill in the gap in short commute personal transportation .

  3. 我们住在通勤者居住带。

    We live in the commuter belt .

  4. 她在拥挤的通勤列车上不小心踩到了他的脚。

    She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train

  5. 这项协议原本会减少通勤航班市场的竞争。

    The deal would have reduced competition in the commuter-aircraft market

  6. 惊恐万分的通勤者们看见那辆卡车突然冲向高速公路另一侧,接着翻倒在地。

    Horrified commuters saw the lorry veer across the motorway and overturn .

  7. 睡眼惺忪的通勤族拖着沉重的步子上班去。

    Sleepy-eyed commuters were wending their way to work .

  8. 月台在下班赶着回家的通勤族脚下不堪重负。

    The platforms groan with homeward-bound commuters .

  9. 通勤飞机在等候起飞。

    The commuter plane was waiting for takeoff

  10. 三个火车站发生了火灾,两条通勤线路的服务被迫中断数小时。

    Fires broke out at three railway stations , halting service on two commuter lines for several hours

  11. 他住在香港而通勤往来。

    He lives in Hong Kong and commutes .

  12. 鲁宾诺夫说:"为这一小部分人提供这些机会的不只有精选的精英院校。"他补充说,大多数第一代本科生倾向于选择在线课程、两年制大学和通勤公立学校。

    " It 's not only the selective and elite institutions that provide those opportunities for a small subset of this population , " Rubinoff said , adding that a majority of first-generation undergraduates tend toward options such as online programs , two-year colleges , and commuter state schools .

  13. 由于可以在途中工作、娱乐或者睡觉,他们就能忍受在塞车的公路上长时间、慢速度的通勤,这有利于城市的扩张。

    They tolerate long , slow journeys to and from work on packed highways because they can work , entertain themselves or sleep on the ride , which encourages urban spread .

  14. 他们需要“单手食物”,也可以用commuterfood(通勤食物)、fingerfood(手指食物)或no-thinkfood(不伤脑筋的食物)来表达。

    They need ' one-handed food , ' which can also be called as ' commuter food , ' ' finger food ' or ' no-think food . '

  15. “跑步通勤”指的是跑步从家前往办公场所。

    Runcommute refers to a run between one 's home and workplace .

  16. 火车延误对通勤者的旅途造成了严重的连带影响。

    The train delay has caused a severe knock-on effect on the commuters ' journeys .

  17. 芭芭拉住在牛津,通勤往来。

    Barbara lives in Oxford and commutes .

  18. 我妻子上下班通勤的时间太长了,我们不得不搬家。

    We had to move home as my wife 's commute1 to work was taking a long time .

  19. 此外,火车上无线网络服务和手机的广泛普及也延长了人们的日常工作时间。这项研究对五千名每天乘火车去伦敦上班的通勤者进行了调查,随之提出了一个问题:工作日究竟从何时开始?

    The study of 5000 commuters travelling by train into London each day raises the question of when the working day really begins .

  20. 提前几天走一趟,看看通勤需要多长时间,并为交通堵塞或其他原因造成的延迟留出缓冲时间。

    Make the trip a few days ahead of time to see how long it takes , giving yourself a cushion for traffic or other delays .

  21. 受访者决定远程工作的原因包括更好地平衡工作和生活(91%)、更高的工作效率/注意力更集中(79%)、更小的压力(78%)和避免通勤(78%)。

    The reasons respondents said they decided3 to work remotely were better work-life balance ( 91 percent ) , increased productivity / better focus ( 79 percent ) , less stress ( 78 percent ) , and to avoid a commute4 ( 78 percent ) .

  22. 随着生活变得更加忙碌,很多跑步者发现跑步通勤是个非常高效的通勤方式,同时还要比乘坐拥挤又不透气的地铁、火车或者公交更加快乐。

    With lives getting busier and busier , many runners have found that running to or from work is a really efficient way to get in the miles , as well as being far more pleasant than cramming2 yourself on to a tube , train or bus for the overcrowded and airless commute1 .

  23. B:有几趟你可坐的公交车(通勤车),我会给你一份公交车时间表?

    B : There are quite a few buses you can take . I 'll get a bus schedule for you .

  24. 对于南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)这样大的学校,自行车无疑是校园通勤最便捷的交通工具。

    At a big school like USC , biking around campus is the easiest way to get around .

  25. 有声书曾经是一种静态、小众的东西,供发烧友们租借笨重的磁带或CD在上下班通勤时听。现在它已经变得大众化。

    Once a static niche for aficionados renting clunky cassettes or CDs for their commutes , audio books have gone mass-market .

  26. IBM近日发布通勤痛苦指数,针对全球20个大城市的通勤损失进行了调查,包括精神损失和经济损失。

    The IBM Commuter Pain Index survey ranks the emotional and economic toll of commuting in 20 major cities around the world .

  27. 美国人口普查局(Census)数据显示,单独开车上下班的通勤者占75%以上。

    More than 75 % of commuters travel alone by car , Census data show .

  28. 随着Wi-Fi变得更加普及,该研究对5000名乘坐通勤路线进入伦敦的铁路上班族进行了调查。

    The study examined 5000 rail passengers on commuter routes into London as wi-fi became more available .

  29. ATIS环境下通勤者逐日出行路径更换行为仿真

    Simulation of commuter day-to-day dynamic route switching behavior under ATIS information

  30. 据德州农工交通运输研究所(TexasA&MTransportationInstitute)数据,在大城市开车通勤的人一年有52小时因为堵在车流里而白白浪费。

    In big cities , car commuters waste 52 hours a year stuck in traffic , according to the Texas A & M Transportation Institute , College Station , Texas .