
  • necromancy;telepathy;【医】witchcraft
  1. 她自称有通灵术,能帮助活人与死者沟通。

    She claims to be psychic and helps people to contact the dead .

  2. 还是小女孩的时候,首先因为他的影响,我学会了用怀疑论和科学方法审视占星术、通灵术、UFO绑架和创造论。

    His was my first influence as a young girl to turn a skeptical , scientific approach towards astrology , psychics , UFO abduction , and creationism .

  3. 波德莱尔应和论与斯威登堡通灵术兼及康德灵心妙悟感而遂通论艺术通感

    Baudelaire 's Correspondence Theory and Swedenborg 's Psychic Art & Also on Kant

  4. 利用通灵术来警告危险。

    To use telepathy to warn of danger .

  5. 现代通灵术兴起于19世纪。

    Modern spiritualism arose in the 19th century .

  6. 多年以来,克尔苏加德一直被认为是一个异类,因为他坚持研究被禁止的通灵术。

    He had been considered a maverick for years due to his insistence on studying the forbidden arts of necromancy .

  7. 它应该算是通灵术的一种,不过我还没仔细研究过,所以不好说。

    It could probably be considered a form of Necromancy , though I haven 't studied it enough to be sure .

  8. 为了使部落摆脱恶魔的腐化,萨尔禁止兽人们使用术士魔法和通灵术。

    In an attempt to rid the Horde of its demonic corruption , Thrall banned the use of Warlock magic and necromancy .

  9. 对于有文化修养的人,他展现通灵术如何有益于修身养性、培养智力,借此勾引许多人陷入他的网罗。

    To persons of culture and refinement he presents spiritualism in its more refined and intellectual aspects , and thus succeeds in drawing many into his snare .

  10. 科学家也对通灵术提出质疑,但笃信者称死者与活人之间的沟通是超自然现象,无法用科学方法证实。

    Although many scientists dispute spiritualist claims , spiritualists defend their beliefs . They claim that communication between the living and the dead has been scientifically verified .

  11. 历史学者提出,通灵术和对此的研究成为了一种替代宗教,在传统基督教信仰式微之际展示了超自然现实的真切性。

    Historians have argued that spiritualism and psychical research became a kind of surrogate religion that demonstrated the truth of an otherworldly reality as faith in ordinary Christianity declined .

  12. 尽管人们进行了大规模的常规搜索(后来还使用了更多带有异国风情的方法,包括通灵术和派一个廓尔喀族人空降柬埔寨),却未发现他的丝毫踪迹。

    Despite a huge conventional search operation ( followed by more exotic efforts involving psychics and a Gurkha parachuted into Cambodia ) , no trace was ever found of him .

  13. 美国魔术大师胡迪尼就对通灵术嗤之以鼻,花了很多时间设法证明通灵术士是江湖骗子。

    Harry Houdini , the most famous professional magician , distrusted spiritualism so thoroughly that he spent a great deal of time trying to prove that it could not be true .

  14. 我们观看飞碟,热衷于通灵术、灵魂接触、魂游体外、心智探险活动&所有这些古怪思想都披着一层科学外衣,这些思想真是荒谬之极,他们竟然丝毫不觉羞耻。

    We see UFOs , engage in channeling , spirit contact , out-of-body experiences , mindquests – all these eccentric ideas have a scientific veneer , but they are unashamedly irrational .

  15. 正如通灵术成为了19世纪人们面对科学时的一种对宗教超自然力的坚持,我们这个时代的超自然主义也可能激起类似的东西。

    Just as spiritualism became a means to hold on to the supernatural claims of religion in the face of science in the 19th century , the supernaturalism of our own time may enable something similar .

  16. 对于通灵之术是否存在,科学研究尚未给出定论,但一些专业的通灵人士与警察部门和破案组已有的成功合作表明,这项职业还是颇有效用的。

    Studies on whether psychic powers exist are inconclusive . Yet some professional psychics have been used by police departments and other crime-solving groups with apparent success .

  17. 成群的人们拥向福克斯家看稀罕,也有人认为这是姐妹俩恶作剧,去寻找破绽,以戳穿她们的把戏。福克斯姐妹能通灵的消息迅速传开,她们不久就被请到纽约市为名人们表演通灵术。

    Visitors began to crowd the Fox house to witness this spectacle or prove it a trick , and stories quickly spread that the Fox girls were mediums in touch with spirits . The Fox sisters later showed their ability in New York City to famous people .