
  • 网络state cadre;cadre
  1. 此前,李昌是正处级国家干部。

    Then Li Chang has been a national cadre of division level .

  2. 军队文职干部是国家干部队伍的组成部分。

    The Civilian officer is a part of government official organization .

  3. 开创文学审美的新时代&谈长篇小说《国家干部》的艺术特色

    A New Age of Literary Aestheticism & On the Art of Novel in Government Officials

  4. 我问他,一位国家干部的妻子会穿这样的裙子吗?

    I ask him if the wife of a Communist Party official would wear a dress like that .

  5. 干部人事档案工作是党和国家干部人事工作不可缺少的一部分,也是国家档案工作的重要组成部分。

    The management of carders ' personal files is an integral part of our national carders ' archives as well as an important element of national file management .

  6. 猪曰:“吃喝嫖赌,无所不为”,上帝更大怒曰:“凭你也想当国家干部!!!”

    Pig Yue : " Food and drink Piao wager , nothing will not do ", God great anger Yue : " Also want to be a nation a staff with you !!!"

  7. 军队转业干部是党和国家干部队伍的组成部分,是重要的人才资源,是社会主义现代化建设的重要力量。

    Army cadres transferred to civilian work , as the indispensable component for our party and state cadres , are the important human resources and the essential force to the construction of the socialism modernization .

  8. 其四,国家、干部、群众三者在贯彻婚姻法运动中的作用都是不可忽视的。

    Fourth , countries , cadres and masses played the important role in the implementation of Marriage Law .

  9. 社会主义国家的干部已不是传统意义上的官吏,而是人民的公仆。

    The cadres of socialist country are not officers of old times , but the people 's public servants .

  10. 依据国家对干部普遍适用的考评内容转化成能力情状的考评指标要素,突出考评能力为本的核心。

    Based on the index factors of transforming assessing content into capability situation , the paper gives prominence to ″ capability is principal ″ .

  11. 研究结果表明,采用模糊综合评价模型具有较强的可操作性与科学性,为国家机关干部素质评价开辟了新思路。

    Research shows that the fuzzy and comprehensive evaluation model is both feasible and scientific , which can offer the fair and objective evaluation of government officials .

  12. 为了使国家机关干部素质评价更臻合理,应以模糊集理论为基础建立国家机关干部素质评价模型。

    In order to make the evaluation of government officials more reasonable and rational , the fuzzy set theory shall be used in building the evaluation model .

  13. 当前我国正处于重要转型期,党和国家对干部绩效考评的重视提到了新高度。

    The current our country is at an important party and state transition , the cadres according to the performance evaluation of the new height . Attention mentioned .

  14. 它的推行和制度化构建体现了党和国家深化干部人事制度改革,加强行政官员思想道德素质建设,有利于完善法律责任、行政责任和道德责任三位一体的行政管理责任体系。

    Its promotion and systematization embody the furthering of personnel reformation and the strengthening of officials ' moral construction . It is beneficial to the perfection of the responsibility system of administration .

  15. 苏联社会主义违背了这一原则,没能有效防止党和国家的干部由社会公仆变为社会主人,这是苏联社会主义失败的一个重要原因。

    One of the important reasons for the failure of socialism in USSR is that it violated the principles and failed to stop the Party and state cadres becoming social masters from social servants .

  16. 干部经济责任审计是党和国家加强干部队伍建设,开展反腐倡廉活动的重要举措,是对领导干部进行经济监督管理的重要形式之一。

    Financial auditing is an important measure for reinforcing the construction of the management team of the Party and the government , an important means to fight corruption , and one of the important forms of exercising financial monitoring of the leading officials .

  17. 老年大学作为老年人退休后的一个新生活空间,产生于改革开放以后国家废除干部终身制的大背景下,它能够得以迅速的发展得益于政府与老年群体的共同作用。

    As a new living space for senior citizens who retired , university of the aged was set up after the reform and opening up , when the life-long cadre employment system was abolished . Benefit from the government and the elderly , it is developing rapidly .

  18. 对中央国家机关人事干部胜任力的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the Competency of Personnel Officials in the Central Government Departments

  19. 建设一支高素质的专业化国家行政管理干部队伍。

    We shall build up a contingent of administrators who are highly competent and professional specialized .

  20. 国家鼓励离休干部到农村或中小城镇安家落户。

    The state shall encourage veteran cadres to settle in the countryside or in small or medium-sized cities or towns .

  21. 为此,我们专门设计了当前中央国家机关人事干部胜任力模型。并通过调查统计,对构成要素的需要程度和人事干部的实际具备程度进行了实证分析。

    Based on a survey data , we designed the competency model of the central government department personnel officials , and studied the degree of urgency of the components and their practical possess .

  22. 随着国家对村干部队伍建设的重视、村干部职位发展以及提供村干部培训效果的现实需求,决定了对村干部进行胜任力开发最有很强的现实意义。

    Along with the Nation pays great importance to develop construction of village cadres , the real demand of village cadres training effect of village cadres , decided the most strong practical significance .

  23. 鉴于现有的院校教育只重视知识而忽视能力培训,作者对国家地震局干部继续教育和研究生培养提出了相应建议。

    In view of stressing teaching knowledge to the neglect of ability trainning , some relevant suggestions are put forward about the continous education to cadres in state seismological Bureau and training of postgraduate students .

  24. 本研究通过对价值要素的认可程度进行问卷调查,以探讨XX市国家税务局广大干部对各种价值要素的认可程度,从理论上分析价值要素的内在结构。

    In this research , it analyzed the internal structure of compensable factors theoretically by questionnaire to determine the degree of acceptance of compensable factors in the staffs .

  25. 国家林业局管理干部学院绩效考核实践探索与研究

    Research and Exploration on Employees ' Performance Assessment in State Academy of Forestry Administration

  26. 西班牙语发展中国家内国家征聘事务资深干部国际讲习班;

    International Workshop for senior cadres of national recruitment services in Spanish-speaking developing countries ;

  27. 在今天的播报中,有些国家网络监管部门干部滥用职权,贪污受贿。

    In today 's podcast , a graft case uncovers abuse of power in the Communist Party 's Internet censorship division .

  28. 按照国家统一规定发给干部、职工的安家费、退职费、退休工资、离休工资、离休生活补助费;

    Settlement pay , severance pay , retirement pay and retirement living allowances received by public servants and workers under state uniform provisions ;

  29. 十五大以来,随着依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的提出,干部选拔工作有了明确的法治化方向。

    Since the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China , the selection of cadres develops towards legalization explicitly , as the implement of the rule of law and the building of a socialist country under the rule of law .

  30. 权力观的正确与否关系着党和国家的前途与命运,端正党和国家各级领导干部的权力观意义重大。

    It is of significance to take a correct power view of leaders at all levels , which concerns the future of the nation and party .