
  • 网络national borders;state boundary
  1. 我们已告别了受国家边界限定的时代。

    We are no longer in an era where we can be bound by national borders .

  2. 它们不会停留在特定的地点,而会迁移到野生栖息地并且跨越国家边界。

    They will not stay put at specific locations but move into wild habitats and across national borders .

  3. 在今天,完全取消国家边界控制的观点与建立一个世界政府的想法一样不切实际。

    A complete absence of national border controls is as utopian today as the vision of world government .

  4. 我们的世界地理老师刚收到一份最新地图,它表示了最新的国家边界。vt.改进;

    Our world geography teacher has just received an upgrade map that shows the latest national boundaries .

  5. 他们不大可能到达这个国家边界。

    They is not likely to reach the boundary of this country .

  6. 他们是相容的,跨越文化和国家边界。

    They are consistent across cultures and country boundaries .

  7. 要得到现今国家边界的可靠知识,查阅一下最新地图。

    For reliable information about present national boundaries , consult an up-to-date atlas .

  8. 从欧盟一体化看经济全球化时代的国家边界

    The National Boundary in the Age of Economic Globalization from the Perspective of Euro-Union 's Integration

  9. 在全球化进程中,国家边界对于我们经济生活的重要性将逐渐减弱。

    Globalisation is the process by which national boundaries become progressively less relevant to our economic lives .

  10. 作为管理训练一个领域的国际商务具有跨国家边界商务活动的专门特征。

    International business as a field of management training deals with the special features of business activities that across national boundaries .

  11. 在国际交流越来越频繁、国家边界越来越模糊的今天,主权也受到了前所未有的挑战。

    With more and more international communication , borders between countries have become ambiguous and sovereignty has been challenged strongly ever .

  12. 亚洲日益加剧的局势紧张可能会引发关于资源的长期区域冲突,尤其是很多流经几个国家边界的主要河流。

    Rising tensions in Asia could usher in a protracted regional conflict over resources , especially as many key rivers cross several borders .

  13. 经修订的条例改变过去注重在国家边界进行被动防范的方针,转而采取积极的风险管理战略。

    The revised Regulations move away from the previous focus on passive barriers at national borders , to a strategy of pro-active risk management .

  14. 在一个全球贸易和旅游广泛发展的时代,新的和已有的疾病能够超出国家边界,威胁我们的集体安全。

    In an age of widespread global trade and travel , new and existing diseases can cross national borders and threaten our collective security .

  15. 今天国际法这一术语广泛适用于无论是公共性质还是私人性质的任何超越国家边界的行为。

    Today , the term international law applies to any conduct outside the boundaries of states , whether of a public or a private nature .

  16. 在美国,婚姻法律可以不同于各州,这有时会导致夫妻跨越国家边界线要结婚。

    In the United States , marriage law can differ from state to state , which sometimes leads couples to cross state lines to be married .

  17. 全球价值链背景下,国际分工已从按产品分工转变为按要素分工,从产业间水平分工转变为价值链分工;产业边界超越国家边界,改变了国家参与国际分工的性质;

    In the context of global value chain ( GVC ), industries spanned country boundaries , which changed the nature of country 's participation in international division .

  18. 人口异质性的增加、文化多元化的扩展、更多的移民、民主化的政府、改变国家边界、更大的经济增长和对社会观念缺乏正确和错误的认识。

    Increasing heterogeneity of populations , greater cultural pluralism , higher immigration , democratization of governments , changing national borders , greater economic growth and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong .

  19. 在100年前,也就是20世纪初的那些日子里,显然有重大的选择需要做出,这些抉择有关国家边界和人类的权力。

    One hundred years ago in the early days of the 20th century it was clear that there were momentous choices to be made choices about the borders of nations and the rights of human beings .

  20. 生产方式改变带来的土地产权意识的加强使得农户之间、村寨之间的土地界线更加明显,国家边界在两个村民的心目中逐步变得重要起来。

    The change of means of livelihood has strengthened the awareness of land property right which clearly distinct the borderline between villagers and villages so that state border has gain increasing significance among villagers of both villages .

  21. 传统区位理论认为,国家边界降低了边境地区中心地的中心性,分割了中心地市场区,使边界两侧的经济活动交往的空间和时间距离加大。

    In traditional location theories , national frontiers artificially cut up spatially complementary regions of central places and determinate the central places , thus , increase the spatial and time distance of the economic interaction on bilateral frontiers .

  22. 在当今全球化竞争背景下,企业资源整合范围不断超越企业边界和国家边界,其整合模式的选取已经不再是纯粹管理技术的问题,而在很大程度上受到国家文化特征的影响。

    Under the global competition , the scope of enterprise resources integration is expanding beyond organizational and national borders , the selection of resources integration model is no longer a pure technology problem , but influenced largely by the characteristics of national culture .

  23. 他们已经按照民族界线重新划定了国家的边界。

    They have redrawn the country 's boundaries along ethnic lines

  24. 国家的边界大多是相对平坦的农地及河流,如香农河(RiverShannon)和一些大的湖就横越这些边界。

    In from the perimeter of the country is mostly relatively flat farmland , traversed by rivers such as the River Shannon and several large lakes .

  25. 那个国家的边界根据条约有所更动。

    The boundaries of that country were changed by a treaty .

  26. 这两个国家因边界问题扣仗打得很激烈。

    The two countries have battled fiercely over their frontier .

  27. 了解你的地理知识:哪五个非洲国家的边界与地中海相邻?

    Know your geography : Which five African countries border the Mediterranean Sea ?

  28. 如果两个国家的边界有公共边,则说它们是相邻的。

    Two countries are neighbouring if their boundaries have an edge in common .

  29. 超越了各独立国家的边界或影响范围的。

    Transcending established national boundaries or spheres of interest .

  30. 总统再次强调了国家的边界不可改变。

    The president stressed once more the immutability of his country 's borders .