
  • 网络King’s Cross;King's Cross;Kings Cross;Kings Cross Station;KING'S CROSS STATION
  1. 事实上,《哈利·波特》每部小说的开头和结尾都发生在伦敦国王十字车站(King'sCrossStation)九又四分之三号站台的霍格沃茨特快列车上。

    In fact , nearly every novel begins and ends with a trip on the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9 ¾ at London 's King 's Cross Station .

  2. 不过,最好的建筑往往是最不显眼的——从纽约的高线公园(HighLinePark)到整修一新的伦敦国王十字车站,它们都无缝融入公共空间。

    Yet the best architecture is often the quietest , taking what is there and knitting it into a public space - from the High Line park in New York to the restoration of King 's Cross station in London .

  3. 有时,早上8点半我开车把孩子送到学校,当天上午晚些时候我就在国王十字车站(King'sCross)附近和别人喝咖啡了。

    Sometimes I drop the kids off at school at 8.30am and later that morning meet someone for coffee near King 's Cross .

  4. 他们差一刻十一点到了国王十字车站。

    They reached King 's Cross at a quarter to eleven .

  5. 坐列车到国王十字车站要多长时间?

    How long does it take to king 's cross station by train ?

  6. 国王十字车站向北步行大约二十分钟是约克路车站。

    About twenty minutes walk north of king 's cross lies York way station .

  7. 对于我来说,国王十字车站是一个非常非常浪漫的地方。

    For me , King 's Cross is a very , very romantic place .

  8. 十一月的清晨,弥漫着潮湿的迷雾。国王十字车站像往常一样苏醒。

    One damp November morning , King 's Cross woke in the usual way .

  9. 在国王十字车站南面,我们有霍尔本站和托特纳姆法院路站。

    To the south of King 's Cross we have Holborn and Tottenham Court Road .

  10. 在哈利五年级时,他们从格里莫广场步行去国王十字车站。

    In harry 's fifth year , they walk to king 's cross from Grimmauld place .

  11. 绝大部分学生都乘坐它回到国王十字车站度过圣诞节和复活节的假日。

    Most students take the train back to Kings Cross to go home for the Christmas and Easter holidays .

  12. 尤斯顿站是一个大的地铁站&它是一个比国王十字车站大的铁路干线车站的配备地铁站。

    Euston is a big Underground station - it serves a main line station bigger than King 's Cross .

  13. 我们从东面开始,以顺时针方向环绕国王十字车站一周。

    Let us perform an orbit of King 's Cross , starting in the east , and working round clockwise .

  14. 哈利的信让他九月一日仍旧从国王十字车站搭乘霍格沃茨特快列车。

    Harry 's told him to catch the Hogwarts Express as usual from King 's Cross station on September first .

  15. 在现实生活中,九又四分之三号站台是伦敦国王十字车站的主要旅游景点。

    In real life , Platform 9 ¾ has become a major tourist attraction at London 's King 's Cross Station .

  16. 正如前面解释的,亚瑟·韦斯莱估计的十分钟飞行时间使得陋居距国王十字车站在十四英里以内。

    As explained , Arthur Weasley 's estimate of ten minute 's flying time puts the Burrow within fourteen miles of King 's Cross .

  17. 稍微靠近国王十字车站的布鲁姆兹伯里附近是罗素广场站,西边稍微远一点的是古奇街站。

    A little closer to King 's Cross lies Bloomsbury , served by Russell Square station , with Goodge Street a little further west .

  18. 这所旧房子在伦敦的一个破败的地区,距离国王十字车站大约一英里,被一个赤胆忠心咒隐藏起来。

    This old house , in a run-down area of London about a mile from King 's Cross , is hidden with a Fidelius Charm .

  19. 在国王十字车站那章,他们是在帷幕之后还是在现实世界和帷幕之间的什么地方?

    Elisabeth : In the chapter of Kings Cross , are they behind the veil or in some world between the real world and the veil ?

  20. 在哈利三年级时,他们待在破釜酒吧,并使用魔法部的汽车到达国王十字车站。

    In Harry 's third year , they are staying at the Leaky Cauldron and use Ministry of Magic cars to get to King 's Cross .

  21. 我们现在来看一群在不同线路上的车站,它们沿着尤斯顿路紧挨着排成一线,位于国王十字车站的西南方。

    We now come to a collection of stations , on various lines , strung out close together along the Euston road to the South West of king 's cross .

  22. 日前,谷歌发布了其全新11层楼、临近伦敦国王十字车站、占地100万平方英尺、屋顶有一个开阔、景色宜人花园的伦敦总部的设计。

    Google has released designs for a new 11-story , 1 million-square-foot headquarters in London near King 's Cross railway station , complete with a sprawling , landscaped rooftop garden .

  23. 确实,到底为什么要操心麻瓜的交通系统,而在飞路网络上的破釜酒吧距国王十字车站只有很短的距离?

    Indeed , why bother with Muggle transport at all when the leaky cauldron , which is on the Floo network , is only a short distance from king 's cross ?

  24. 我们对古奇街站特别感兴趣,因为从古奇街站到国王十字车站的旅程需要换一次车,所以步行而不乘地铁可能更容易。

    Goodge Street is of particular interest because the journey from Goodge Street to King 's Cross would involve a change of trains , so it may be easier to walk rather than take the underground .

  25. 乔治亚宅邸酒店位于伦敦的城市中心,对于所有向往哈利波特式奇幻冒险的人来说,这里是绝佳的目的地。该酒店融入了大量电影中的地标式建筑,其中包括国王十字车站的9¾站台。

    Located in Central London , it 's the ideal destination for those heading off on a Harry Potter-inspired adventure , as the hotel is located to many of the iconic landmarks from the movie , including the 9 ¾ platform at King 's Cross Station .