
  • 网络Waterloo Station;London Waterloo
  1. 火车从滑铁卢站出发,途中会在阿什福德站停靠上人。

    Trains will operate from Waterloo with a pick-up stop at Ashford .

  2. 我们永远忘不了在滑铁卢火车站第一次相遇的那一天。

    We 'll never forget the day when we first met at Waterloo Railway Station .

  3. 西南部省份四川省的首府成都对刺激经济的响应做法是宣布了一个大胆的计划:以伦敦滑铁卢火车站为蓝本,兴建铁路枢纽。

    Chengdu , the capital of southwestern Sichuan province , answered the call for stimulus action with a bold plan for a railway hub modeled after Waterloo railway station in London .

  4. 与之相比,英国最繁忙的车站--伦敦滑铁卢火车站过去12个月的进出站旅客总量为9910万人次,相当于每秒约有3名旅客进出该站。

    By contrast , London 's Waterloo was the country 's busiest station with 99.1 million passengers coming in and out during the past 12 months . The figure is equivalent to around three people per second .

  5. 身为该市另外六家公司的主席,他打算在滑铁卢等的火车站周边兴建大型住宅和商业项目,资金当然都是借来的。

    Chen , the chairman of six other state companies in the city , intends to build huge residential and commercial projects around stations such as Waterloo & with borrowed money , of course .