
  • 网络london bridge;London Bridge is Falling Down;tower bridge
  1. 伦敦桥是英国的一处重要建筑。

    London Bridge is an important construction in Britain .

  2. 他收藏了一张古老的伦敦桥版画

    He collected an old engraving of London Bridge .

  3. 比如,根据经济史学家朱迪.斯蒂芬森(JudyStephenson)的说法,负责维护伦敦桥桥墩木质分水桩的木匠按潮汐领取报酬。

    The carpenters who maintained the timber starlings on London Bridge were paid per tide , according to Judy Stephenson , an economic historian .

  4. 第三天:牌店工厂直销购物中心。伦敦桥。拉福林。

    Day3 : Lenwood Factory outlet . London Bridge . Laughlin .

  5. 伦敦桥要倒了,要倒了,要倒了

    London bridge is falling down , falling down , falling down

  6. 每天有四千人走过伦敦桥,大多是蠢才。

    Four thousand people cross London Bridge daily , mostly fool .

  7. 然后我们去了伦敦桥和伦敦塔。

    Also , we go to the London Bridge and London Tower .

  8. 伦敦桥倒掉了,倒掉了,倒掉了。

    London Bridge is falling down , falling down , falling down .

  9. 伦敦桥要倒了,我美丽的淑女

    London bridge is falling down , my fair lady

  10. 古伦敦桥建造于1176年至1209年之间。

    The old London Bridge was built between1176and1209 .

  11. 他的头被悬挂在伦敦桥。

    His head was set on London Bridge ...

  12. 我们将参观伦敦桥,西敏寺大教堂,还有大本钟。

    We will visit London Bridge , Westminster , not forgetting the Big Ben .

  13. 我们来到了泰晤士河,看到了著名的伦敦桥,

    We went down to the river Thames and saw the famous London Bridge ,

  14. 然后呢?在伦敦桥上干什么了?

    And what ? What on London bridge ?

  15. 罗马人建造的许多公路在如今的伦敦桥的位置交汇。

    Many of the roads built by the Romans met at the place where London Bridge now stands .

  16. 经常有人把它与毫不起眼的伦敦桥混为一谈。

    It is often confused with London Bridge , which is a much more nondescript bridge a short way up the river !

  17. 现在大笨钟的粉丝比塔桥和伦敦桥这些开推时间较长的账号粉丝还要多了。

    Big Ben also has more followers than Tower Bridge and London Bridge , both of which have been online for a while now .

  18. 交通部还发布了一个最拥堵重点路段清单,包括斯特拉福德车站、伦敦桥、金丝雀码头、加拿大水和银行区。

    TfL has published a list of the worst hotspots which include Stratford station , London Bridge , Canary Wharf , Canada Water and Bank .

  19. 在六座伦敦桥中选其中的一个,他说,把你的钱扔在桥上,这样比为朋友投资更好,当然那是我正式的意见。

    Choose one of the six London bridges , he said , and throw your money over it . That 's better than investing money for a friend . That 's my official opinion , of course .

  20. 据说最著名的误解事件是一位美国绅士购买了伦敦桥,误以为自己买了塔桥,把桥运到亚利桑那州,煞费苦心地重建。然而,买方后来才澄清了事实。

    Allegedly the most famous incidence of this was the purchase of London Bridge by an American gentleman who had the bridge shipped to Arizona and painstakingly rebuilt - however , the buyer in question later debunked this rumour .

  21. 哈瓦苏是一个可爱的旅游胜地:是钓鱼划船的热门选择,世界喷气滑雪比赛决赛的举办地,热气球运动爱好者的聚集地,还有19世纪风格的伦敦桥,把这个地方装点成了一个魅力十足的风景区。

    Lake Havasu is a lovely place to visit : it is a fishing and boating hot spot , hosts the International World Jet Ski Final Races , a pyrotechnics convention and a hot air balloon festival , and features the 19th century London Bridge , transported and rebuilt to span the lake instead of the Thames River .

  22. 这个地区不均等的数字是惊人的,对于男性的分析预测结果相似:一名出生于贫困地区,布莱克浦的男孩可以健康地生活47年,而对出生于伦敦骑士桥区域的男孩来说,这个数字则是79。

    The inequality is startling – and it 's a similar story for males : a baby boy born in a deprived district of Blackpool can expect just 47 years of healthy life , while in Knightsbridge in London it 's 79 .

  23. 对大厨亨利•哈里斯(HenryHarris)来说,这不是什么新鲜事。在他位于伦敦骑士桥(Knightsbridge)法式小酒馆Racine(最近已关闭)里,小牛脑是菜单上雷打不动的菜品。

    This isn 't news to chef Henry Harris , who had calves " brains permanently on the menu at his ( recently closed ) Knightsbridge brasserie Racine .

  24. 接着,利用伦敦千禧桥的振动实测资料对所提出的理论进行验证。

    Subsequently , the above theory was verified through the comparison with the results of the full scale vibration test of the Millennium Bridge .

  25. 周二在伦敦千禧桥举行的游行活动寓意组织者说的他们想在全世界的冲突地区建筑的和平之桥。

    The march on London 's Millenium Bridge Tuesday signified the Bridge of Peace that organizers say they want to build through conflict zones all over the world .

  26. 一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。

    A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today .

  27. 1932年的今天,伦敦朗伯斯桥由英国国王乔治五世揭幕开通运行。

    1932-Lambeth Bridge , London , opened by King George V of the United Kingdom .

  28. 据报道,这座世界上最昂贵的豪宅位于英国伦敦的骑士桥区。

    It is reported that this world most expensive mansion was located in the knight bridge area of London .

  29. 数百年间伦敦只有一座桥。

    For hundreds of years London possessed only one bridge .

  30. 然而,许多人并不明白为什么这座桥和伦敦的其他许多桥如此不同。

    However , many people don 't realise why it is so different from London 's other bridges .