
  • 网络Ethical behavior;ethical conduct
  1. 中国的哲学关于伦理行为有哪些学说?

    What does Chinese philosophy teach about ethical behavior ?

  2. 来访者对心理咨询师/治疗师伦理行为评价状况的研究

    A Study of Clients ' Evaluation on Ethical Behavior of Their Counselors or Psychotherapists

  3. 现代企业的伦理行为及政府导向作用

    Ethic Behaviors of Modern Enterprise and the Guide function of Government

  4. 构建现代市场经济秩序依赖健全的企业伦理行为。必须科学界定我国现阶段企业伦理行为结构以及选择、塑造方式。

    Making up modern enterprise depends on wholesome ethic action of enterprise .

  5. 在经济伦理行为中大众媒体的角色非常重要。

    The mass media is essential for ethical business conduct .

  6. 那么,亚洲商学院是如何教授伦理行为的呢?

    So how is ethical behaviour to be taught in Asian business schools ?

  7. 经济活动:作为伦理行为的思想来源

    Economic Activity : Ideological Source of Ethic Behavior

  8. 企业伦理行为的经济学分析

    An Economical Analyse on the Enterprise Ethic Behavior

  9. 伦理行为概念辩难

    Authentication of the Concept of Ethics Behaviour

  10. 人的伦理行为之分析

    Analysis of Human Being 's Ethic Behavior

  11. 特征所固有的复杂性决定了一个人的道德伦理行为等。

    The inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions .

  12. 但是,他们也必须解释伦理行为所要求的对环境的尊重。

    However , they must also explain that ethical behavior demands a respect for the environment .

  13. 来访者的文化程度与心理咨询或治疗师伦理行为的关系

    Research on the Relationships between Education Level of Clients and Ethical Behavior of Their Counselors or Psychotherapists

  14. 企业伦理行为与企业资金、技术等一样影响着企业的全面发展,它们形成合力,共同推动企业前进。

    Enterprise ethic action , like capital and technology , influences and promote the development of the enterprises .

  15. 研究企业经营管理者道德状况对企业伦理行为的影响机制;

    To explore the mechanism that the ethicality of managers affects the ethical behavior of the entire enterprise ;

  16. 第四,环境伦理行为习惯的教育,这也是环境伦理教育的最终目的。

    Fourth , education of conduct habit of environmental ethics is the final purpose of environmental ethics education .

  17. 道德价值客体是人的伦理行为事实,其主体是社会整体。

    The object of moral value is human 's ethical behavior , and its subject is the whole society .

  18. 汉代孝伦理行为的礼仪形式化&以汉代伦理与制度整合、互动为考察中心

    The Amenity and Formalization of Filial Piety in Han Dynasty & Focusing on the Interacting of Ethic and System

  19. 要规范人们的网络伦理行为,必须进行网络伦理建设。

    In order to regulate people 's behavior of network ethics , we must conduct the construction of network ethics .

  20. 生态伦理行为在使行为主体和自然获得正效用的同时,也增进了其他人的利益,是人与自然共同体内的一种帕累托改进。

    Ecological ethic behavior brings positive utility to the behavior subject and nature . Furthermore , it enhances benefits of others .

  21. 企业家的伦理行为与企业社会资本的积累&一个经济学和社会学的比较分析框架

    Entrepreneurs ' Ethical Behavior and the Social Capital Accumulation of the Corporations : A comparative analytic frame of Economics and Sociology

  22. 同样,这本书也让它的读者面临选择,怎样的伦理行为能让自己受益。

    Likewise , this book confronts you , the reader , to make ethical choices that will be to your advantage .

  23. 经济伦理学的双重目标决定了我们用同样的双重目标来评价经济、伦理行为。

    The dual target of economic ethics decides that we must evaluate the economy , ethics the behavior with same dual standard .

  24. 作者将人与自然视为一个共同体,以共同体的福利变化为基准对生态伦理行为进行了经济评价。

    Regarding human and nature as a community , the author appraises ecological ethic behavior basing on welfare change of this community .

  25. 职业经理人在道德认知和伦理行为方面存在冲突。

    There is a contradiction between the thought of morality and the behavior of morality on the selves of many professional managers .

  26. 此外,大部分上市公司对财务决策过程的伦理行为还未引起足够的重视。

    In addition , most listed companies in the financial decision-making process on the ethical behavior has not yet attracted sufficient attention .

  27. 中国高校教师在科研和教学方面表现出来的非伦理行为日益引起社会的关注。

    There is progressing concerns on the unethical behaviors of the teachers in Chinese universities behaved in the field of research and teaching .

  28. 法律与相关联的道德伦理行为规范的契合,构成了法律制度稳定和合理运行的基础。

    The harmonious connection between laws and relevant rules governing moral and ethical behavior ensures the stable and sound functioning of the legislative system .

  29. 生态伦理行为具有普遍性,包括个人消费行为、企业生产行为、政府和非政府组织在环境保护中的具体实践。

    Eco-ethical behavior shares universality , which includes respondents shopping behavior , company consumer behavior and the concrete practice of governmental and non-governmental organizations .

  30. 然而,单纯从行为事实是推不出行为应该的,只有通过法律目的判断以及法律伦理行为事实和法律目的之关系判断才能从法律伦理行为事实如何推导出法律伦理行为应该如何。

    But the distinction cannot be drawn without finding the purpose of law and determining the relationship between legal ethical behavior and legal objectives .