
  • 网络lso;The London Symphony Orchestra;London Sinfonietta;London Philharmonic Orchestra
  1. 巴里塔克韦尔是伦敦交响乐团的主号手。

    Barry Tuckwell be principal horn with the London Symphony orchestra .

  2. 伦敦交响乐团的演出。

    Lily : A London Symphony Orchestra concert .

  3. 西蒙拉特将是伦敦交响乐团的客座指挥。

    Simon Rattle will be the guest conductor with the London smphony orchestra .

  4. 乐队大多数成员都来自该银行,不过也有一些来自伦敦交响乐团。

    Most of the members are from the bank , though there are also some players from the LSO .

  5. 在他灌录的唱片里就有与温哥华交响乐团合作的李斯特钢琴协奏曲全集以及与伦敦交响乐团合作的全套柴可夫斯基钢琴协奏曲。

    His recordings include piano concertos by Liszt with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and the complete Tchaikovsky concerto cycle with the London Symphony Orchestra .

  6. 我们的学校以音乐的传统而闻名,女校友中有3人现在在伦敦交响乐团。

    Our school is famous for its musical tradition , and there are three of its old girls in the present London Philharmonic Orchestra .

  7. 举个选择演讲内容的例子:伦敦交响乐团邀请我为郎朗的独奏音乐会做三分钟致辞。

    Give you an example here . I was invited to make a three-minute speech for Lang Langs solo concert in London to a very learned audience .

  8. 去年11月,她代替生病的朗朗,在演出前一天通知的情况下,与伦敦交响乐团合作了李斯特的第一钢琴协奏曲并获得了好评。

    Last November she replaced an ailing Lang Lang at a day 's notice and performed Liszt 's first piano concerto with the London Symphony Orchestra to critical acclaim .

  9. 瑟维斯先生发现伦敦交响乐团得益于瓦列里·格吉耶夫的高强度风格,坚信“晚上开场前一切都能就绪”,但柏林爱乐乐团就更加青睐西蒙·拉特尔那种略微周密的做事方法。

    Mr Service finds that the London Symphony Orchestra see the benefit of Valery Gergiev 's high-octane , " everything will be all right on the night " attitude , but that the Berlin Philharmonic rely on a slightly more thorough approach from Sir Simon Rattle .

  10. 同时,他也是个自由大提琴家并与伦敦各主要交响乐团合作。

    At the same time he worked as a freelance'cellist with the major London orchestras .

  11. 伦敦拥有数量众多的交响乐园,如伦敦交响乐团、皇家爱乐乐团和英格兰室内乐园。

    The sheer number of symphony orchestras is impressive and includes the London Symphony Orchestra , the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the English Chamber Orchestra .