
  • 网络ROSAT;Rontgensatellit,ROSAT
  1. NASA钱拉德和雨燕卫星*,欧洲天文中心的XMM-牛顿*以及德国的伦琴卫星*的观测,揭露出该物体自1995年到2007年间,持续发出强x射线。

    Data from Chandra , NASA 's Swift satellite , the European Space Agency 's XMM-Newton and the German ROSAT observatory revealed a bright source of X-rays that has remained steady during observation from 1995 to 2007 .

  2. 在爱因斯坦卫星和伦琴卫星时代,在对许多邻近星系的观测中,我们已经发现了辐射软x射线的热气体。

    Soft X-ray emitting hot gas has been discovered in many nearby galaxies .

  3. 欧洲宇航局向德国《明镜》杂志透露,最新测算结果表明,如果这枚2.5吨重的伦琴号卫星重返地球的时间再推迟7分钟,拥有2000万人口的中国首都北京将面临深度撞击。

    The European Space Agency told Das Spiegel magazine that its new calculations have discovered that if the 2.5-ton Rosat satellite 's re-entry had been delayed for seven more minutes , the Chinese capital of 20 million people would have faced a deep impact .