
  • 网络ethic principles;ethical principle;principle of ethics
  1. 高校学生管理的法律介入与伦理原则探讨

    On the Legal Intervention and Ethical Principles in University Students Management

  2. 企业家战略激励机制中的伦理原则

    The Ethical Principles in the Entrepreneurs ' Strategic Incentive Mechanism

  3. 尊重人体尸体:人体解剖教学的伦理原则

    Respect for Cadavers : ethical principle of teaching and learning anatomy

  4. 《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》的伦理原则解析

    Ethical Principle in Regulations of Coping with Public Health Affairs Outbreak

  5. 我国卫生改革的医学道德意义和伦理原则

    The moral values and ethics principle of health reforms in China

  6. 试论和谐社会的伦理原则与运行机制

    On the Ethic Principle and Operation Mechanism In Building Harmonious Society

  7. 人类干细胞之伦理原则与监管政策(上)

    Ethical Principle and Oversight Policy of Human Stem Cells ( I )

  8. 转基因食品安全性的人类健康伦理原则探析

    Ethical Exploration on the Safety of Genetically Modified Food and Human Health

  9. 试述我国器官移植的伦理原则

    On the Ethic Principles of Organ Transplantation in Our Country

  10. 对此,提出:①严格遵循医学伦理原则;

    So we present that ① strictly to following medical ethical principle ;

  11. 精神科医生行使干涉权的前提和伦理原则

    The Exercising Premise and Ethical Principles of Psychiatrists ' Right of Intervention

  12. 第三章提出传媒导向的伦理原则和可能的解决途径。

    Chapter III proposed media-oriented ethical principles and possible solutions .

  13. 第三章自杀报道的伦理原则。

    Chapter Three is on ethical principles of suicide reports .

  14. 论突发性灾害救济的公共伦理原则

    On the Principles of Relief of the Unexpected Disasters of All Kinds

  15. 对临床伦理原则若干问题的认识

    Understanding of Some Problems in Principles of Clinical Medical Ethics

  16. 政治文明建设的社会主义伦理原则

    The Socialism Ethic Principle of the Construction of Political Civilization

  17. 基因技术的伦理原则奠定了相关法制的基石。

    The ethic principle of gene technology is base of corresponding law .

  18. 公共健康实践的伦理原则探析

    Exploration on the Ethical Principles of Public Health Practice

  19. 论人与自然的关系及其伦理原则

    Relationship between Humanity and Nature and its Ethical Principle

  20. 论高校人力资源管理的伦理原则

    On the Ethical Principle of Human Resource Management in Institutions of Higher Learning

  21. 论优良的传统伦理原则在高校思想政治工作中的运用

    On the Application of Traditional Ethic Principles in College Ideological and Political Work

  22. 最后基于义务教育均衡发展的伦理原则上提出了相应的对策。

    Finally , this thesis provides countermeasures based on compulsory education equalization theory .

  23. 论经济服务活动中的伦理原则

    On the Ethical Principles in Activities of Economic Service

  24. 戒毒工作中生命伦理原则探讨

    Discussions of the Bioethics Principles in Stopping Drug Abuse

  25. 它即是一项伦理原则又是一项法律权利。

    It is an ethical principle that it is also a legal rights .

  26. 资源可持续利用:一种资源利用伦理原则

    Sustainable utilization : an ethical principle of resources utilization

  27. 专利制度体现了道德精神,是符合伦理原则的。

    It embodies the moral spirit , accords with the principle of ethics .

  28. 赫尔辛基宣言:医用涉及人类受试者研究的伦理原则。

    Declaration of Helsinki : Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects .

  29. 采纳和应用道德伦理原则似乎是件很难的事。

    Adopting and applying ethics principles can seem daunting .

  30. 文章第三部分主要介绍了休闲的伦理原则。

    In the third part , it mainly introduces the principles of leisure ethics .