
yǔ yán fēn xī
  • Language Analysis;phonetic analysis
  1. BASIC的发展及教学语言分析

    The Development of BASIC and Instruction Language Analysis

  2. 基于XML的用户界面描述语言分析

    A Review and Analysis of XML - Based User Interface Language

  3. 信息检索Query语言分析

    Query Analysis for Information Retrieval

  4. 他于2010年加入IBM,曾从事过eclipseRCP和RAP、Java并发编程以及动态语言分析等工作。

    He joined IBM in 2010 and has experience in Eclipse RCP and RAP , Java concurrency programming , and dynamic program analysis .

  5. PRO-ATN自然语言分析系统

    Pro-atn natural language analysis system

  6. 商务信函的语言分析

    A Goal-oriented Approach to the Analysis of Language in Business Correspondence

  7. 高田贤三服饰设计的色彩语言分析

    Analysis of the Color Expression of Dress Adornment Designed by Kenzo Takada

  8. 韩礼德系统语法语言分析的模式

    Ways of Language Analysis Adopted by Systemic Linguist M.A.K. Halliday

  9. 水彩画本体语言分析与思考

    An Analysis and thinking on the True Language of Watercolor

  10. 图片新闻的语言分析球墨铸铁金相图片分析系统

    Image Analysis System for Nodular Cast Iron PICTURE SHOW

  11. 上下文无关语言分析树的一种表示形式

    A representation of parse tree for context free language

  12. 行为语言分析及语用解读

    Analysis and pragmatic understanding of body - act language

  13. 六朝墓志未成年年龄词语的文化与语言分析

    Cultural and lingual analysis on the words and expressions of nonage of Six Dynasties MuZhi

  14. 现代网络中的语言分析

    The Lingual Analysis of the Modern Network

  15. 商业英语中外贸合同与外贸信件的情景与语言分析

    Situational and Linguistic Analysis on Foreign Trade Contracts and Foreign Trade Letters in Business English

  16. 标记理论在语言分析的各个层面上均有独特的功效,在语义层面上也不例外。

    Markedness theory has a unique function on all levels of linguistic analysis , including semantics .

  17. 图片新闻的语言分析

    A Linguistic Analysis of Journalistic Photographs

  18. 前景化与文学语言分析

    Foreground and analysis of literary language

  19. 几种入侵检测规则语言分析

    Analysis of Several IDS Description Languages

  20. 批评话语分析作为一种语言分析方法,正引起人们的广泛关注。

    As an important approach to the analysis of language , critical discourse analysis has drawn great attention .

  21. 普遍的伦理知识何以可能?&从伦理学语言分析到言语行为分析

    Conditions of Possibility for a Universal Ethics & From the language analysis of ethics to speech acts analysis

  22. 这也正是作者写这篇论文的初衷,希望能在中国小学课堂这一背景下,为课堂语言分析的研究作一点贡献。

    The motive of writing this thesis is to make some contributions to classroom discourse analysis under Chinese background .

  23. 介绍语言分析方法、模拟研究情景、指导小论文写作以培养语言研究能力。

    And develop students'language studying ability by introducing language analysis methods , simulating research circumstances and guiding essay writing .

  24. 在众多语言分析类别中,用系统功能语法来研究英语公众演说是一项比较新颖的尝试。

    Systemic functional analysis of English public speaking is a relatively new trial in various kinds of discourse analysis .

  25. 5分析了框架中主要的数据预处理功能模块:分词、语言分析、模型建立、特征提取。

    Analyzing the main modules in the framework , such as word split , language analysis , modeling and feature selection .

  26. 现实中的语言分析要复杂得多,但作为演示,这种简单的方法已经足够。

    A real linguistic analysis certainly has to be more sophisticated , but for demonstration purposes this simple approach is sufficient .

  27. 我希望我们可以有精通语言分析的志愿者加入进来,帮助我们制定衡量注释质量的标准。

    I 'm hoping we 'll get some seriously smart linguistic programming guys and gals on the project to help us gauge quality .

  28. 传统的翻译研究大多停留在语言分析层面,重点在于对原作与译作在语言层面的对比。

    Traditional translation study attaches great importance to the linguistic aspect of translation , focusing on the comparison of the original works and their translations .

  29. 受盎格鲁-萨克森和德意志两种哲学传统的影响,维特根斯坦在《逻辑哲学论》中借助语言分析的途径,力图为“神秘之域”求得避难之所。

    Influenced by both Anglo-Saxon and German philosophical tradition , Wittgenstein strove to find a refuge for'Mystical Field'through the method of language analysis in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus .

  30. 语言分析不应仅仅局限于语法分析及词语释义,而应该被理解为一个复杂的心理认知过程。

    The analysis of language should not be simply limited to the grammatical analysis and the elaboration of words , but a complex cognitive process of psychology .