
yǔ bìng
  • faulty wording or formulation;solecism;faulty formulation
语病 [yǔ bìng]
  • [faulty formulation] 语文中措词失当或不合逻辑的毛病

语病[yǔ bìng]
  1. 本文在前人相关研究的基础上构建新的分析框架,从三个平面角度对现代汉语语病进行详细分类,通过举例分析,对语病产生的原因略加解释。

    This text structures the new analysis frame on the basis of forefathers ' relevant research , classifies faulty wording or formulation from three dimension angles , makes detailed analysis of many sentences , explains the cause of emerging faulty wording or formulation .

  2. 这句话有语病。

    This sentence is not grammatical .

  3. 教师应采取有效方法纠正学生的语病。

    Teachers should take effective measures to correct students ' errors .

  4. 董事长有喜欢重复的语病,有时会造成赘述。

    The president 's weakness for repetition sometimes results in tautology .

  5. 复杂定语因其结构复杂,往往容易引起语病。

    Its complex construction may easily lead to faulty wordings .

  6. 然而,《纲要》朗读作品中语言不规范甚至有语病的问题,还是屡见不鲜。

    However , these works in Outline still contain many language problems .

  7. 这句话严格说起来,是有语病的。

    There is something wrong in this sentence , if it is taken strictly .

  8. 医学论文中典型病句语病分析

    Analysis of typical wrong sentences in medical papers

  9. 大学生常见语病现象分析

    Analysing the Common Faulty Formulation Among College Students

  10. 《姑苏晚报》、《现代苏州》中语病的考察分析

    The Study and Analysis of Solecism in " Suzhou Evening News "," Modern Suzhou "

  11. 认真学习现代汉语语法和逻辑知识是减少语病的根本途径。

    To study modern Chinese and logic knowledge is the fundamental approach to decrease grammatical errors .

  12. 我可能在这封信里写了些语病,你能帮我找找么?

    Maybe I made some mistakes in this letter , can you help me to find these mistakes ?

  13. 语病评判中语义与语法的交互作用&语义重复与成分赘余再思考

    The Interaction of Semantics and Syntax in the Faulty Wording Judgment & Rethinking Semantic Repetition , Constituent Redundancy

  14. 目前,对于语病学方面的研究还不是很多,其主要分为语言障碍、语言发展迟缓、失语症几大方面。

    Researches on the language pathology are mainly performed in language disorders , language delay , or aphasia .

  15. 语病重复是语句结构上的累赘,是应该删除的多余成分。

    Well , the repeated faulty wording is a wordiness of the sentence structure , which should be deleted .

  16. 第二章语义平面的语病分为搭配不当、语义重复、语义歧义、语义含混、语义矛盾等。

    Semantic faulty wording or formulation includes discollocation , duplicated semantics , semantic ambiguity , semantic indistinct , and semantic contradictory .

  17. 语病评判的角度、精度和效度&以凯旋及有关啰嗦问题为例

    On the Angles , Accuracy , and Validity of Wording Judgment & A Case Study of " kaixuan " and Related Problems

  18. 在来稿中不少稿件标题不确切,摘要、提要混淆,句子有语病。

    Many titles in the contributions fail to be precise , abstracts are treated as guidelines , sentences do not conform to publication standard , etc.

  19. 而语病现象的产生又由很多不同的原因造成,例如生理原因、语言学方面原因、甚至是不具体的一些原因也可能构成语病。

    The phenomenon of language pathology could result from many reasons , such as biological factors , linguistic aspects , and even non-specific respects at all .

  20. 我们训练我们的耳朵去听例会的「每日一字」单元、填充字汇、动词语病、形容用语、及演讲者灵巧运用的句子转折。

    We train our ears to hear the Word of the Day , filler words , verbal viruses , descriptive language and brilliant turns-of-phrase that speakers use .

  21. 对此,我们要制定出切实可行的防病、纠病措施,缩短语病的僵化持续时间,避免语言错误的永久内化。

    Accordingly , practical measures to prevent or correct errors should be taken so as to shorten the duration of stabilized errors and avoid their permanent fossilization .

  22. 但是在过去很长的时间里学者们对歧义的研究主要局限于语义学领域,因此歧义被当成是一种语病。

    While , for a long time , ambiguity was mainly studied in the field of semantics , and it was regarded as a kind of language misuse .

  23. 从大学英语的语病僵化现象来看,与我国的英语教学密切相关的语病僵化现象有4个显著特点:语病僵化期呈弹性;

    In the light of college English error stabilization , the error stabilization closely related to TEFL in China presents four striking features : the duration of error stabilization is elastic ;

  24. 把延边大学韩国语专业达到中级水平学生的作文作为研究的语料,统计所有在定语语尾使用上出现语病的句子。

    Put the Yanbian University , Korean professional students ' writing as a research corpus by who have reached an intermediate level , to statistic all the language disease which are appear on the adnominal endings .

  25. 作为一个作家,人们经常问我相似的问题:“你的编辑就帮你改改错别字,修改一下语病吗?”“不,那是校对的工作职责。编辑的职责是……参见上文。”

    As a writer I got always a similar question : " Is your editor correcting typos and grammar ? " Ehm , no , that is the job of the corrector . The editors job is .. see above

  26. 学生们在掌握在各个语用场合使用合适的角色语,采用不同的语用模式,以达到不同的交际目的的同时,也在逐渐地排除学习中的障碍,纠正语病,提高自己的语言能力。

    When students choose different pragmatic models and use different role 's words for different communicative purposes in different language situations , they can gradually get rid of obstacles , correct grammatical mistakes , and enhance their language competence .

  27. 引起语病的原因事实上也不能同语言输入质量,家长与儿童间的情感,儿童所处的语言社团相分离。

    As a matter of fact , the reasons of language problems are not isolated from the quantity and quality of input , the emotional relationship with parents , as well as speech community to which the children are exposed .

  28. 作文教学采取模式化的三段论形式,从形式上看很多的学生作文似乎让人放心。但是就是抛开语病不说,段落中的每一句话却在衔接连贯层面存在很大的混乱。

    Composition teaching take the mode of syllogistic form , on the whole a lot of students writing seems reassuring , is set aside and not to say , every sentence in the paragraph on cohesion and coherence in terms of great confusion .