
  • 网络Language code;lang
  1. 在独立的国际化Java应用程序中,语言代码是通过查询系统获得的。

    In internationalized stand-alone Java applications , the language code is queried from the system .

  2. 缺省语言代码将被应用到任何未指明语言代码的description值上。

    This default language code will be applied to any description values that are provided with no language code .

  3. 在version函数后,我们来专心研究一些很不错的C语言代码。

    After the version function , we settle down to some nice C code .

  4. 调用并且输出C语言代码的方法将会正确的声明和写入这些代码。

    The code that runs the methods and outputs C code will notice that and write that out properly .

  5. 然后,详细地讨论了确定网络结构与参数的步骤、学习算法和部分C语言代码。

    After that , discuss in detail the process of deciding the net construction and parameter , learning algorithm and language C code .

  6. 有些汇编语言代码是利用gcc的内嵌语句直接嵌在C语言程序中的;

    Some assemble language codes are directly embedded in C language programs by embedded sentence .

  7. 现在,我和大家一起写C语言代码,但我不指望写出来后就能跑起来。

    Today , I 'm gonna start writing C code with you but I can 't just write it and expect it to do anything .

  8. Fowler的书里满是Java语言代码的例子。

    Fowler ? s book is full of example Java language code .

  9. 利用该算法,成功实现了OSEK规范中OIL语法描述代码到C语言代码的转换。

    Using this method , we successfully convert OIL , which is one of important parts of OSEK specifications , to C.

  10. 地区由两个字母的语言代码和两个字母的国家代码来指定,这些代码是由ISO标准定义的。

    Locales are based on the two-letter language codes and two-letter country codes defined by ISO standards .

  11. BIOS是一段8086/8088机器语言代码,调用BIOS是利用中断调用,只有汇编语言才能直接调用。

    BIOS is a 8086 / 8088 machine language code segment .

  12. 在完成离线仿真后,应用Matlab/RTW完成了C语言代码的自动生成,并验证了代码的正确性。

    The C-language code of the control strategy was auto-generated in Matlab RTW when the off-line simulation was finished , and the authenticity of C-language code was subsequently verified .

  13. 然后,通过对组成编码器的其他算法进行分析,利用高效的线性汇编或者内联函数改写了许多C语言代码,缩短了代码执行时间。

    We rewrite the C language in the encoder with optimized linear assembly language and inline functions , in this way , the executing time of original code is reduced .

  14. 示例API解决方案提供的功能有限,基本上,您必须编写自己的C语言代码来完成大多数任务。

    The functionality provided in the sample API solution is limited , and you must basically write your own code in the C programming language to accomplish most tasks .

  15. Verilog语言代码的RTL级实现及其仿真综合验证;

    The third level is coding , simulation and validation of language Verilog .

  16. 构建了利用SOAP传输数据的通信模型,并用JAVA语言代码实现了对XML数据的封装及数据传输的软件配置与实现。

    Sets up the exploitation SOAP delivers the communication model of the data , realizes the data of XML pack in JAVA language and software deployment and delivery .

  17. 首先,代码的关键是在调用的方法的代码执行前会自动注册C语言代码段“POP(self,FIXNUMP)”。

    First , the point of that code is to automatically register that the C code " POP ( self , FIXNUM_P )" should be run before code in the method .

  18. 如果您要从Perl中调用C语言代码,您必须使用h2xs创建一个模块。

    To call C code from Perl , you have to create a module using h2xs .

  19. 简要介绍了系统的硬件结构和软件设计,给出了数据采集、数据网格表显示、端口设置等VB语言代码。

    The hardware frame and software design of the system is introduced . Set out the VB language code of data collection and port setup .

  20. 相对于我在以前文章中所描述的映射绑定方法,根据Schema或DTD文法生成Java语言代码具有一些突出的优点。

    Generating Java language code from a Schema or DTD grammar offers some major advantages over the mapping binding approach I described in the earlier article .

  21. 基于SDL语言代码自动生成技术研究

    Research on Automatic Code Generation Based on SDL

  22. 总体说来,JAXB正成为一种功能强大而灵活的工具,它用于将Java语言代码绑定到W3CXMLSchema文法所定义的文档。

    Overall , JAXB is shaping up as a powerful and flexible tool for binding Java language code to documents defined by W3C XML Schema grammars .

  23. 它包含locale文件夹,使用小写格式,并用连字符分隔语言代码和可选的国家代码。

    It contains the locale folders , which are lower cased , and a hyphen separates the language code from the optional country code .

  24. 并针对DS1991A器件,编写C语言代码调用接口函数,成功地读出了标识码。

    The marking code can be read out by using C language code with called back the interface function for the DS1991A .

  25. 为了充分发挥硬件平台的性能,重写了算法的C语言代码,采用了各种基于硬件的优化方法,实现了算法的软件流水和并行计算,生成了高效率的目标执行程序。

    In order to fully utilize the hardware capability , the algorithmic C code has been rewritten , adopting several optimization methods based on hardware . Finally the software pipeline and parallel processing is realized , high efficiency target executable program is generated .

  26. Cheetah最初被设计为生成HTML文本,但您可以用它生成任何基于文本的格式:XML、SQL,甚至是Python或其他编程语言代码。

    Cheetah was originally designed to generate HTML , and you can use it to generate any text-based format : XML , SQL , even Python or other programming language code .

  27. 同时,学生可以方便地设计类图之间的关系,并将这种关系动态地映射为Java语言代码。

    At the same time , students can easily design class diagram and the relationship between class and class diagram . The diagram and the relationship between class and class diagram can dynamically map into the Java language code .

  28. 在讨论现有表面粗糙度高斯滤波方法的优缺点的基础上,推导了高斯回归滤波及高斯稳健滤波的卷积算法和快速傅里叶算法过程,编写了算法的C语言代码。

    On the basis of comprehensive researches of the existing Gaussian filtering method for surface roughness , the convolution algorithm and fast Fourier transform algorithm for the Gaussian regression filter and Gaussian robust filter have been deduced and the C codes have been programmed .

  29. Contents字段就可以存储文件的数据。或者列名是:”language”,可以存储一个“EN”的语言代码字符串。

    In his examples , the rows were URLs and the columns had names such as " contents : "( which would store the file data ) or " language : "( which would contain a string such as " EN ") .

  30. 该文使用UML技术构建了网络考试管理系统的各类模型,借此生成Java编程语言代码,实现系统的跨平台、开放性和可扩展性等要求。

    This paper demonstrates different models of network examination management system in using UML technology , therefore developing Java program language code . The features of the system are flexible , open , extendable and workable on different platforms .