
  • 网络Southeast;southeast region;South East
  1. 本文利用GIS(MapVGIS)分析鄂东南地区铁矿成矿地质条件和找矿预测。

    In this paper GIS is applied to analyse ore-form-ing conditions and prediction of Fe ore deposits in Southeast Hubei province .

  2. 河南省豫东南地区420例HIV感染者亚型分析

    Analysis of Gene Sequence and Subtype of HIV Strains among 420 Positives in Southeast Area of Henan Province

  3. 我国东南地区πg波的频散特征

    Dispersion characteristic of the π _ g wave in southeastern China

  4. 目的了解河南省豫东南地区HIV-1流行株的亚型及序列变异特征。

    Objective To investigate the subtype distribution and sequence characteristics of HIV-1 strains in southwestern area of Henan province .

  5. 鄂东南地区Cu-Au-Mo-(W)矿床的成矿时代及其成矿地球动力学背景探讨:辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄

    Metallogenic epoch and geodynamic framework of Cu-Au-Mo - ( W ) deposits in Southeastern Hubei Province : Constraints from Re-Os molybdenite ages

  6. 华南前汛期降水与我国近海海温的SVD分析中国东南地区及近海海域气溶胶反演遥感研究

    SVD Analysis between the annually first raining period precipitation in the south of China and the SST over offshore waters in China

  7. GLEAMS模型在我国东南地区模拟硝氮淋失的检验

    Testing GLEAMS for Nitrate Leaching Modeling in an Agricultural Catchment of Southeast China

  8. 本文利用1987年8月在江西省寻乌发生的三次5.0级以上地震的记录资料,讨论了我国东南地区πg波的传播特征。

    Using the data of the three earthquakes ( M_L > 5.0 ) which occurred in Xunwu , Jiangxi Province in August 1987 , we have discussed a travel characteristics of the π _g wave in Southeastern China .

  9. 通过对渝东南地区旅游业的SWOT的分析,其旅游功能定位应为生态、民族民俗风情文化旅游区,必须加强对渝东南旅游资源的开发。

    A SWOT analysis of the tourist industry makes it clear that its function should be located as " a tourist and ecological area with ethnic and folk customs " .

  10. 北坡NDVI变化斜率最大的区域主要在最北段和山脊线附近,山脊线附近的植被覆盖明显增加,南坡NDVI变化斜率区域分布较为均匀,东南地区显著增加的区域相对较高。

    North Slope largest regional NDVI changes , mainly in the northern section of the slope and ridgeline near the ridgeline near vegetation cover increased significantly change the slope of the southern slope of NDVI regional distribution is more uniform , relatively high significant increase in the Southeast region .

  11. 湘东南地区震旦纪地层的新划分与区域对比

    New Stratigraphic Division and Correlation of Sinian System in Southeastern Hunan

  12. 闽东南地区无震期水氡正常动态的变化

    The normal dynamic changes of radon in water of southeastern Fujian

  13. 宋元之际东南地区移民研究

    Study on the Migration of Southeast Area between Song and Yuan

  14. 试论中国东南地区大陆边缘构造演化的特征

    On the characteristics of tectonic evolution of SE China continental margin

  15. 滇东南地区金矿区域成矿条件及成矿模式

    Regional metallogenic conditions and prospecting directions of gold deposits in southeastern Yunnan

  16. 中长周期数字化面波记录与中国东南地区地壳结构

    Mid-long period digital surface-wave data and the crustal structure of south-east China

  17. 粤西&桂东南地区地震活动性探讨

    Discussion on seismicity in the zone from West Guangdong to Southeast Guangxi

  18. 中国东南地区中新生代岩盐矿床的沉积成盐特征

    Sedimentary and Salt Forming Characteristics of Meso-Cenozoic Halite Deposits in Southeast China

  19. 鄂东南地区早三叠世中晚期沉积相和沉积古地理

    Middle and late Early Triassic sedimentary facies and palaeogeography in Southeastern Hubei

  20. 论中国东南地区被子植物区系特点

    Some Discussion on the Characteristics of Angiosperm Flora in the Southeast China

  21. 从个碧石铁路看滇东南地区近代民营企业的成长

    On Growth of Modern Private Enterprises in Southeast Yunnan Ethnic Minority Areas

  22. 滇越铁路与滇东南地区近代交通转型之关系探析

    Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and Modernization of Modern Transportation in Southeast Yunnan

  23. 建设小城市,加快陇东南地区城市化进程

    Build Small Cities and Quicken Urbanization of Mini Jiang-nan in

  24. 中国东南地区沉积盆地的构造演化

    On the tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins in southeastern China

  25. 滇东南地区泥盆纪层序地层格架及海平面变化

    The stratigraphic framework of Devonian sequence and sea level changes in Southeast Yunnan

  26. 中国东南地区塑性流动波与地震迁移(Ⅰ)

    Plastic-flow waves and earthquake migration in Southeast China (ⅰ)

  27. 上古时期中国东南地区的太阳崇拜

    Worship of the Sun in the Southeast Areas of China in Ancient Time

  28. 安徽东南地区的竹类资源及其经营利用

    Bamboo resources in Southeastern Anhui Province and its management

  29. 陇东南地区退耕还林中几个关系的思考

    Thinking about Questions on Retreating Plow and Returning Forestry in Long Southeast Area

  30. 1995年太湖流域东南地区的洪涝灾害

    The 1995 rainfall and flood disaster in the southeast of Taihu Lake Basin