
yǔ yīn
  • voice;pronunciation;speech sounds
语音 [yǔ yīn]
  • [speech sounds;pronounciation] 语言的声音;说话时发出的声音

语音[yǔ yīn]
  1. 学习外语,先从语音入手。

    One begins a foreign language by learning the speech sounds .

  2. 各种语言的语音总在不断变迁。

    The speech sounds of all languages are gradually but constantly changing .

  3. 我的语音信箱里有她含混不清的留言。

    There was a garbled message from her on my voicemail .

  4. 我们学习了语音、重读和语调。

    We worked on pronunciation , stress and intonation .

  5. 语音是由不同频率和强度的声波组成的。

    Speech is made up of sound waves that vary in frequency and intensity .

  6. 进入“控制面板”双击“语音”图标就能看到所有的声音选项。

    Go to Control Panel and double-click on Sounds for a list of sounds .

  7. 这些都是语音符号。

    These are the phonetic symbols .

  8. 把“grandma”读成“grammar”是语音同化的一个例证。

    “ Grandma ” pronounced as “ grammar ” is an example of assimilation .

  9. 我们系已经聘请了一位外籍老师作为语音顾问。

    Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser .

  10. 他在演讲中着重强调了语言中语音的重要性。

    In his lecture he bore down on the importance of pronunciation in a language .

  11. 使用语音邮件传达警告给下属?

    Delivered a warning to a subordinate with a voice-mail message ?

  12. 例如,手写便条可能比语音邮件更加私人化。

    For example , a handwritten note might seem more personal than voice-mail .

  13. 按照私人化程度降序排列,其他选择有:实时电话、语音邮件、手写便条、机打信件,而最不友好的是电子邮件。

    Other choices , in descending order of personalization , are : a real-time phone call , a voice-mail message , a handwritten note , a typewritten letter , and the most unfriendly is email .

  14. 谁给你留语音邮件而不是短信?

    Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you ?

  15. 语音操作技术可能会逐渐削弱这一点。

    Voice manipulation technologies may weaken that gradually .

  16. 这些发展可能会使我们目前的机器语音电话问题更加严重。

    These developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls much worse .

  17. 然后是语音信箱。

    Then there is voice mail .

  18. 机器语音电话令人头疼的原因与其说是量大,不如说是准确度低。

    The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision .

  19. 自动语音电话的问题变得非常严重,以至于现在很多人拒绝接听未知号码的来电。

    The problem of robocalls has gotten so bad that many people now refuse to pick up calls from numbers they don 't know .

  20. 最糟糕的是那些留下语音邮件然后发电子邮件来要你去听的人。

    The worst are those who leave a voice mail and then send an e-mail message to tell you they left a voice mail .

  21. 这是因为有许多强大的语音操作和自动化技术即将广泛应用于所有人。

    That 's because there are a number of powerful voice manipulation and automation technologies that are about to become widely available for anyone to use .

  22. 在今年的“开放中创新”大会上,一家公司展示了一种新的语音技术,能够产生以假乱真的人声,能够通话并预定房间

    At this year 's I / O Conference , a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection .

  23. 然后转到了语音信箱。

    Then it went to voicemail .

  24. 他从屏幕上选择他要说的话,然后由一个语音合成器说出。

    He chose his words from the screen , which were then spoken by a voice synthesizer .

  25. 不要发60秒的长语音,也不要发OK一类的一秒语音。

    Don 't send a voice message as long as 60 seconds . And don 't send a voice message that contains something as short as an " OK " .

  26. 不出所料,女孩名亚莉克莎(Alexa)的使用量在一年内减半,这可能是因为它与亚马逊智能音箱的语音助手同名,从而可能会发生混淆。

    Unsurprisingly , the name Alexa halved in a year , possibly due to potential confusion with Amazon 's smart speaker .

  27. 孩子们在使用苹果Siri和亚马逊Alexa等智能语音识别装置来播放儿歌或询问这样的问题:“月亮有多大?”

    Voice-recognition gadgets1 such as Apple 's Siri and Amazon 's Alexa are being used by children to play nursery rhymes or ask questions such as " how big is the moon ? "

  28. 此后数年,核心舱应用了一系列新技术,包括太空WiFi、蓝牙、智能家电、私人语音沟通和120多种太空食物。

    In the following years , a number of new technologies have also been applied to the core cabin , including space Wi-Fi , Bluetooth , smart home applications , private phone communications , and a variety of over 120 kinds of space foods .

  29. 虽然语音相同,它们的书写却不同。

    Though phonetically alike , they are written with different ideographs .

  30. 这种“返璞归真”的手机只能用来打电话和接收语音邮件。

    The defeatured mobile handset only makes calls and accepts voice mail .