
  • 网络linguistic community
  1. 规则遵循问题与语言共同体和社会约定密切相关。

    The rule-following problem is closely related to the linguistic community and social agreement .

  2. 在伽达默尔学术晚期,强调相互理解与相互认同的“语言共同体”,转变了相对主义思想倾向。

    In the afternoon of his academic career , linguistic community which gives prominence to understanding and endorsing one another , has somehow changed the inclination of relativism .

  3. 拉丁语:近代早期欧洲的语言共同体

    Latin : Language Communities of Europe in Early Modern Times

  4. 在解读意义的规范性之后指出,语境分析为合理阐释语言共同体的作用和规范性问题提供了一种视角。

    After decoding the normativity of meaning , it points out that the contextual analysis offers a view of the reasonable interpretation of the significance of linguistic community and normativity .

  5. 本文研究的法律职业共同体一般是指包括法官、检察官、律师和法学学者所构成的意义共同体、语言共同体、知识共同体、思维共同体、解释共同体、价值共同体、自治共同体。

    The legal professional community in this paper generally refers to significance community , language community , knowledge community , thinking community , explained community , value of community and community autonomy including judges , prosecutors , lawyers and law scholars .

  6. 先验语用学是当代德国著名哲学家卡尔-奥托·阿佩尔(Karl-OttoApel)的代表思想,语言交往共同体是先验语用学的阿基米德点。

    Transcendental pragmatics is Karl-Otto Apel 's representative thought , and the language communication community is the " Archimedean point " of the transcendental pragmatics .

  7. 文章分析了语言交往共同体的规范性和先验性,以及由先验性之争而引起的哲学范式转换。

    In this article the author analyses the regularity and transcendentality of language communication community , and elucidates the transformation of philosophical paradigm which is based on the debates in the transcendentality language communication community .

  8. 中国是一个历史悠久、地区差别、语言丰富的多民族国家,官话与方言并行不悖,形成一种复调的语言/文共同体。

    China is a multi-ethnic country with a long history , great regional differences and rich languages where both Mandarin Chinese and dialects are used at the same time , forming a polyphonic language / text community .

  9. 在日常语言中,语种之间相互不可通约,而在同一语种下也会出现不同的专业语言共同体,颇有隔行如隔山的意味。

    At daily language , different languages are incommensurate , and in the same language also can be came forth different professional language community . This feel likes that " difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart " .