- 名languages;language type ;language classification;language species

[classification of language] 语言的种类,指某种语言
We also offer free health and cancer information in english , spanish , and other languages .
Why doesn 't CFA Institute offer the exam in languages other than English ?
Though born to some other language , they speak English .
After 40 years , it has developed into a global , multi-language , multi-media information platform , with its newspaper circulation reaching 700000 and the number of its multi-media product users exceeding 350 million .
Multi-Lingual Plug-ins-Currently , all plug-ins are written in Java .
Based on Red Flag linux DC Uygur , Chinese , England multilingual operating system design and realization
Design and Implementation of Multilingual GUI Processing Platform Based on Linux for Uighur , Kazakh and Khalkhas
Implement a multilingual business using SOAP
Currently , OCR ( optical character recognition ) classifiers are generally designed for one character set ( or language ) .
Develop an understanding of the features Windows offers for multilingual processing , such as language-specific keyboard layouts , regional settings for units of measurement .
Multilanguage Blending SCIM Input Method System Based on Linux
The speech recognition experiments were divided into two stages of training of multilingual corpus and testing of language recognition , the texts of training and testing came from the Open Directory Project .
Pitch frequency FO as a support vector machine ( SVM ) input to training language model .
Results Springer Link includes more 237 kinds of medical journals , the majority are published in Germany , but in English .
Org / was conducted for articles related to osteoporosis and exercise prescription between 1994 and 2006 with the key words of " Exercise prescription ; Osteoporosis " in both Chinese and English .
ICM RME receives this message and processes it in two main phases : a multilingual Natural Language Processing ( NLP ) phase , and a language-independent statistic Concept Modeling phase .
Finally the paper proposes a practical electronic documentary information mining system as a solution , it is very complicated to set up a data base of the same pattern on Internet because of various types of documents and languages .
In GMM-based language identification system , the environment and individual characteristics are always the factors that influence the identification accuracy .
Intercultural Collaboration Environment ( ICE ) is an international project on which quite a few Asian universities collaborate . It aims to exploit an online translation platform which enables communication with different Asian languages .
In order to further improve the minority language recognition system performance , apply MMI standards to baseline system framework .
Based on this optimization algorithm , the back-end classifier is designed and implemented based on FPGA , which is tested and verified via four aspects of real-time , resource utilization , accuracy and identification performance .
Meanwhile , Chinese Journals Full-Text Database ( CJFD ) were scanned to search relevant articles published from January 2001 to June 2005 with the key words of " soluble transferrin receptor , sports medicine , erythropoietin detection , altitude training , sports anemia " in Chinese .
Unicode can represent every character in the world by providing a single consistent character-to-number mapping schema ; Unicode enables applications to provide multilingual support .
Supported by the Natural Foundation of Shandong Province , the research topic of this thesis has been focused on the study of mobile robot localization and SLAM .
However , eXtensible Markup Language ( XML ) provides the standard format describing data in various types . XML builds on Unicode , so it supports many languages and has the virtue of globality .
Broadcast Speech Language Recognition Based on Sub-Band GMM-UBM
In Spanish mico means a long-tailed monkey .
UBM represents the characteristic of all different languages and each language model is obtained by employing the Bayesian adaptation from this UBM .
The five base requirements are : single executable , locale model , multilingual data ( Unicode support ), localization pack , and input and output of multilingual date .
Meanwhile , CNKI was searched for relevant Chinese articles from January 2000 to October 2006 with the key words of SNP , detection method , and related books were retrieved manually .