
yǔ zhǒng
  • languages;language type ;language classification;language species
语种 [yǔ zhǒng]
  • [classification of language] 语言的种类,指某种语言

  • 你在外语学院学的什么语种

  1. 此外我们还提供英语、西班牙语及其他语种的健康与癌症信息。

    We also offer free health and cancer information in english , spanish , and other languages .

  2. 为什么CFA协会不提供英语以外语种的考试模式呢?

    Why doesn 't CFA Institute offer the exam in languages other than English ?

  3. 他们虽然出生在别的语种国家,却都说英语。

    Though born to some other language , they speak English .

  4. 经过40年发展,已形成全球化、分众化、多语种、全媒体传播体系,报纸发行量约70万份,全媒体用户总数超过3.5亿。以下是贺信双语全文:

    After 40 years , it has developed into a global , multi-language , multi-media information platform , with its newspaper circulation reaching 700000 and the number of its multi-media product users exceeding 350 million .

  5. 多语种插件&目前,所有插件都是用Java编写的。

    Multi-Lingual Plug-ins-Currently , all plug-ins are written in Java .

  6. 基于红旗linuxDC的维、汉、英多语种操作系统的设计与实现

    Based on Red Flag linux DC Uygur , Chinese , England multilingual operating system design and realization

  7. LINUX下维、哈、柯文多语种图形化处理平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Multilingual GUI Processing Platform Based on Linux for Uighur , Kazakh and Khalkhas

  8. 使用SOAP实现多语种业务

    Implement a multilingual business using SOAP

  9. 当前,已经有大量为单一字符集(或语种)而设计的OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition)分类器。

    Currently , OCR ( optical character recognition ) classifiers are generally designed for one character set ( or language ) .

  10. 了解Windows系统多语种进程的特点,比如特定语言的键盘布局,地区性设置的方法等等。

    Develop an understanding of the features Windows offers for multilingual processing , such as language-specific keyboard layouts , regional settings for units of measurement .

  11. Linux系统下基于SCIM的多语种混合输入法系统

    Multilanguage Blending SCIM Input Method System Based on Linux

  12. 多语言识别实验分为训练多语种语料库和语种识别两个阶段,训练和测试文本均来自于开放式目录工程(OpenDirectoryProject)。

    The speech recognition experiments were divided into two stages of training of multilingual corpus and testing of language recognition , the texts of training and testing came from the Open Directory Project .

  13. 以基音频率F0作为支持向量机(SVM)的输入,进行语种模型的训练。

    Pitch frequency FO as a support vector machine ( SVM ) input to training language model .

  14. 结果:SpringerLink数据库收录的医学期刊有237种之多,地区分布以德国为主,但语种以英文为主;

    Results Springer Link includes more 237 kinds of medical journals , the majority are published in Germany , but in English .

  15. org/,检索1994-2006有关骨质疏松症和运动处方相关的论文,英文检索词为Exerciseprescription;osteoporosis,并限定语种为English;

    Org / was conducted for articles related to osteoporosis and exercise prescription between 1994 and 2006 with the key words of " Exercise prescription ; Osteoporosis " in both Chinese and English .

  16. ICMRME接收这个消息并分两个主要阶段处理它:多语种的自然语言处理(NaturalLanguageProcessing,NLP)阶段,以及独立于语言的统计性的概念建模(ConceptModeling)阶段。

    ICM RME receives this message and processes it in two main phases : a multilingual Natural Language Processing ( NLP ) phase , and a language-independent statistic Concept Modeling phase .

  17. 最后,论文给出了一个实用的电子文档信息挖掘系统的解决方案。Internet上文档类型繁多,语种复杂,针对这些文档建立一个格式一致的数据库将是一项很复杂的事情。

    Finally the paper proposes a practical electronic documentary information mining system as a solution , it is very complicated to set up a data base of the same pattern on Internet because of various types of documents and languages .

  18. 在基于GMM的语种识别系统中,实际环境和个人因素一直是影响识别率提高的因素。

    In GMM-based language identification system , the environment and individual characteristics are always the factors that influence the identification accuracy .

  19. 多文化交流平台(intercultural-collaboration-environment,ICE)是亚洲多所大学与研究机构参与的、开发多语种在线交流翻译平台的国际合作项目。

    Intercultural Collaboration Environment ( ICE ) is an international project on which quite a few Asian universities collaborate . It aims to exploit an online translation platform which enables communication with different Asian languages .

  20. 为了进一步提高少数民族语种识别系统的性能,把基于MMI准则的区分性训练应用到基线系统框架中。

    In order to further improve the minority language recognition system performance , apply MMI standards to baseline system framework .

  21. 基于该优化算法,在FPGA上设计并实现了基于区分性锚模型的GSV-SVM语种识别系统后端分类器,并从实时性、资源占用、精度及识别性能四个方面对其进行测试验证。

    Based on this optimization algorithm , the back-end classifier is designed and implemented based on FPGA , which is tested and verified via four aspects of real-time , resource utilization , accuracy and identification performance .

  22. 限定文章语种为English。同时在中国期刊网上检索2001-01/2005-06相关中文文献,检索词:可溶性转铁蛋白受体,运动医学,促红细胞生成素检测,高原训练,运动性贫血。

    Meanwhile , Chinese Journals Full-Text Database ( CJFD ) were scanned to search relevant articles published from January 2001 to June 2005 with the key words of " soluble transferrin receptor , sports medicine , erythropoietin detection , altitude training , sports anemia " in Chinese .

  23. Unicode通过提供一个的单一一致的“字符至数字”的映射模式,能够表示世界上每一个字符;Unicode使应用程序能够提供多语种支持。

    Unicode can represent every character in the world by providing a single consistent character-to-number mapping schema ; Unicode enables applications to provide multilingual support .

  24. 本文在山东省自然科学基金课题新型智能导游机器人(Y2002G18)和山东省科技攻关项目多语种智能导游机器人(031080124)的支持下,对移动机器人定位和SLAM进行了研究。

    Supported by the Natural Foundation of Shandong Province , the research topic of this thesis has been focused on the study of mobile robot localization and SLAM .

  25. 可扩展标记语言(XML)提供了描述不同类型数据的标准格式,它建构在Unicode(统一码)之上,提供了对多语种的支持。

    However , eXtensible Markup Language ( XML ) provides the standard format describing data in various types . XML builds on Unicode , so it supports many languages and has the virtue of globality .

  26. 基于子带GMM-UBM的广播语音多语种识别

    Broadcast Speech Language Recognition Based on Sub-Band GMM-UBM

  27. 在西班牙语种mico意思是长着长尾巴的猴子。

    In Spanish mico means a long-tailed monkey .

  28. UBM模型反映了所有待识别语种的特征分布特性,借助贝叶斯自适应算法可以快速得到每个语种的模型。

    UBM represents the characteristic of all different languages and each language model is obtained by employing the Bayesian adaptation from this UBM .

  29. 这五种基础需求分别为:单一可执行文件、语言环境模型、多语种数据(Unicode支持)、本地化包和多语种数据的输入输出。

    The five base requirements are : single executable , locale model , multilingual data ( Unicode support ), localization pack , and input and output of multilingual date .

  30. 同时检索2000-01/2006-10CNKI数据库相关文献,检索词SNP,检测方法,并限定语种为中文。

    Meanwhile , CNKI was searched for relevant Chinese articles from January 2000 to October 2006 with the key words of SNP , detection method , and related books were retrieved manually .