
yǔ fǎ xì tǒnɡ
  • grammatical system
  1. 汉语小句中枢语法系统论略

    On the Pivotal Position of Clauses in the Chinese Grammatical System

  2. 渭南方言语法系统和北方官话基本一致,但在词法和句法方面仍有一些独特的地方。

    The grammatical system of Weinan dialect is basically same to mandarin Chinese , but it still has some special characters in morphology and syntax .

  3. 论语言的基本语序对其语法系统的影响&兼论现代汉语句子组织信息的原则形成的历史动因

    The Basic Word Order of a Language and Its Effect on the Grammar

  4. 实体语法系统与中医药理论现代化

    Entity Grammar System and Its Application to Modernization of Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  5. 语气词是汉语语法系统中非常重要的一个词类。

    The modal particles are an extremely important part of speech in Chinese grammar system .

  6. 试析《中学教学语法系统提要》析句法浅论英语教学中的文化教学

    On the method of analysing sentence of Summary of Grammar Teaching System for Middle Schools

  7. 因此,对趋向补语的深入了解和研究将会加深对整个汉语语法系统的认识。

    An Investigation of the Speech Processing Strategies Used by Korean Learners While Acquiring Chinese Directional Complements ;

  8. 方位处所,跟人类生活密切相关的一个重要概念,在现代汉语中占据着一定的位置,是现代汉语语法系统的一个重要组成部分。在现代汉语中,有的名词具有处所性,有的没有。

    Locality , a familiar concept in human life , occupies an important place in modem Chinese study .

  9. 这些变异现象反映了东乡语语法系统逐渐偏离固有发展轨道的迹象。

    The changes reflects the trend that the DX language grammar system has gradually deviated the original developing course .

  10. 变异最大的是词汇系统,其次是语音系统,最后是语法系统。

    The biggest derivation is in the lexical system , then the phonological system , and finally the syntactic system .

  11. 第4章阐述了语言接触对江永勉语语音、词汇、语法系统的影响。

    The fourth section expounds the influence of Chinese on the phonological , lexical and semantic , syntactic system of Jiangyong Mian dialect .

  12. 实体语法系统为中医药理论形式化和中医药理论现代化提供了较具体的研究工具,为中医药理论现代化提出了探索性的思路。

    Entity grammar system provides a specific tool and an explorative idea for the study of the modernization and formalization of TCM theories .

  13. 将在实现其三大功能对应的词汇语法系统中的文体特征上进行翻译研究。

    The translations studies will be carried out on the stylistic features in the grammatical resources which realize three meta-functions of the language .

  14. 内因主要从语音系统要求韵律和谐&韵律化的结果和语法系统的影响来谈的。

    Internal cause , mainly from the voice system requirements rhythm harmony - the results and grammar metrical impact on the system of .

  15. 本文从制约操作项与可变项关系的作用域原则角度探讨了语法系统中的句子逻辑式。

    This paper discusses the role of the logical form in the grammar in terms of the scope principle due to the operator_variable relationship .

  16. 人际功能可以通过选择网络在词汇和语法系统中反映出来,以语气和情态等形式体现。

    The interpersonal function , however , can be realized through choosing from the network of the lexicogrammatical system , which is through the mood and modality system .

  17. 铜川方言的语法系统:铜川方言语法系统和北方官话基本一致,但仍有自己的特点。

    The grammatical system of Tongchuan dialect : the grammatical system of Tongchuan dialect is basically similar to Mandarin Chinese , but it still has some special characters .

  18. 和有声语言中动词呼应一样,手语中动词呼应也暗含句法角色和题元角色,因而它也应该被看作是一个语法系统。

    Like verb agreement in spoken languages , verb agreement in signed languages is a grammatical system , since it involves systematic encoding of syntactic and thematic roles .

  19. 它们涵盖了词法和句法两个语法系统,且与肯定范畴的各组成部分之间存在严整的平行对应关系。

    These three types include morphology and syntax . Moreover , the three types of statements of negation exist in a relationship of one-to-one correspondence with Uygur statements of affirmation .

  20. 韩礼德等人认为人际功能着重关注作者与读者之间的互动,它的实现手段主要是语法系统中的情态。

    Some linguistics represented by Halliday perceive that interpersonal function attaches great importance to the interaction between speaker and reader , which is largely expressed by modality system in grammar .

  21. 因此,以会话或语言文本为研究对象的传统语篇分析已无法全面解释多模态语篇整体意义的构建机制,而急需建立一个新的多模态语法系统。

    The traditional discourse analysis which concentrates on linguistic discourses has been found limited in explaining the meaning construal of multimodal discourses , which presses for a new grammar for multimodal discourses .

  22. 量范畴是现代汉语中的基本范畴之一,方言量词是汉语方言语法系统的有机成分,而个体量词是汉语量词系统的主要组成部分。

    Quantifier is one of fundamental category in modern Chinese . The dialect quantifier is an organic component in grammar of Chinese dialects , while the individual quantifier ia main part of Chinese quantifier .

  23. 运用描写语言学、对比语言学、历史语言学的研究方法,对蒲城方言的语音、词汇、语法系统进行了客观分析,总结出蒲城方言的特点。

    At the some time , adopt the method of descriptive linguistics , contrastive linguistics and historical linguistics , objectively analyze the phonological , lexical and grammatical systems , and conclude the characteristics of Pucheng dialect .

  24. 数量短语研究不但在整个语法系统理论建设中占有不可忽视的地位,而且它提出的理论探索可为对外汉语教学及少数民族地区双语教学提供理论依据。

    The study of the numeral-measure word phrase of modern Chinese is not only important in the study of syntactical theory , but also very helpful for the teaching of Chinese to foreign students and minority students .

  25. 文言、白话虽属于不同的词汇语法系统,但同根同源,且在发展过程中相互借鉴融合。

    The classical chinese and the vernacular chinese pertain to different vocabulary and grammar system , but they are the same origin , based on the basis of Ideographic writing system and mutual blended in the development process .

  26. 通过考察,可以帮助我们认识在汉语的一种方言里,形态究竟能有多大程度的发展,能在语法系统中起怎样的作用。

    Through the investigation , it can help us understand the pattern of china dialects , what results can the morphology of different development bring out , and what kind of role to play in the grammar system .

  27. 以实例探讨汉语借词对少数民族语语音、语义、语法系统的影响,从而证明汉语借词对少数民族语具有丰富语体色彩词汇等积极作用。

    This paper takes living examples to probe into the influence of Chinese loanwords on the phonetic , semantic , grammatical system of minority languages , which proves that Chinese loanwords has positive function to enrich semantic vocabulary of minority languages .

  28. 嘉祥属于济宁的辖区,地理位置上处在鲁西南地区,从方言区划上来分,属于山东方言西区的西鲁片,其语法系统与周边方言大致相同,但也有不少独有的特点。

    The jurisdiction , jiaxiang belongs to jining in the southwest region geography position , come from the region , west of shandong dialect belongs to its grammatical system robustness , and peripheral dialect is roughly same , but also has many unique features .

  29. 例如,并列副动词后可以直接连接形容词、联系动词省略、名词的格省略等等。这些变异现象反映了东乡语语法系统逐渐偏离固有发展轨道的迹象。

    For example , after the Co-ordinate verb , an adjective can be linked directly , Catenative verb and the case of noun can be omitted , etc. The changes reflects the trend that the DX language grammar system has gradually deviated the original developing course .

  30. 本文在参照普通话语法系统的基础上,借鉴了目前普通话和其他汉语方言语法的研究成果,通过分别对文登方言词法、句法的描写,勾勒出文登方言语法的基本面貌。

    Based on reference of Mandarin Chinese grammar system , drawing lessons from the current research achievements of Mandarin and other dialects of Chinese syntax , through the description of the lexical , syntax , the paper draws the outline of the basic features of Wendeng dialect grammar .