
lì shǐ yǔ yán xué
  • Historical linguistics;diachronic linguistics
  1. 所谓多角度指的是分别从符号学、历史语言学、语用学、第二语言习得和外语学习等应用语言学角度来同时研究pun。

    By multi-dimensional study it means the study is mainly carried out in terms of semiotics , diachronic linguistics , pragmatics , second language acquisition and foreign language learning .

  2. 历史语言学中把一个语音变化影响到下一个语音变化的一系列音变称之为链移(chainshift)。

    In historical linguistics , a set of related changes , in which one phonetic change influences the next one , is called chain shift . There are roughly two sorts of chain shifts , as drag chain and push chain .

  3. 汉文化起源辨析:考古学历史语言学的观点

    Analysis of the Origin of Han Culture in Archaeological and Historical Linguistic Perspective

  4. 整个现象应该受到历史语言学、方言学、语音和音位学的重视。

    This phenomenon should receive much attention from historical linguists , dialectologists and phonologists .

  5. 文章从历史语言学的角度,考察了历史文献中朝鲜语主格助词■和添意助词■的使用情况。

    This paper reviews the usages of the Korean nominative auxiliary ■ and the supplementary auxiliary ■ in a historical perspective .

  6. 在这个意义上,我们的研究指向就能体现历史语言学对湘南官话之发展演变产生的效应。

    In this sense , our research can reveal the historical linguistic influences in the evolvement of the south Hunan mandarin .

  7. 通过对共时音变的考察揭示历时音变的形成过程,丰富了历史语言学的研究。

    Discover the form procession of the historical phonetic change via reviewing the contemporary phonetic change and enrich the research of the historical language .

  8. 本文采用了对比的方法来展现两种变体之间的语法差异,并试图应用社会语言学及历史语言学的关于语言变化和地区方言的理论解释差异形成的原因和未来的发展。

    The research adopts the comparative methods and applies social linguistics and historical linguistics theory to study the variety formation and its future development .

  9. 用核心词的阶曲线来判定语源关系,是陈保亚对历史语言学研究的最新发展。

    It is a new development in historic linguistics to judge the genetic relation of languages by the Curve theory of Ranks put up by Prof.

  10. 前者涉及语言接触和历史语言学,而后者则常常为译者和翻译理论家讨论。

    The former issue is linked with language contact and historical linguistics , and the latter one is usually discussed by translators and translation theorists .

  11. 但是,历史语言学与之前的教学内容有区别:它涉及到多种语言的共时比较,或者一门语言的历时发展研究。

    But the branch of historical linguistics , involves the comparison of several different languages , or the comparison of different stages of a single language .

  12. 历史语言学中,层次指一个语言(或方言)中成系统地存在外语言的成分,外来层次(即借用)是语言接触的产物。

    In historical linguistics , stratum refers to a system of foreign parts existing in a certain language or dialect , which are the results of language contact .

  13. 历史语言学的研究还可以使我们对非语言的因素,如社会文化和心理因素等在语言变化过程中所起的作用有更深的认识。

    The historical study of language also enables us to determine how non-linguistic factors , such as social , cultural and psychological factors , interact over time to trigger linguistic change .

  14. 格里姆对历史语言学的主要贡献是,他从音变-一系列音位有系统的变异-的角度解释了同源词之间的关系。

    Grimm 's major contribution to historical linguistics is his explanation of the relationships among cognates in terms of a sound shift , the systematic modification of a series of phonemes .

  15. 运用描写语言学、对比语言学、历史语言学的研究方法,对蒲城方言的语音、词汇、语法系统进行了客观分析,总结出蒲城方言的特点。

    At the some time , adopt the method of descriptive linguistics , contrastive linguistics and historical linguistics , objectively analyze the phonological , lexical and grammatical systems , and conclude the characteristics of Pucheng dialect .

  16. (历史语言学)对词或词组历史渊源的解释。双重身份的科学技术史名词分析&以天文学史名词为例

    ( historical linguistics ) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase . " Double Status " of Terms in the History of Science and Technology : A Case Study in the History of Astronomy as An Example

  17. 与以往研究不同的,本文立足宏观,着眼微观,在语序类型学和历史语言学理论指引下对甲骨刻辞数量表达式进行定量考察,专题分析。

    Different from the available literature , this work is based on macro-focus and microscopic expression , this article make a quantitative investigation and a thematic analysis in the quantitative constructions in Oracle Bone Inscriptions , under the guidance of the theory of word-order typology and historical linguistics .

  18. 语用学是一个并无很长历史的语言学分支。

    Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics without a long history .

  19. 历史比较语言学:从形态到基因

    Historical Comparative Linguistics : From Morphology to Gene

  20. 传统理论和方法是结构主义语言学和历史比较语言学。

    The traditional methods and theories are based on Structuralism and historical comparative linguistics .

  21. 这所大学授予文学、历史、语言学等硕士学位。

    The university offers MA degrees in literature , history linguistics and so on .

  22. 实证主义哲学的发展推动了实验语言学和历史比较语言学的产生;

    The development of positivism philosophy brought about experimental linguistics and historical comparison linguistics ;

  23. 文章运用历史比较语言学的观点,论述了现代汉语“子”的语义演变过程。

    Based on the historical comparative linguistics , the article discusses the evolution process of Chinese .

  24. 什么是历史比较语言学?

    What is comparative-historical linguistics ?

  25. 利用语音规律来确定同源词和借词是历史比较语言学的根本方法。

    To distinguish cognate words from loanwords with phonetic laws is a basic method of historical linguistics .

  26. 历史比较语言学通过对语言的历时状态与共时状态进行纵横交错的比较分析,揭示语言客观存在的共同规律。

    Comparison of historical linguistics reveals the common language of objective laws through longitudinal comparison and crosswise comparison .

  27. 20世纪语言学理论经历了三次转向:从历史比较语言学到传统结构主义;

    In the twentieth century the theories of linguistics experienced turns three times : from historical comparative linguistics to traditional structuralism ;

  28. 从历史比较语言学到现代语言学,语言学家一直试图从语言本身出发得出语言规律。

    Linguists are trying to explore the law of language all the time from the historical comparative linguistic to modern linguistics .

  29. 中日两国近代毛纺织工业对比研究论历史比较语言学的范式革命

    A HISTORICAL COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MODERN WOOL TEXTILE INDUSTRY BETWEEN CHINA AND JAPAN On the pattern revolution of the historical comparative linguistics

  30. 第四部分介绍本文研究体例和研究方法即历史比较语言学视野下的关系词分析法。

    Part IV of this article introduces the style and research methods that the relationship between word analysis of historical comparative linguistics vision .