
  • 网络a historic city;historical city;The City in History
  1. 街道上垃圾之多与历史名城不协调。

    The amount of litter in the streets is unbefitting for a historic city .

  2. 西安是一座历史名城,又是陕西的省会城市,它在西部大开发过程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Xi ' an is a historic city and is also the capital city of Shaanxi , which plays a vital role in the course of western development .

  3. 在距离历史名城卡塔赫纳10公里处的一个海湾的乡村,有一个名为ElPortus的度假村,这是一处半营地半公寓式的房产项目;

    El Portus , a resort that is part-campsite , part-apartment complex and rurally situated on a bay10km from the historic city of Cartagena ;

  4. 柳州是我国南方重要的工业城市和历史名城。

    Liuzhou is a famous industrial city of South China .

  5. 抗战陪都、红岩文化的历史名城怀旧体验系统;

    Nostalgic experience of War-time capital and Hongyan culture ;

  6. 西安是举世闻名的历史名城,旅游业已成为地方收入的支柱产业。

    Xi'an is an outstanding historical city where tourism has become mainstay industry .

  7. 历史名城发展需要不朽文化景观

    The Development of Historical Cities Need Immortal Cultural Scenery

  8. 历史名城与地震:用于地震危险性评估的历史学方法

    Historical cities and earthquakes : contribution to a historical methodology for seismic hazard estimation

  9. 扬州历史名城保护与建设发展

    Protection and Development of Historical City Yangzhou

  10. 革命历史名城遵义

    Tsunyi - City with a Revolutionary History

  11. 景德镇博物馆区是一个历史名城保护项目。

    Hence the museum zone is included in an overall preserved area of historic city .

  12. 世界历史名城博物馆扩建设计中地下空间的利用

    Use of Underground Space in Continuation Design of the Museums in the Famous Historical Cities of World

  13. 它是一座属于世界交通史、贸易史和文化史的历史名城。

    It is a historic city that belongs to history of world traffic , trade and culture .

  14. 重庆是中国的历史名城,有着悠久的文化底蕴和丰富的旅游资源。

    Chongqing is a famous city in China because of its long history and abundant tourism resources .

  15. 凯撒:历史名城的建造者现在登陆你的手机!

    Caesar : the history of the city are now landing in the construction of your mobile phone !

  16. 金鸡湖的美丽风光和未自然资源为这座历史名城打造互动式的开放空间创造了独一无二的良机。

    The lake 's natural beauty and undeveloped resources provide unique opportunity to create interconnected open space system for the historical city .

  17. 中国古代历史名城经历了独特而漫长的历史发展道路,形成了东方城市文化的独异特色,为世界所瞩目。

    The ancient Chinese historical towns have gone through a long development road and formed a unique style of the east urban culture and are known worldwide .

  18. 该公司将波兰历史名城克拉科夫这样的城市描述为被低估的股票,一旦它们能更好地推销自己的品牌,就会成为英国城市的真正威胁。

    It described the likes of Poland 's historic Krakow as undervalued stocks that could become a real threat to UK counterparts once they became better at selling their brands .

  19. 长沙集省会城市、历史名城、旅游城市及全国生态示范城市于一身,在城市发展的大潮中独具魅力。

    Set the provincial capital city of Changsha , historical relics and tourist city and national ecological demonstration area in a city . Urban development in the wave of appealing .

  20. 在我国城市经济迅速发展的今天,对历史名城的地段和街区的保护与建设工作提出了更新的要求。

    With today 's rapid development of the urban economy , new requirements have been pro-pored further in the preservation and construction of the historic sites and quarters in historic cities .

  21. 与世界各地的城市一样,中国历史名城的大量遗产正在受到经济快速增长的严重威胁。

    As is true in urban centers all over the world , the vast legacy of China 's historic cities is seriously threatened due to the rapid economic growth taking place .

  22. 建好这条林带对进一步提高太原市的知名度,改善投资环境,重塑历史名城的形象,促进国民经济的持续、快速、稳定的发展都具有非常重要的战略意义。

    Constructing well the forest belt have the very important strategic significance for further improving the popularity of Taiyuan , improving investment environment , re-moulding the image of history famous city and promoting sustainable , rapid and steady development of national economy .

  23. 通过对历史名城绍兴城市改造活动的分析,提出可持续发展理论在城市改造中的指导意义;

    Through analysing the urban reconstruction in Shaoxing , a city with long history , it offers the theory of sustainable development to be the guiding principle in urban reconstruction and accepts the theory of typology as the analysing method for urban design .

  24. 在城市规划的管理工作中,应该尊重历史名城的历史文化背景和特色,承传历史文脉,保护历史地段与街区的格局,活跃城市现代化建设与发展的机制。

    In the management and of the urban planning , we deserve to respect the cultural background and features , sustain the historic context preserve the historic pattern in historic cities . and motivate the city 's mechanics in the modernization of urban construction .

  25. 新一轮的北京城市总体规划已经由国务院批复,其中对国家首都、国际城市、历史名城、宜居城市的功能定位,进一步明确了北京城市未来的发展方向。

    The State Council has approved the Overall City Plan of Beijing ( 2004-2020 ), which presents such four major functions of Beijing city in its development as a capital city , an international city , a historical city , and an amenity city .

  26. 福州大学位于中国东南沿海福建省的历史名城福州市,四个校区共占地333.5公顷,建筑面积100余万平方米。

    Fuzhou University is located in the historic city , Fuzhou , in Fujian Province which is situated along the southeast coast of China . The old and new campuses cover an area of more than 333.5 hectares with over 1 million of floor space .

  27. 当北京城市建设取得卓著成果的同时,在传统老城区出现忽视历史名城文化和资源优势的倾向,出现了客观上“大居民区化”挤压产业发展空间的问题。

    The city construction of Beijing has achieved prominent results ; at the same time , there is a trend of neglecting historical city culture and resource advantage in traditional old city zones . The problem of " big resident zone " extruding the space of industry development arises .

  28. PE模式下的景观文脉视点&以历史文化名城荆州为例

    The landscape context on the mode of PE : A case study on Jingzhou

  29. 本文以长汀历史文化名城保护规划的编制过程为实例,主要探讨地理信息系统(GIS)与遥感(RS)技术在保护规划过程中的空间信息整合与应用。

    The utility of GIS and RS technology in the integration and application of spatial information during the process of conservation planning is discussed in this paper with Changting as the case .

  30. 在此基础上,以历史文化名城福州城市为研究对象,结合遥感与GIS技术,编制城市景观生态分类图。

    Based on the above , taking Fuzhou , this historical cultural city , as an example , the essay makes a map of Urban landscape ecological classification in Fuzhou by the technique of remote sensing and geographic information system .