
xián yú
  • salt fish
  1. 冰淇淋的口味包括鱿鱼、虾、咸鱼和鱼翅。

    Flavors include squid , shrimp , salt fish , and shark 's fin .

  2. 沙:梭子鱼是新鲜的鱼;咸鱼才适合古老的衣服呢。

    Shallow : the luce is the fresh fish ; the salt fish is an old coat .

  3. 咸鱼在太阳下就要晒干了。

    The salted fish is frizzling up in the sun .

  4. 核桃香蒜,马苏里拉,巴马火腿,干番茄,鸡蛋,咸鱼。

    Pesto , mozzarella , parma ham , sun dried tomatoes , egg , anchovies .

  5. 通用汽车(GM)咸鱼翻身不易,2010年举行首次公开募股一事就别惦记了。

    The GM turnaround will drag on . Forget a 2010 IPO .

  6. 换句话说,Facebook投资者们也许能从中看到自己股票一年之后咸鱼翻身的情形。

    On the one hand , that may give hope to Facebook investors for a similar rebound over the next year .

  7. 非条件logistic回归分析结果表明,年龄、体质量指数、高血压家族史、饮酒、经常食用咸鱼和累积噪声暴露量是噪声从业人员高血压患病的主要影响因素。

    Logistic regression analysis showed the body weight index ( BMI ), age , and history of hypertension in parents and accumulative noise dose levels influenced the hypertension prevalence .

  8. 咸鱼制品中有机磷农药残留的毛细管GC-NPD法测定

    Residue Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides in Salty Fish Products by Gas Chromatography

  9. 这咸鱼发坏牌又不是我的错。

    Ain 't my fault saltine here got a sloppy deal .

  10. 韩剧:咸鱼翻身的奇迹

    South Korean Drama : Miracle of Salted Fish Turns over

  11. 硼氢化钾&铜试剂银盐法测定咸鱼中的砷

    Determination of Arsenic in Brinish Fish by Potassium Borohydride-cupron Silver Salt Method

  12. 他们带来的礼物,是软糕,线粉,梅子,枇杷,也有咸鱼。

    They brought gifts of sweets and fruits and a salted fish .

  13. 包括两个饭团、咸鱼和泡菜。

    It consisted of two rice balls , salted fish and pickled vegetables .

  14. “两房”想咸鱼翻身的机会已经没有了。

    The opportunity for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to recover has gone .

  15. 振动时效工艺研究半干咸鱼的加工工艺

    Study on Processing of Half-dried Salt-cured Saltwater Fish

  16. 咸鱼干腌过程中亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐的含量变化及其相关性分析

    Change of Nitrite and Nitrate Content During the Processing of Dry-cured Salted Fish Processing

  17. 我有几次差点丢失信念,但我咸鱼翻身了

    I almost lost faith a couple times , but the worm has turned .

  18. 布朗能咸鱼翻身吗?

    Can Mr Brown reverse the dynamics ?

  19. 咸鱼也这样分完了。

    So went her salted fish .

  20. 这一类中的其他物品还包括红酒,啤酒,咸鱼。

    Some other items in this category are red wine , beer , and salted fish .

  21. 少林足球:做人要是没有理想,那和咸鱼有什么区别呀?

    Being a man without ideal , what are the differences between you and salted fish .

  22. 好吧,你不如趁早到咸鱼店里去找我吧!”,

    Then you 'd better go to the salt-fish shop to look for me . ' "

  23. 芥蓝嫩煎咸鱼在香港顾客中非常受欢迎。

    Saut é ed Chinese kale with salted fish is very popular with their Hong Kong customers .

  24. 咸鱼炒饭配料:豆芽、叉烧、蟹肉、香肠、咸鱼。

    Salted Fish Fried Rice Ingredients : Bean Sprout , Char Siew , Crabstick , Sausage & Salted Fish .

  25. 培根以及其他过度处理的食品,如咸鱼和腌菜等会增加胃癌风险。

    Bacon and other overly-processed food such as salted fish and salted vegetables contribute to the risk of stomach cancer .

  26. 每逢圣诞节前夕,瓦哈卡市场开始向参加子夜弥撒的人们销售各种咸鱼干和腌制的蔬菜。

    Local markets used to sell salt-dried fish and vegetables for customers coming out of the midnight mass on Christmas Eve .

  27. 气质联用法测定咸鱼中N-二甲基亚硝胺含量气相色谱-顶空进样法测定葡萄酒中的亚硝酸盐

    Determination of N-Dimethylnitrosamine in Salt Fish by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Measurement of Nitrite Concentration in Grape Wine by Gas Chromatography-Headspace Sampling

  28. 只要天气许可,他们隔几个星期就会去那里卖咸鱼,并买回一些日用品。

    They would make the trip , weather permitting , once every few weeks to sell some salted fish and buy provisions .

  29. 这是一次奇妙的餐酒搭配历险记,食物的主角分别是咸鱼、皮蛋、酸豆角、咸菜、泡菜、臭豆腐!

    Preserved eggs , smelly Tofu , sour beans , salty fish are familiar to Canton gourmets but definitely not to wines .

  30. 通过回归分析建立的以主要成分含量为参数的方程可较好地描述咸鱼的风味品质。

    The equation established by regression analysis to the main ingredients for parameter could well describe the quality of cured fish flavor .