
xián hǎi
  • Aral Sea
  1. 科学家把咸海描述成地球上最严重的生态灾难发生地。

    Scientists have described the Aral sea as the site of the worst ecological disaster on earth

  2. 或许有些夸张,联合国开发计划署(UNDP)认为巴尔喀什湖将会像咸海那样变成一个肮脏的盐碱湖。

    Perhaps exaggerating , the UN Development Programme ( UNDP ) has said Lake Balkhash could turn into a salty mess , like the Aral Sea ;

  3. 咸海危机的起因与解决途径

    The causes and ways of solution of the Aral crisis

  4. 咸海盆地国家可持续发展努库斯会议

    Nukus Conference on the Sustainable Development of the Aral Sea Basin States

  5. 目前,在咸海的大海与小海之间已经修筑了一座大坝,以完全隔断这两座湖泊。

    A dam has been built to completely separate the two lakes .

  6. 残留的咸海还能得救吗?

    Can what remains of the Aral Sea be saved ?

  7. 咸海流域水资源利用的区域合作问题分析

    Regional cooperation issues in water utilization of Aral Sea Basin

  8. 咸海的起源与消失;

    The beginning and end of the Aral sea ;

  9. 自从人类初次从这些咸海孕育出现。

    Since man first emerged from these salty depths .

  10. 逐渐干涸的咸海每年需注入五立方公里的水

    The drying Aral Sea needs an annual injection of five cubic kilometers of water

  11. 人们一度认为,咸海是世界上第四大湖泊。

    At one point , the Aral Sea was the world 's fourth-largest lake .

  12. 居住在中亚咸海的土尔其语系民族的人。

    A member of a Turkic people living near Lake Aral in central Asia .

  13. 拯救濒临干涸的咸海

    The Aral Sea Saving the Last Drop

  14. 咸海的化学要素分布及变化规律

    Element distribution and variation in Aral Sea

  15. 令人深思的咸海干涸问题

    Problem of Aral Sea drying up

  16. 由于咸海逐渐消失,这五国的水源大受影响。

    The gradual disappearance of Aral Sea has seriously affected the water sources for these five countries .

  17. 中亚干旱区咸海的湖面变化及其环境效应

    Lake surface change of the Aral Sea and its environmental effects in the arid region of the central asia

  18. 为了阻止境内那一部分海域进一步干涸,他们期望能将它与咸海的其他海域分离。

    They hope to separate their part of the sea from the rest to prevent it drying out further .

  19. 其次说明了咸海生态危机对中亚和中国西北边疆造成的危害。

    Then it indicates that the ecology of Salt-sea does harm to Central Asia and the north-west frontier in China .

  20. 随着咸海的重生,哈萨克斯坦政府希望咸海渔业也能够得到复苏。

    But as the Aral Sea comes back to life , Kazakhstan hopes that the fishing industry will be revived .

  21. 咸海分为南部的大海和北部的小海,目前,大海还在不断缩减,但世界银行已经贷款给哈萨克斯坦用于拯救小海的工程。

    While the southern Big Sea is still shrinking , World Bank loans to Kazakhstan are focused on saving the Small Sea .

  22. 咸海一度是世界上第四大内海,但自20世纪60年代以来其海水容量骤减了四分之三。

    The Aral Sea was once the world 's fourth-largest inland sea . But since the 1960s it has lost three-quarters of its volume .

  23. 咸海曾一度让当地的渔业兴旺,现在剩余的只是表面的高盐沙层。

    The sea was integral in the once robust fishing economy in the region and now has left layers of highly salted sand in its wake .

  24. 通过逆冲推覆构造确定里海和咸海地区一期强烈的挤压应力场与油气及矿床的定位密切相关。

    An intensive compressive structural stress field resulted from thrust existed in Caspian and Aral sea regions controlled the locations of oil , gas and deposits .

  25. 佛教谓须弥山四方咸海中有四大部洲,各洲间有咸海相隔。四、东北的大部分;

    The Buddhism claims that around Xumi Mountain there are four great lands separated respectively by the Salty Sea . ( 4 ) Most of northeastern China ;

  26. 河流抽水过量,中亚咸海供水不足,20世纪80年代发生了生态灾难后,一直没能恢复。

    So much has been pumped out of the rivers that feed the Aral Sea in Central Asia that it collapsed in the1980s and has barely begun to recover .

  27. 塔吉克总统拉克莫诺夫在会后表示,五国有必要好好协调以免咸海逐渐干涸。

    After the meeting , Tajik President Emomali Rakhmonov said the five countries must coordinate with each other carefully in order to stop the gradual drying of the Aral Sea .

  28. 地中海、黑海、里海、咸海、阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾是祁连山的水汽输送源地,但各个季节又有所不同。

    Med and the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea and the Aral Sea are the headstream of water vapor of Qilian mountain , but it is different in every season .

  29. 应用本法从鲟鱼肚及鲟鱼内脏提取的鱼油含有大量的不饱和脂肪酸,脂肪酸的不饱和程度与咸海卡拉白鱼接近,明显高于淡水养殖鱼类,是加工鱼油的良好来源。

    Very close ratio of unsaturated fatty acids were obtained in viscera , abdomen of sturgeon and muscle of Chalcalburnus chalcoides aralen , which were higher than in muscle of fresh water fish .

  30. 联合国秘书长潘基文已经呼吁说干涸的咸海是“最令人震惊的灾难”并发表公告要求中亚领导人实施措施解决这一问题。

    N.Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called the drying up of the Aral Sea a " shocking disaster " and has issued a message to Central Asian leaders to step up efforts to solve the problem .