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  1. 原坡上的村庄平台是历史上人为斩齐原坡,挖掘窑洞,引起原边逐步后退的结果,是咸阳原边坡人为地貌演变的体现。

    The village platform on the edge slope of Xianyang tableland results from landform change caused by people in their cutting the original slope and digging their living caves .

  2. 西汉年间,经过长期的陵邑建设,在渭河以北的咸阳原上形成了著名的“汉五陵”。

    Through long-term construction of mausoleum feod during the Western Han Dynasty , the eminent " Hanwuling " was founded on Xianyang Hills to the north of the Wei River .

  3. 秦末以来,秦都咸阳地貌演变包括渭河河道北移和咸阳原边坡地貌变化两个方面。

    The landform evolution of Xianyang since the end of Qin Dynasty contains two aspects , the northward moving of the Weihe River bed and the changing of the edge slope of Xianyang tableland .

  4. 清以来咸阳县地跨渭河,包括泾河、渭河之交的咸阳原、渭河南北的河流阶地两部分。

    Xianyang County acrossed Wei River that included Xianyangyuan loessial highland and river terraces between Wei He north and south .