
hòu zuò lì
  • recoil;blowback;backlash;woman champion;pillion;tonneau;backblow;back-lash
后坐 [hòu zuò]
  • (1) [recoil]∶发射时,由于火药气体压力的作用,使武器向后运动的现象

  • (2) [backlash]∶突然的、通常是剧烈的反向运动或回弹

  • (3) [woman champion]∶女子体育比赛的冠军,即皇后宝座

  • 经过十四天激战后,韩女队登后坐

  • (4) [pillion]∶摩托车或自行车的座鞍

  • (5) [tonneau]∶轿车的后排座部分

  • 高级轿车的后坐

后坐[hòu zuò lì]
  1. 某型牵引火炮后坐装置的虚拟样机动力学模型以LMSVirtual。

    The virtual prototyping dynamic model of a certain gun recoil system is constructed by using LMS Virtual .

  2. 本文结合实际项目对火炮后坐位移的测量要求和火炮后坐运动的特点,设计了一种基于PSD的多目标二维位移测量系统。

    According to analyzing the character of recoil movement and requirement of measurement , a two dimensions movement measurement system of multiplex aims based on PSD has been introduced in the dissertation .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的火炮反后坐装置故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis of Gun Anti-Recoil Mechanism Based on BP Neural Networks

  4. 火炮反后坐装置的故障诊断,采用3层BP神经网络。

    The fault diagnosis of gun anti-recoil mechanism adopted three-level BP neural network .

  5. 在WorkingModel3D软件上对引信的双自由度后坐保险机构进行了有关计算机仿真计算,并结合具体实例进行了优化设计。

    The computer synthesis simulation of the two degrees of freedom setback mechanism of a fuze is made by using a working model simulating software . Therefore , the design of the mechanism is optimized .

  6. 火炮维修保障中,以反后坐装置为例,应用以可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)进行分析。

    Taking anti-recoil system for an example , analyze through the reliability centered maintenance ( RCM ) in the artillery maintenance and support situation .

  7. 以某12.7mm机枪的磁流变(MR)后坐阻尼器为研究对象,基于Herschel-Bulkley本构模型,建立了该MR后坐阻尼器的轴对称一维层流模型。

    A magneto-rheological ( MR ) shock damper for a 12.7 mm machine gun test application is discussed . Based on Herschel-Bulkley shear model , a one-dimensional axisymmetric laminar flow model of the MR damper is constructed .

  8. 参加这个班的英语系学生安德烈•里昂(AndreLyon)说,老师“有几次隐约提到菲尔下课后坐私人飞机离开”。

    The instructor'made several vague allusions to Phil taking off in his private jet , 'recalls Andre Lyon , an English major enrolled in the class .

  9. 用ADAMS软件建立了弹炮耦合动力学模型,在此模型基础上,研究了发射时计及弹丸作用的炮管后坐和炮管对支撑的作用。

    In this paper , the dynamical model of projectile-barrel coupling is set up by means of ADAMS software . The barrel recoil and action effect on the support are computed based on the above model .

  10. 根据某单管25mm火炮的后坐运动方程,计算了不同MR流体行为指数下,火炮的后坐位移和后坐速度,评价了MR流体行为指数对后坐阻尼器行为的影响。

    Following the recoil motion equations of the 25 mm gun , it calculated its recoil displacement and velocity at various MR fluid behavior indexes , whose influence on the recoil damper ′ s behaviour was also evaluated .

  11. 该模拟系统模拟产生的后坐最大为20000g,旋转最大转速为20000r/min,持续时间最长约为1ms。

    The simulation system can bring 20000 g setback , 20000 r / min spin for about 1 ms .

  12. 此外,针对某导弹15g发射过载环境,对后坐液体阻尼保险机构进行了初步设计,同样借助动力学仿真软件ADAMS验证了其应用的可行性。

    A setback liquid damper arming device is designed basically for 15 g launch overload environment of a missile . The feasibility of this device is proved with ADAMS emluator also .

  13. 分析了磁流变缓冲控制系统的控制需求,提出了实现后坐阻力和后坐位移平台效应的控制目标,并设计了延时控制、模糊自适应控制和模糊PID控制策略。

    Software control system implemented the designed control strategy by DSP controller . ( 3 ) The control requirements of MR buffer control system is analyzed , and the control objective is proposed to achieve the " platform effect " of recoil force and recoil displacement .

  14. 针对火炮磁流变阻尼器反后坐装置进行了后坐过程仿真、开环控制、ON-OFF控制和模糊控制仿真。

    An open-loop control , ON-OFF control and a fuzzy control method are introduced to control the artillery recoil resistance . Lastly , a finite element method is adopted to analyze the magnetic field in the piston gap .

  15. 此车辆受到的载荷工况包括旋塔分别受到火炮向前和向后不同角度的后坐冲击,以及路面障碍所产生的最大10g加速度的整车振动冲击。

    The vehicle is subject to the following working loads : recoil forces from different angles which the turret is subject to and road obstacle impact with an acceleration of 10g which the whole vehicle is subject to .

  16. 本文把炮管处理成圆锥形悬臂梁,其上受有后坐惯性载荷,布尔登(Bourdon)载荷,高速移动弹丸载荷。

    The barrel is treated as a tapered cantilever beam on which the recoil inertia load , Bourdon load , and the load generated by a high speed moving projectile are acted .

  17. 待拆除高层楼房与被保护建筑相距仅20cm,必须严格控制高楼倒塌过程中的后坐。

    Because the distance between a highrise to be demolished by directional blasting and a building to be protected is only 20 centimeters , the recoil of the highrise on its collapsing must be put under control .

  18. 对于弹药引信的后坐保险来说,主要的受力环境有两种,一种是弹丸在膛内的发射环境,另一种是标准规定的1.5m跌落试验环境。

    For the fuze setback arming of a projectile , there are two main force environments , one is a projectile launched in the bore , and another is the force environment of the 1.5 m drop test of ammunition from the standard .

  19. 爆破切口布置在二层,并把最后一排柱的爆破部位提高到引风机房顶部以上05m处,避免了后坐对引风机房的影响。

    The blasting cut was arranged on second floor and the blasting points on the end row of posts were risen to 0.5m over the roof of the fan house , avoiding the effect of the recoil on the fan house .

  20. 对自由后坐试验结果修正计算的研究

    Study on Correction Computation for Ballistic Test Results of Free Recoil

  21. 浅谈防止跳远落地时前冲与后坐的措施

    Measures to Be Taken to Avoid Forward Dash or Backward Recoil

  22. 介绍了某型坦克炮的反后坐装置的组成。

    Composition of recoil mechanism of a tank gun is presented .

  23. 火炮反后坐装置故障机理研究

    Study on the Failure Mechanism of Gun Recoil / Counterrecoil Mechanism

  24. 虚拟样机在火炮反后坐实验台设计中的应用

    Application of Virtual Prototyping in Design of Gun Recoil Experiment Table

  25. 双自由度后坐保险机构的计算机动态仿真

    Computer Synthesis Simulation of the Two Degrees of Freedom Setback Mechanism

  26. 火炮后坐阻力功测试系统研究

    A dynamometer for the measurement of recoil resistance work of guns

  27. 喷管前置式减后坐武器内弹道机理分析

    Analysis of Interior Ballistics of Reduced Recoil Structure with Front Nozzle

  28. 基于软后坐技术的某自动迫击炮动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of an Auto Mortar Based on the Soft Recoil Technology

  29. 警察局里办公桌后坐着一位警官。

    Behind the desk in the police station sat a police captain .

  30. 女士们把外套挂起来后坐了下来。

    The women hung up their coats and sat down .