
  1. 真的该和夏说再见了么?无论如何地,离愁依依?

    Should I really bid adieu to this summer ? Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is .

  2. 撇开此举,夏说没有理由在其他环境中不允许使用这些术语。

    Despite the move , Xia said there was no reason why the terms shouldn 't be used in other settings .

  3. 噢,夏绿蒂说,她真难得进来。

    Oh ! Charlotte says , she hardly ever does .

  4. 下楼梯的时候,夏绿蒂说:

    As they went downstairs together , Charlotte said :

  5. 我偷听到的话比你听到的要更有意思了,伊丽莎,夏绿蒂说。

    My overhearings were more to the purpose than yours , Eliza , said Charlotte .

  6. 夏洛威说,一定要想到,这个人将会管理你的财务。

    Mr. Shalloway says it 's important to consider that this person will be managing your finances . '

  7. 他走了以后,夏绿蒂说;这是什么意思?

    What can be the meaning of this ! said Charlotte , as soon as he was gone .

  8. 且说当时伊丽莎白对夏绿蒂说:你瞧,达西先生是什么意思呢,我跟弗斯脱上校谈话,干吗要他在那儿听?

    What does Mr. Darcy mean , said she to Charlotte , by listening to my conversation with Colonel Forster ?

  9. 下楼梯的时候,夏绿蒂说:我相信你一定会常常给我写信的,伊丽莎。

    As they went down stairs together , Charlotte said , I shall depend on hearing from you very often , Eliza .

  10. 下楼梯的时候,夏绿蒂说:“我相信你一定会常常给我写信的,伊丽莎。”

    As they went down stairs together , Charlotte said , " I shall depend on hearing from you very often , Eliza . "

  11. 夏绿蒂说,能够替朋友效劳,非常乐意,虽然花了一点时间,却得到了很大的快慰。

    Charlotte assured her friend of her satisfaction in being useful , and that it amply repaid her for the little sacrifice of her time .

  12. 夏达说:当同事们告诉我我的作品被选中时,我简直都不敢相信,我以为他们是在和我开玩笑。

    When colleagues told me my piece was chosen , I was too surprised to believe it , Xia said . I thought it was a joke .

  13. 夏绿蒂说,这种操作有益于健康,她尽可能鼓励他这样做;她讲起这件事的时候,非常镇定自若,真叫伊丽莎白佩服。

    and Elizabeth admired the command of countenance with which Charlotte talked of the healthfulness of the excercise , and owned she encouraged it as much as possible .

  14. 宁夏绿洲位于我国宁夏回族自治区境内,九曲黄河从中部进入宁夏,给绿洲带来了丰富的水源,使其成为宁夏最富庶的地区,素有天下黄河富宁夏之说。

    The Yellow River cuts through Ningxia , bringing abundant water resources to the oasis . Then the oasis becomes the most rich and populous region of Ningxia .

  15. 夏教授说:性教育应该让学生认识到,性不是娱乐消遣,更不是一场游戏;更多是关于社会以及个人的责任与诚信。

    Sex education is supposed to teach students that sex is not entertainment or even a game , but more about responsibility and integrity , both socially and individually , Xia said .

  16. 她告诉夏绿蒂说,象她这样的一个小家庭,一切事情都应该精密安排,又指教她如何照料母牛和家禽。

    told her how every thing ought to be regulated in so small a family as her 's , and instructed her as to the care of her cows and her poultry .

  17. 逮捕那些没有在这个项目中正式登记的药物使用者,“会导致很难建立起信任”,德夏莱说。他还表示,“如果设定这些限制,你就无法把足够多的注射器分发出去,从而真正阻止病毒的传播。”

    Arresting drug users who are not officially enrolled in the program " makes it hard to build trust , " Dr. Des Jarlais said , adding , " You 're not going to be able to get enough syringes out to really stop the epidemic if you have those types of restrictions . "

  18. “很多产业正从婴儿期走向青少年期,”夏培罗说。

    Many industries are going out of infancy and becoming adolescents , Shapiro said .

  19. 我觉得巴斯特号和夏克号说有一个紧急事件。

    I think buster and shark are declaring an emergency .

  20. 反正我不会信夏浩思所说的话。

    I wouldn 't believe anything habighorst said anyway .

  21. 夏多勒诺说,“真见鬼,别挑剔我所说的每一个字吧。”

    " Pray have compassion upon me , and do not take up every word I say . "

  22. 一名家族的朋友,同时也是政治活跃人士,阿尔.夏普顿牧师说,他们希望确保这位流行巨星能得到恰当评价。

    A family friend , political activist the Reverend Al Sharpton , says they want to ensure that the pop star is properly honored .

  23. 尽管北约官员没有给出具体撤军的时间安排,北约秘书长夏候雅伯说,撤军可能从明年1月开始。

    While NATO officials gave no specific timeline for the drawdown , Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said it could take place by next January .

  24. 阿利克夏,你不是说让我看你卧室的吗。

    Alexa , you promised to show me your bedroom .

  25. 夏多勒诺一面说,一面与他们逐一握手。

    Said chateau-renaud , shaking hands with each of them .

  26. 夏洛特别那么说

    Oh , Charlotte , don 't talk like that .