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  • Charlotte Hornets
  1. 在季后赛第二轮,迈克尔在对阵夏洛特黄蜂队时复仇者的姿态返回。

    In the second round of the playoffs , Michael returned home with a vengeance & playing the Charlotte Hornets .

  2. 今天,詹姆斯和鲍尔在洛杉矶湖人队以128-100战胜夏洛特黄蜂队的比赛中分别拿下三双,再次创造历史。

    Now , James and Ball set some triple-double history together in the Los Angeles Lakers ' 128-100 win over the Charlotte Hornets .

  3. 科比充满荣誉的高中生涯使他在1996年的NBA选秀中被夏洛特黄蜂队选中。

    Kobe 's highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft .

  4. 乔丹在上世纪90年代曾带领芝加哥公牛队夺得6次NBA冠军,现为NBA夏洛特黄蜂队老板的他去年收入高达1.1亿美元。

    Jordan , a six-time NBA champion in the 1990s with the Chicago Bulls who now owns the league 's Charlotte Hornets , made $ 110m last year .

  5. 去年,林书豪作为夏洛特黄蜂队(CharlotteHornets)的球员对阵尼克斯队时,程先生将餐厅里的十台电视都调到了转播这场比赛的频道。

    Last year , Mr. Ching tuned all of the restaurant 's 10 television screens to Knicks games when Mr. Lin played against them as a member of the Charlotte Hornets .

  6. 邓肯和吉诺比利双双退休,另一方帕克在七月份以自由人的身份与夏洛特黄蜂队签订了合同。

    Duncan and Ginobili are both retired , while Parker signed a free agent deal with the Charlotte Hornets in July .

  7. 开拓者将在2月8日主场迎战夏洛特黄蜂队,然后他们将在当晚前往萨克拉门托,进行五天内的第三场比赛-背靠背迎战国王。

    The Trail Blazers will head home to face Charlotte on Feb. 8 , then they 'll head out that night for Sacramento to close out the tail end of a back-to-back set and play their third game in five days .

  8. 在双11那天,波士顿凯尔特人以90-87力克夏洛特黄蜂队,比赛第一节,欧文就遭受面部受伤。此后欧文休赛一场,周三晚上对阵篮网的比赛中,全明星后卫,凯利欧文脸上戴着闪亮的面具,复出登场。

    After missing one game with a facial fracture that he suffered in the first quarter of the Boston Celtics ' 90-87 win over the Charlotte Hornets on Nov. 11 , All-Star point guard Kyrie Irving returned to the hardwood on Tuesday night against the Brooklyn Nets with shiny plastic strapped to his visage .