
  • 网络the Indiana Pacers
  1. NBA印第安纳步行者队是印地的优秀球队之一。

    NBA Indiana Pacers is one of the great teams in Indy .

  2. 印第安纳步行者队已经同意将当家球星保罗乔治交易至雷霆队,消息人士在周五晚上告诉ESPN的记者拉莫娜-谢伯恩。

    The Indiana Pacers have agreed to trade four-time All-Star forward Paul George to the Oklahoma City Thunder , sources told ESPN 's Ramona Shelburne on Friday night .

  3. 印第安纳步行者队的外线投篮和强硬身体素质是整个团队定制击败迈克尔领衔的公牛队的主要方针。

    The Indiana Pacers with their outside shooting and the physical play were a team custom-built to defeat Michael and the Bulls .

  4. 《永远的科比》周五晚上在电视上首次亮相,也正是东部联盟决赛第二场,迈阿密热火队主场对阵印第安纳步行者队。

    Forever Kobe makes its television debut Friday night as the Miami Heat hosts the Indiana Pacers for Game 2 of the Eastern Conference final .

  5. 休斯顿火箭和这支球队的台湾籍美国人当家球星杰里米·林于季前赛对阵印第安纳步行者队之前在亚洲之行的马尼拉购物商场掀起火爆旋风。

    the Houston Rockets and the team 's Taiwanese-American sensation Jeremy Lin , are hitting the hardwood at Manila 's Mall of Asia Arena ahead of their preseason game against the Indiana Pacers .