
  • 网络Bollywood;Dabangg;Cinema of India
  1. 为什麽不尝试将印度电影风格跟经典小说结合?

    Better still , why not combine Bollywood style with an updating of a classic novel ?

  2. 对于那些希望看到印度电影的色彩、服装、布置,以及大量音乐和舞蹈场面,这一切均可在影片里找到。

    For those who want to see Bollywood colour , costumes , decor and , of course , many songs and dances , there all here at the drop of a hat and cane .

  3. 尽管巴基斯坦对印度电影的禁令已实施了40年,但印度电影在巴基斯坦深受大众喜爱。兴盛的DVD市场和卫星电视使巴基斯坦人在家中也可以欣赏宝莱坞制作的影片。

    Indian films are hugely popular in Pakistan , and a flourishing bootleg DVD industry and satellite television mean Pakistanis can now watch Bollywood movies at home .

  4. 不过,印度电影有一种坚韧不拔的悠久传统。

    But there is a long , gritty tradition of Indian cinema .

  5. 论印度电影审查制度的变迁及其内在根源

    The Research on Changing Indian Film Censorship and Its Motivation

  6. 印度电影中的闹剧不再在我梦里反复上演。

    My Hindi movie melodrama had stopped replaying itself in my dreams .

  7. 一个更明显的例子是印度电影业在美国的遭遇。

    An even more striking example is the plight of Bollywood in America .

  8. 我的寄宿家庭下个周末要带我去参加印度电影节。

    My host family is taking me to an Indian film festival next weekend .

  9. 世界电影的百年历史中,除了好莱坞,印度电影也是功不可没。

    Century-old history of world cinema , besides Hollywood , Indian film is also denied .

  10. 印度电影&从一棵树唱到另一棵树。

    Indian movie-SINGING from tree to tree .

  11. 我不确定应该期望些什么,因为我以前从来没看过印度电影。

    I 'm not sure because I 've never seen such an Indian film before .

  12. 我爱看印度电影。

    I love watching Hindi movies .

  13. 人们正在打破传统的模式,印度电影也开始被人们所认识。

    People are breaking the stereotype and it 's good that Indian cinema is being recognized .

  14. 泰戈尔与印度电影

    Rabindranath Tagore and Indian Cinema

  15. 每年都会出很多印度电影不过我只看过几部。

    There are many Hindi movies that come every year but I do watch a few of them .

  16. 印度电影业生产影片的速度连全盛时期的好莱坞也不能与之相比。

    The Indian cinema turns out films at a rate that not even Hollywood in its heyday matched .

  17. 他们的剧本主要取材于中国民间故事,但也有一些改编自印度电影。

    Their scripts are primarily based on Chinese folk stories , but some are adaptations of Indian movies .

  18. 韩国、墨西哥和巴西的肥皂剧远销海外,韩国流行音乐和印度电影也是如此。

    South Korean , Mexican and Brazilian soap operas sell abroad , as do Korean pop and Indian movies .

  19. 现在,《摔跤吧爸爸》带来的良好印象,已经促使很多观众去搜索并观看诸如《我的个神啊》等其他更多印度电影了。

    The good impression Dangal made on many audience has inspired them to seek out more Indian films , such as PK .

  20. 在谈到我创作的那种音乐时,我总是要求人们忘掉那些关于印度电影的陈腐看法。

    I always ask people to forget any cliched ideas about Hindi cinema when it comes to the kind of music I make .

  21. 截止到目前,《摔跤吧爸爸》在豆瓣网上的评分已经达到9.3分(10分满分),成为内地评分最高的印度电影。

    The film currently has a 9.3/10 on Chinese media review site Douban , making it the highest-graded Indian film in the mainland .

  22. 听说印度电影的年产量与美国差不多。但美国电影仍然是全球最有影响力的。

    I hear India produces almost as many movies as america , but American movies are still the most influential in the world .

  23. 三人一起统治国际票房到印度电影的无与伦比的高度,'我的名字是汗'来也不例外。

    Together the three have ruled the international box office taking Indian cinema to unsurpassed heights and'My Name is Khan'is expected to be no exception .

  24. 印度电影和奈及利亚恋人:媒体和创造平行现代性〉,刊于《全球化人类学》。

    Larkin , Brian . " Indian Films and Nigerian Lovers : Media and the Creation of Parallel Modernities . " In The Anthropology of Globalization .

  25. 我想“宝莱坞”这个名称渐渐地过时了,因为它已变成意指一种特殊的庸俗印度电影。

    I think the name " Bollywood " isslowly going to go out of style because it 's come to denote a special kind ofkitsch Hindi cinema .

  26. 世界电影的发展始于十九世纪末期,印度电影与其基本同时起步,经历了一个多世纪的演进。

    The development of world cinema began in the late nineteenth century , Indian film started with the basic same time , has experienced more than a century of evolution .

  27. 在中国内地上映一周就获得了高达7640万元(约1106万美元)的票房,运动传记类印度电影《摔跤吧爸爸》,现在成为了在中国票房收入第二高的印度电影。

    Earning 76.4 million yuan ( $ 11.06 million ) during its first weekend in the Chinese mainland , biographical sports drama Dangal is now the second highest-earning Indian film in China .

  28. 这个人口最多的国家每年只允许进口34部外国电影,而印度电影经常竞争不过更加闻名的好莱坞电影挤。

    The world 's most populous nation operates a strict quota system of 34 films per year for forei gnfare , and Indian films are often crowded out by better-known Hollywood products .

  29. '3白痴'是也一直被视为最赚钱的印度电影发行有史以来在美国,中东,澳大利亚,南非,巴基斯坦,肯尼亚和斐济。

    ' 3 Idiots'is also being touted as the highest grossing Indian film ever to release in the US , Middle East , Australia , South Africa , Pakistan , Kenya and Fiji .

  30. 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“卫生间歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

    " Bathroom Singer ," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel , will zero in on an untrained performer who 's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers .