
shū cài ní
  • vegetable puree
  1. 生鲜制备中,以蔬菜泥草酸含量多于蔬菜及蔬菜汁;

    In those fresh preparation , calcium oxalate in vegetable puree higher than that of fresh vegetable and vegetable juice .

  2. 该蔬菜泥中类胡萝卜素的含量并不会受到加工过程中温度的影响;

    The carotenoid content of purees was not affected by thermal treatment .

  3. 但是我听说假如你光吃水果和蔬菜泥会很快减下重量。

    But I heard that if you just eat fruits and vegetables , you would lose weight quickly .

  4. 在加入脱脂牛奶和黑椒之后,蔬菜泥的口感会出奇得好。当然,它只含有一小部分卡路里。

    It tastes surprisingly good with a splash of skimmed milk and a crack of black pepper , yet it has less than half the calories .

  5. 榨汁最美妙的,自然就是榨得的汁水啦。恼人的却是榨干后遗留的果肉和蔬菜泥,多是水果的纤维或是蔬菜残渣。这些残余果肉的问题也是有办法解决的,方法如下:

    The great thing about juicing is , well , the juice 。 The bad thing about juicing is all that valuable pulp left behind afterward , which is where much of the fiber of a fruit or vegetable resides 。 There are a few resolutions to this pulpy problem , however , including :

  6. 常见的特点是用蔬菜和水果泥制作的酱汁,各种小量食物的新颖组合,突出造型和颜色细腻的优雅外观。

    Dishes commonly include sauces made of vegetable and fruit purees , novel combinations of foods in small quantities , and elegant displays highlighting details of texture and colour .

  7. 白酱花园蔬菜和芥末马铃薯泥

    served with a root vegetable foulon and wasabi whipped potatoes.And finally ...

  8. 你把这些蔬菜煮成菜泥了。

    You 've boiled these vegetables to a pulp .

  9. 我用搅拌器把熟肉、蔬菜和水果做成泥。

    I use a blender to puree cooked meats , vegetables , and fruits .

  10. 土豆之类的蔬菜可以捣成泥,卷心菜等则可以切丝或切片做成沙拉,并加入通心粉和奶酪。

    Serve vegetables mashed like potatoes , shredded like slaw or cut into bits and added to macaroni and cheese .