
shū cài zuò wù
  • Vegetable crops;green crop
  1. 虽然这些蔬菜作物很适应我们这里温和的气候,它们的收成却很差。

    Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate , they tend to crop poorly .

  2. 辣椒在世界各地广泛栽培,以其果实特有的色泽、辣味、香味和丰富的维生素C而成为一种世界性的蔬菜作物。

    Pepper is grown world widely for its unique color , favor and rich vitamin C source .

  3. 对DNA分子标记鉴定蔬菜作物种子纯度的原理进行了分析。

    The principle of vegetable seed genetic purity test by DNA molecular markers was analyzed .

  4. 综述了遮光设施的生态特点和遮光条件下蔬菜作物的生理、生化特性。Net中面向对象的程序设计方法进行编制。

    The paper made a review on the study of ecological characteristics and corresponding biochemical & physiological characteristics of vegetables under shading net covering cultivation .

  5. 白菜(Brassicarapa.L)是我国最重要的蔬菜作物之一。

    Brassica rapa is one of the most important vegetables in China .

  6. 辣椒是一种重要的茄科类蔬菜作物,因其果实营养丰富,特别是维生素C的含量在蔬菜中居第一位而深受人们喜爱。

    Capsicum is an important Solanaceae vegetable crops . It is deeply loved by people , because the fruit nutrient is very rich , especially vitamin C content .

  7. 因此,高C/N比秸秆与鸡粪配合施用不仅可以提高设施蔬菜作物产量,而且可以降低氮素损失风险,是一种有效的氮素管理模式。

    Therefore , the combination of straw with high C / N ration and chicken manure was a better N management practice to both improve vegetable yield and reduce N loss .

  8. 蔬菜作物VA菌根研究进展

    Advance on VA-mycorrhizal research in vegetable

  9. SRAP标记在蔬菜作物遗传育种中的应用

    Application of SRAP marker on genetics and breeding of vegetable crops

  10. SRAP标记技术及其在蔬菜作物遗传多样性分析中的应用

    SRAP Marker Technique and Its Application in Genetic Diversity Analyses of Vegetable Crops

  11. 三种蔬菜作物高温下蒸腾、种子活力和ATP的变化及其与抗热性的关系

    Changes of Transpiration , Seed Vigor and ATP Level under Heat Stress and Their Relations with Heat Resistance in Three Kinds of Vegetable Crops

  12. 蔬菜作物长期施用含氯肥对土壤相关性质的影响而施用非含氯肥氯离子与pH无相关性。

    Study on Effects of Long-Term Application of Chloride-Contained Fertilizer to Vegetables on Related Soil Properties No correlation between soil pH and soil chloride content in the non chloride-contained fertilizer treatment was found .

  13. 在分子标记鉴定蔬菜作物种子纯度的理论体系和技术体系指导下,对粤椒1号辣椒种子纯度进行了RAPD检测研究。

    Seed Purity of hot pepper variety " Yuejiao 1 " was tested with RAPD technique under the direction of the theoretical and technical system of vegetable seed purity test with DNA molecular marker .

  14. K对蔬菜作物N、K养分吸收量的影响大于P,对K的需求量为番茄>甜椒>黄瓜,对N的需求量为黄瓜>甜椒>番茄。

    The effect of potassium on the N , K uptake amount was higher than P. For four vegetables , the amount of K needed order is tomato > green pepper > cucumber , N needed order is cucumber > green pepper > tomato .

  15. 相对于拟南芥、烟草等模式作物来讲,MAPK在蔬菜作物逆境信号转导中的作用研究还刚刚起步。

    Relative to Arabidopsis , tobacco and other terms of the mode crops , the study of the role of MAPK in stress signal transduction in vegetable has only just begun .

  16. 结球甘蓝(BrassicaoleraceaVar.capitata)简称甘蓝,属于十字花科芸薹属,原产于地中海沿岸,是世界上广泛种植的一种重要蔬菜作物。

    Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata ) is a worldwide vegetable crop belonging to the Brassica of family Cruciferae , and it originates from the Mediterranean Coast .

  17. 芥菜(BrassciajunceaCoss.)是十字花科(Cruciferae)芸薹属(Basrscia)蔬菜作物,在我国栽培历史悠久。

    Mustard ( Brasscia juncea Coss . ) is an important vegetable crop with a long cultivation history in China .

  18. 普通肾形线虫(Rotylenchulusreniformis)在几种蔬菜作物上的生物学和防治试验

    Biology and control of reniform nematode ( rotylenchulus reniformis ) on some vegetable crops

  19. 在观察蔬菜作物染色体上丙酸-铁-洋红-水合三氯乙醛(PICCH)染色的新技术

    A new technique of using propionic-iron - carmine - chloral hydrate ( picch ) for chromosome staining in vegetable plants

  20. 试验证明输水管埋深为20cm时,出水孔径为3×Φ4mm的出水量能够满足根系分布在这一深度范围内的蔬菜作物需水要求。

    It was proved that the outlet flow rate of 3 ×Φ 4 mm aperture diameter at non-pressure subsurface drip irrigation could fulfill the water requirement of vegetable crop when root-age depth was 20 cm soil layer .

  21. 南瓜(Cucurbita)是十分重要的瓜类蔬菜作物,因其栽培简单,产量高,易于贮运,而且营养丰富,深受人们的喜爱。

    Pumpkin ( Cucurbita ) is one of the major vegetable crops in Cucurbit family . Due to its easy cultivation , high yield , long shelf life and abundant nutriments , pumpkin is very popular in China .

  22. 通过对12种常见蔬菜作物幼苗在Hoagland营养液中进行水培处理,对其在3种重金属(Pb2+,Cu2+,Cd2+)胁迫下的抗性进行了比较研究。

    Resistances of twelve species vegetables ' seedling to Pb ~ ( 2 + ), Cu ~ ( 2 + ), Cd ~ ( 2 + ) stresses in Hoagland nutrient solution medium were studied .

  23. 蔬菜作物钼效应及其临界值研究

    The effect of applying molybdenum on vegetables and its critical values

  24. 乙酸对三种蔬菜作物种子发芽的影响

    Influence of Acetic Acid on Seed Germination of Three Vegetable Crops

  25. 纳米生物技术促进蔬菜作物增产应用研究

    The Application Research of Nano-biotechnology to Promote Increasing of Vegetable Production

  26. 蔬菜作物的高温伤害及其耐热性研究进展

    Advances in high - temperature injury and heat resistant of vegetables

  27. 是我国种植面积最大的蔬菜作物之一。

    Chinese cabbage is a widely grown vegetable in our country .

  28. 黄瓜和番茄都是低氧敏感性蔬菜作物。

    Both cucumber and tomato plants were low O2 sensitive species .

  29. 设施土壤次生盐渍化的特征及其对蔬菜作物的危害

    Characteristics and Stress on Vegetables of Secondary Salinization in Greenhouse Soils

  30. 芸薹属蔬菜作物的遗传转化研究进展

    The Progress of Genetic Transformation Research on Brassica Vegetable Crops