
  • 网络vegetable pickling and curing
  1. 蔬菜腌制过程中的氨基酸组成变化

    Changes in Amino Acid Compositions During Vegtable Pickling

  2. 蔬菜传统腌制发酵工艺过程中微生物生态学的意义

    The micro-ecological significance of the traditional greenstuff pickling process

  3. 蔬菜加工腌制过程中,腌渍品的用盐量、出品率和含水量关系到产品质量的优劣和企业的经济效益。

    Slat dosage , production ratio and water content were related to the quality of finished product during vegetables pickles'processing .

  4. 这些蔬菜经过腌制已经有了咸味,所以我们除了加些糖和配料不需要再添加任何的调料。

    The preserved vegetables were very salty so we didn 't need to add any extra flavor except for that much loved ingredient , sugar .

  5. 结论食用腌制蔬菜、腌制豆类,少吃新鲜蔬菜、水果可能是福建省食管癌流行的重要危险因素。

    Conclusion Consumption of salted vegetables , salted and fermented soybeans , lower intake of fresh vegetables and fruits may be major risk factors for esophageal cancer in Fujian province .

  6. 进一步的多元中位数回归分析显示进入方程的因素为腌制蔬菜、腌制豆类、新鲜蔬菜及男性的新鲜水果等。

    Further multivariate median regression analysis revealed that factors entering regression equation were salted vegetables , salted and fermented soybeans , fresh vegetables and fresh fruits ( for male only ) .

  7. 蔬菜低盐腌制工艺及袋装产品的研究

    The Low-Salted Pickling Technique Vegetable and its Products in Bags

  8. 转眼菜园里该采收了,蔬菜被装罐腌制后储藏,学校也开学了。

    Then all too soon the garden was harvested , the vegetables canned and stored , and the school reopened .

  9. 雪里蕻作为蔬菜,在腌制过程中自身的硝酸盐会被还原成亚硝酸盐,若腌制加工不当,就会产生高浓度的亚硝酸盐,从而对人体产生致癌作用。

    Potherb mustard as a vegetable , in the curing process itself will produce the nitrite , if processed properly preserved , it will produce high concentrations of nitrite , which produce carcinogenic effects on the human body .

  10. 同样的,新鲜的水果和蔬菜被认为比腌制的更有营养。

    Likewise , fresh fruit and vegetables are thought to be more nutrient dense than preserved ones .

  11. 第一种是传统的制作方式,将豆腐放进一个腌制泡菜的大桶中,加一些水、蔬菜和鲜花一起腌制几个月,直到豆腐发酵。

    The first one is the traditional style , the producer pickles tofu in a vat , with some water , vegetable and flowers together for several months till the tofu ferment .