
  1. 使用真空动态腌制法开发低盐甜葫芦腌菜

    Development of Low-salt Sweet Calabash Pickle by Dynamic Vacuum Pickling Method

  2. 腌制法主要用来存贮鱼类和一些肉食品。

    Curing is used mainly to preserve fish and certain meats .

  3. 传统上,这种腌制法一般都在冬天进行。

    Traditionally , this kind of curing is done during cold winter months .

  4. 在采用干盐腌制法的时候要切记不要洒太多的盐。

    Do not use too much salt when using the dry salting method .

  5. 简单轻松的啤酒腌制法也许可以让你放心的去烤牛排,然后大块朵颐中也别忘了来上一杯。

    A simple beer marinade might let you have your steak ... and eat it , too .

  6. 他们这里闻名的是不同种类腌制法的肉类,也是他们独特的地方。

    Their famous items , Various kind of marinated meat , these are their unique selling point also .

  7. 主要检测了用腌制液浸泡法生产咸蛋时,蛋内的水分、食盐含量、黏度,以及蛋黄含油量、蛋黄指数、蛋黄色素等级等。

    Main detected the egg 's moisture , salt content , viscosimet , and vitelline oiliness , vitelline exponential , vitelline coloring matter grade and so on .

  8. 与传统工艺方法不同处是肉类腌制采用肉糜腌制法。鸡肉用量依产品不同而不同。

    Mincemeat salted method , which different from traditional technology is used .