
  • 网络pickle
  1. 叶用芥菜(BrassicajunceaCoss.)是加工腌制蔬菜的重要原料,随着腌制蔬菜加工产业的迅速发展,市场对叶用芥菜的需求量逐渐增大。

    Leaf mustard ( Brassica juncea Coss . ) is an important raw materials for processing of pickled vegetables . The market demand of leaf mustard is gradually increasing with the rapid development of the pickled vegetable processing industry .

  2. 腌制蔬菜的品质及亚硝酸盐问题研究进展

    The quality of pickled vegetables and the progress on the nitrite issue

  3. 各式凉果和腌制蔬菜都是传统名菜。

    Various pickled fruits and vegetables make traditional popular dishes .

  4. 腌制蔬菜复绿及其罐头加工工艺

    Regreening and Canned Technology of Salted Vegetable

  5. 分析了腌制蔬菜中的泡菜,盐浸渍菜中所含的主要营养成分的种类及其相对含量。

    The main nutrition components and their content in pickled vegetable and in the Pickles were determined .

  6. 饭盒被划分成小隔间,每一隔离装满了不同的菜:通常是鱼、肉、腌制蔬菜、米饭或豆腐。

    Bento boxes are divided into small compartments , each filled with a different dish : often fish , meat , pickled vegetables , rice or tofu .

  7. 应用人工接种纯菌种腌制蔬菜是对传统自然发酵模式的一种变革,也是发酵技术现代化的一种标志,而研究冻干直投式发酵剂是目前发酵工业的一个热点。

    It is a reform for traditional and unartificial fermentation mode to product pickles by using artificial inoculation , as well as a symbol of the modern fermentation technology .

  8. 结论食用腌制蔬菜、腌制豆类,少吃新鲜蔬菜、水果可能是福建省食管癌流行的重要危险因素。

    Conclusion Consumption of salted vegetables , salted and fermented soybeans , lower intake of fresh vegetables and fruits may be major risk factors for esophageal cancer in Fujian province .

  9. 其结果表示,添加复合防腐剂的腌制蔬菜组在维持理化性质的稳定性和良好的卫生情况方面最优。

    The results indicated that the group of pickled vegetable added composite of preservatives is the best in the maintenance of physical and chemical properties of stability and good hygiene .

  10. 进一步的多元中位数回归分析显示进入方程的因素为腌制蔬菜、腌制豆类、新鲜蔬菜及男性的新鲜水果等。

    Further multivariate median regression analysis revealed that factors entering regression equation were salted vegetables , salted and fermented soybeans , fresh vegetables and fresh fruits ( for male only ) .

  11. 本文以腌制蔬菜的保鲜保质为目的,通过筛选复配制备出高效的复合防腐剂,研究评价复合防腐剂对腌制蔬菜中腐败菌的抑制作用,并将其应用于腌制蔬菜的保鲜。

    This compound was prepared by screening a compound effective preservatives , study and evaluate the metamorphic complex of preservatives on the inhibition of spoilage bacteria in vegetables and applied it to the actual pickled vegetables . 1 .

  12. 如果你是一个喜欢吃可口味道的人,你也可以尝试腌制蔬菜,因为这些比你这个季节沉溺于各种品牌的薯片要好得多。

    You could always try salted vegetable crisps , too , if you are a savoury kind of person , as these are much better for you than other brands of crisps that you might be a little bit addicted to at this moment in time .

  13. 居然有人想要用腌制的蔬菜味道来毁掉一道美味的甜点,这是为什么呢?

    Why would anyone add pickled vegetables to spoil a delicious dessert .

  14. 月饼馅的酸味源于腌制的蔬菜和山楂。

    The sourness of the mooncake filling is from pickled vegetables and hawthorns .

  15. 每逢圣诞节前夕,瓦哈卡市场开始向参加子夜弥撒的人们销售各种咸鱼干和腌制的蔬菜。

    Local markets used to sell salt-dried fish and vegetables for customers coming out of the midnight mass on Christmas Eve .

  16. 我们选用了当地腌制过的蔬菜来搭配鲜鱼。

    For this dish we used a local fish with local preserved vegetables .

  17. 本研究以大白菜、甘蓝、白萝卜为试验材料,研究了室温、低温、腌制三种贮藏蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量的变化及其形成的机理。

    Nitrite content variation and nitrite formation mechanics of the vegetables , respectively stored in different room-temperatures , low temperatures and natural fermentations , are studied in this paper .