- pickle;souse;salt;cure;preserve in salt

[preserve in salt] 用糖、盐等浸渍的方法制
Mother used to pickle onions .
To pickle onions you put them in vinegar with spices , etc.
The fish or seafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride .
Leave to marinade for 24 hours .
Don 't use pickled beetroot , but buy it uncooked and cook it yourself .
Another custom is the soaking of Laba garlic .
This pickled vegetables fresh color , flavor through , brackish palatability and pleasant fragrance .
The saltwater marinade and the brown sugar marinade also worked very well , decreasing the carcinogens by about 60 percent .
In the state of Zhen , " Pu " meant uncarved jade1 while in the state of Zhou it meant unsalted mouse .
Now I 'm not saying that if you eat grilled chicken that 's not marinated , you 're definitely going to catch cancer and die .
So when I went through the data , I had very surprising results , because I found that four out of the five marinating ingredients actually inhibited the carcinogen formation .
When compared with the unmarinated chicken , which is what I used as my control , I found that lemon juice worked by far the best , which decreased the carcinogens by about 98 percent .
And I found that if you increase the time cooked , the amount of carcinogens rapidly increases . So the best way to marinate chicken , based on this , is to , not under-cook , but definitely don 't over-cook and char the chicken , and marinate in either lemon juice , brown sugar or saltwater .
Vitamin C 0.03 % and glucose 0.2 % were the optimal ways to decrease the content of nitrite in the semi-product of pickled Chinese toon sprouts .
Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Salty or Pickled Foods and Gastric Cancer
Ducks bred specially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a closed or hung oven .
During making sausages certain machine processing , such as stirring , cutting and the temperature could affect the property of holding water and capacity of combination .
The results showed that the process of curing was accelerated by high pressure and NaCl content was increased .
Salted egg yolk , meat that has been marinated for several hours and sticky rice , or other fillings all get wrapped in bamboo leaves .
So when the World Health Organization , in a recent report , linked processed meats to colorectal cancer , the news came as an affront to many Spaniards , who have been eating cured hams produced this way for generations .
The nitrite content of salted vegetables was 16 times of that of the fresh vegetables in Nanjing .
The experiments studied the influence of single phosphate and phosphate complex for 24 or 48 hours on the quality of dried beef .
However , the fermentation of sugar significantly increased the content of ( Z ) - 2,3-butanediol ,( E ) - 2,3-butanediol which is the reason of bergamot 's strong sweet flavor after curing .
The results indicate that the content of the above-mentioned indexes reached the salted duck eggs standard after 7 days .
Cultivars , nitrogen , sulphur significantly influenced the nutritional elements ( N , S , P , K , Ca , Mg , Fe ) content in pickled leaf mustard , and different change trends were observed .
Results The concentrations of hydrocyanic acid , acetonitrile , methane , and carbon dioxide were very high in the air of the pool .
Determination of the sodium cyclamate in pickled vegetable using two different polar columns by GC-FID
The result indicates that the low temperature salt system may effectively suppress the microorganism the growth reproduction , the best salt system temperature 5 ℃, preserved time 24h ;
The experiment has studied the effect on the quality of the pebble jellied meat when added different consistencies of gelatin and cured for 24 h or 48 h.
The optimizing orthogonal test results are : 6 % salt dosage for 25 days and knead - salting 4 times .