
  • 网络pickled cabbage
  1. Shih说,他是在台北长大的,记忆中最美妙的事情之一就是在打完一场激烈的篮球赛后,就着腌白菜吃一盘臭豆腐。

    Mr. Shih said one of his favorite memories growing up in Taipei was grabbing a plate of stinky tofu with a heap of pickled cabbage after an intense basketball game .

  2. 他的妻子制作的乡村腌白菜,是一道点缀香菜、豆豉和辣椒的美味沙拉。

    His wife makes the villagers ' pickled Chinese cabbage , a delicious salad laced with coriander , fermented black beans and chilli .

  3. 他的妻子制作的“乡村腌白菜”,是一道点缀香菜、豆豉和辣椒的美味沙拉。

    His wife makes the " villagers ' pickled Chinese cabbage , " a delicious salad laced with coriander , fermented black beans and chilli .

  4. 流行的腌芥菜,白菜,萝卜和其他蔬菜也会大量使用。

    The popularity of pickled mustard greens , cabbage , radish and other vegetables also contributes .