- 名steamed bread of corn;sorghum

[steamed corn bread] 见窝头
The coefficients in determination of phytate in soybean flour , steamed bread of corn and dried bean curd were 2.16 % , 4.92 % and 1.78 % , and recoveries were 103.38 % , 102.81 % and 103 . 41 % respectively .
When pregnant they worked as usual though their food was only maize bread and sweet-potato porridge .
These men have already sold the best years of their lives , and now the maize mums on which they subsist are transformed into blood and sweat which drip on to the road .
But now she has adapted to the new environment with the keepers ' care . " She loves carrots most , and the steamed bread and apples . She is getting heavier now . "
Wu Kongju , an expert at the centre told Xinhua : They also receive more buns , fruits and bamboo , so some clever pandas have used this to their advantage to improve their quality of life .