
wō àn
  • criminal case in which all suspects come from the same work unit
  1. 其中贪污窝案、串案的大幅增加,为检察机关所关注。

    One of the series of corruption , the increased significantly , a procuratorial organ concerns for us .

  2. 突出表现在涉案领域越来越广、涉案金额越来越大、涉案人员地位越来越高、窝案串案越来越多且国际化趋势越来越明显。

    Outstanding performance in the field of suspects has become an increasingly widespread , involving more and more involved in increasing the status and international trends are becoming evident .

  3. 论查办职务犯罪窝串案中深挖线索的策略

    On Strategies of Ferreting out Clues in Investigating and Handling " Collusion Cases " of Job-related Crimes

  4. 村干部职务犯罪的手段并不复杂,相对一般职务犯罪,村干部职务犯罪手段简单,反侦查能力差。同时具有窝、串案多,作案人员所在村相对地域集中的特点。

    It is not complex for village cadres crime , to compare with other normal duty crime , their methods are somehow simple and are less capable of anti reconnaissance , also characterized as more case connections and area gathering within villages .