
qí fàng
  • multiple shooting
齐放 [qí fàng]
  • [multiple shooting] 一种爆破方式,各个炮眼同时爆发

齐放[qí fàng]
  1. 将茄子码齐放在上菜用的盘子里。

    Put the eggplants side by side in a serving dish .

  2. 吴王见状大怒,一挥手,左右侍从一齐放箭,这猴子难以躲藏,终于中箭,报树而亡。

    Upon seeing this , the King because furious , and with a wave of his hand , the attendants around him shot all together . It was hard for the monkey to dodge4 the arrows , and eventually , struck by arrows ; it died , clinging to a tree .

  3. 消费是我们生活中的重要组成部分,对于消费的研究称得上是百家争鸣,百家齐放。

    Consumption is an important part of life for the consumer study called television news burgeons .

  4. 进入二十一世纪,我国各艺术门类都得到繁荣发展,百家齐放,美不胜收。

    As in the 21st century , all categories of art in China have developed smoothly and prosperously .

  5. 假如中国主办方没有出动直升机跟踪拍摄徐徐延伸的焰火齐放,没有人会提出抱怨。

    No one would have complained that China had not followed its creeping barrage of fireworks with a helicopter .

  6. 于是群炮齐放,驱逐舰搜索海面,整个庞大舰队慌忙而又愤怒地驶出海外。

    Guns were fired , destroyers thrashed the waters , and the whole gigantic armada put to sea in haste and dudgeon .

  7. 但他也希望在他的领导下,松下近90个业务部门能够呈现创意思维“齐放”、人才互相“争鸣”的局面。

    But he too hopes to lead a flowering of creative thinking and competitive instincts at Panasonic 's nearly 90 business units .

  8. 把你不想让主考人看的词句整整齐齐地划掉。他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。

    Rule out neatly any words which you don 't wish the examiner to read . He placed his books in a neat stack .

  9. 历来为人们所津津乐道的战国时期百家争鸣、白花齐放的思想学术氛围,正是由士阶层所营造。

    The thought academic atmosphere in the Spring and Autumn Period which loves to talk about for the people , is precisely built by the scholar social stratum .

  10. 夜幕降临,乐山上空礼炮轰隆,彩灯光芒四溢。河面各只彩船上无数五颜六色的霓虹灯、日光灯齐放光华,闪烁迷离,和水中倒影连成一片。漂灯点缀河面,似万点繁星坠落人间。

    As night falls , salutes from the city cannon thunder across the sky , a signal for countless bright lights to flash alive on all the dragon boats up and down the river .

  11. 画上呈现的是夏令时节老房子周围的盛况——花坛上遍布大片粉红色、红色、白色和紫色的花朵,八月里,众花齐放,一簇簇高高的花丛就像五彩华服一般。

    In the painting , the house is depicted in all its summer time glory - lush pink , red , white and purple flowers overflowed in the flower beds that , by August , resembled tall colorful bushes in all their flowering finery .