
  • 网络qilu culture
  1. 从事文学三十年,毕四海的创作视野一直没有离开过齐鲁文化。

    Engaged in literature three decades , he has never left Qilu culture .

  2. 齐鲁文化,可谓积淀丰厚、博大深邃。

    The centuries-old Qilu culture is extensive and profound .

  3. 齐鲁文化成语在跨文化交流中的意义和价值

    The Significance and Value of Qi Lu Culture Idioms in Cross-cultural Communication

  4. 第三章,鲁菜名称中的齐鲁文化内涵。

    The third chapter is Shandong culture connotation in Shandong cuisine name .

  5. 山东汉画与齐鲁文化

    Painting of Han Dynasty in Shandong Province and Qi-Lu Culture

  6. 齐鲁文化与汉民族的形成

    The Qilu Culture and the Formation of Han Nationality

  7. 论秦汉时期齐鲁文化的历史地位

    An Analysis of the Historical Status of Qi-Lu Culture in the Qin Han Dynasty

  8. 傅斯年先生是齐鲁文化研究的开拓者、奠基人。

    FU Si-nian is the pioneer and founder of the research on Qilu culture .

  9. 齐鲁文化既是一个地域文化的概念,又是一个历史文化的概念,它是随着历史的发展和行政区化的变化而发展变化的。

    Qilu culture is not only a regional conception but also a historical notion .

  10. “诚信山东”&齐鲁文化的时代精神品牌

    Honest Shandong : Ideological Brand of Qilu Culture

  11. 齐鲁文化与诚信传统

    Qilu Culture and the Tradition of Honesty

  12. 齐鲁文化与山东现代小说

    Qilu Culture and Modern Novels of Shandong

  13. 齐鲁文化在先秦时期,实际由齐、鲁两支不同特色的文化构成。

    Qilu culture was composed of two different cultures-Qi culture and Lu culture during pre-Qin period .

  14. 这三大系统都源于山东,有齐鲁文化背景。

    All these three systems originated from Shandong , with the Qi-lu culture being the background .

  15. 齐鲁文化的特质包括文化上的正统性、道德上的本位性、学术上的包容性和开放性。

    The characters of Qilu culture include cultural orthodox , ethical standard , academic annexation and open .

  16. 齐鲁文化对“山左三家”诗论有深刻的影响。

    Qilu culture had a profound influence on the poetry theory of shandong 's three famous poets .

  17. 作为齐鲁文化的中心,济南城市建筑习俗展现的是其传统、敦厚的一面。

    As the center of Qilu culture , Jinan urban architectural custom shows its traditional and thick aspect .

  18. 作者泾渭分明,对齐鲁文化的精神实质进行了现代过滤,洞悉齐鲁文化对现代社会的作用。

    The writer filters the spiritual essence of modern Qilu culture and understands clearly its role in modern society .

  19. 齐鲁文化、红色文化、滨海文化、运河文化、民俗文化等,绚烂多姿,闪耀着智慧的光芒。

    Qilu culture , revolutionary culture , coastal culture , canals culture and folk culture shining light of wisdom .

  20. 在中华文明的传承中,齐鲁文化成语已成为中国文化中富有活力的因子,它充盈着中华传统文化的每个细胞。

    Those idioms have become active forces in the succession of the Chinese culture and permeated every aspect of it .

  21. 后来,齐鲁文化由地域文化上升为主流文化,又进一步强化了文化认同和民族认同的理念,使得汉民族不断吸收新的民族成分,不断壮大。

    At the same time it strengthens the theory of culture and people identification and brings new ideas to Han nationality .

  22. 齐鲁文化是中国传统文化的核心思想,又是主流意识形态的文化基础。

    Qi Lu culture is the core ideas of Chinese traditional culture , besides is the cultural basis of official ideology .

  23. 首先,从地域文化的角度讲,齐鲁文化对于人力资本的培育具有促进作用。

    First of all , from the perspective of geographical culture , Qilu Culture will promote the cultivation of human capital .

  24. 齐鲁文化在赐予他宝贵的精神资源的同时,也使他肩上了过重的背负。

    The Qi and Lu culture has granted him precious spiritual resources , meanwhile , it also brought heavy burden to him .

  25. 在这个意义上可以得出结论:易学源于山东,有齐鲁文化背景。

    On this extent , it can be concluded that Yi learning was originated from Shandong with Qi-LU culture being its background .

  26. 齐鲁文化中所倡导的私学教育和儒家教育在山东形成了一种文化传统,在这种文化传统之下,山东的教育事业才会出现如此繁荣的景象。

    The private and Confucianism education has become the cultural tradition . In this background , The education in Shandong is very booming .

  27. 莫言生长在山东,深受齐鲁文化的熏陶,他的反叛与追寻终与齐鲁文化相联系。

    He was born in Shandong Province and nurtured by Qilu culture , so his rebel and pursue have much to do with it .

  28. 以齐鲁文化为对象,阐述了齐鲁文化景观的形成背景及原因。

    Based on Qilu culture , the paper analyzes the synthesizing process of Qilu culture landscape and explores the dimensional difference for Qilu culture landscape .

  29. 青岛作为齐鲁文化的一部分,不仅具有悠久的历史文化积淀,还多了一份国外特色以及现代化的气息。

    Qingdao is a part of Qilu , not only has a long historical and cultural accumulation , but also has abroad features and modern atmosphere .

  30. 山东作家以齐鲁文化的忠义观念写新社会英雄,根源于创作主体的文化心理结构。

    Shandong writers wrote heroes of new society by loyalty and chivalry of Qi Lu culture , which had stemmed from the cultural mental structure of creative subjects .