
  • 网络CROW;krogh;kroll;clo
  1. 关于克罗(clo)值的讨论

    A discussion on the value of ClO

  2. 如果厚度太大,克罗值不仅不增加反而减小。

    And with the thickness increased continuously , the clo value decreased .

  3. 退休以后,克罗在好几个问题上都与总统意见相左。

    Since his retirement , Crowe has differed with the President on several issues .

  4. 用高效液相色谱法,测定健康男性志愿者8名,血清中2种头孢克罗胶囊(T药、R药)的药物浓度,进行相对生物利用度研究。

    Relative bioavailability of two products of cefaclor capsules ( referred to as T and R ) in sera of eight healthy male volunteers were determined by high performance liquid chromato-graphy .

  5. 方法:采用头孢克罗治疗小儿呼吸道细菌性感染460例,7d为一个疗程。

    Methods : 460 children with bacterial respiratory infection were treated with cefaclor taken orally for 7 days .

  6. 方法:8名健康志愿者单剂量口服750mg头孢克罗胶囊,分别用HPLC法和微生物法测定血浆中药物浓度。

    METHODS : Cefaclor capsules were given to 8 healthy volunteers with a single oral dose of 750 mg . Plasma concentrations were determined by HPLC method and bioassay respectively .

  7. 方法:采用HPLC法测定血浆药物浓度,所有受试者随机交叉单剂量口服500mg国产或进口头孢克罗胶囊。

    METHODS : Plasma cefaclor concentrations were measured using HPLC method . Each of all subjects was administered with a single oral dose of cefaclor capsule ( 500mg ) in a randomized crossover study .

  8. 劳动研究院(一家由从事劳动力管理解决方案的商克罗诺思公司建立的智囊机构)院长JoyceMaroney认为这个结果很有趣。

    Joyce Maroney , the director of the Workforce Institute , a think tank established by the workforce management solution company Kronos Inc. , called the results fascinating .

  9. 来源于巨大芽孢杆菌的固定化酶催化头孢克罗合成的能力较好,以苯甘氨酸甲酯(PGME)为底物较酰氨的效果好。

    The immobilized enzyme from Bacillis megaterium gave a better catalytic properties and the higher conversion was obtained using phenylglycine methyl ester ( PGME ) as acyl donor .

  10. 本文报道60例(男性32例,女性28例,年龄54±18)感染性疾病患者口服头孢克罗胶囊0.25g0.50g,每日三次.疗程57天。

    Sixty hospitalized patients ( 32 males and 28 females , aged 54 ± 18 ) withinfections were treated with cefaclor . Patients received cefaclor capasules ( 0.25g-0.50g q8h ) orally for 5-7 days .

  11. 她的愠怒可让克罗狄俄斯给猜中了,他决定从中渔利。

    Clodius guessed her pique and resolved to profit by it .

  12. 影响头孢克罗缓释片释药因素的研究

    The Factors Influencing on Cefaclor Release From Sustained Release Tablets

  13. 同时,克罗西亚的人名正遭受煎熬。

    Meanwhile , the people of krakozhia suffer the consequences .

  14. 圣母被傻瓜克罗依斯特拯救。

    The Holy mother , saved by cloister the stupid .

  15. 肖女士和克罗先生要走了,约翰。

    Ms. Shaw and Mr. Koroa are leaving , John .

  16. 克罗说道:“因为我们从未如此接近。

    Crowe said , " Because we 've never been as close .

  17. 我相信克罗狄俄斯想接替你的位子呢。

    I fancy Clodius is desirous to be your successor .

  18. 他们控告克罗史行窃。

    They have laid an accusation of theft against croker .

  19. 国产头孢克罗胶囊剂的人体相对生物利用度研究

    Relative Bioavailability of Domestic Cefaclor Capsule in Healthy Volunteers

  20. 凯文,约翰尼和克罗在兵营被杀了。

    It 's kevin , johnny , colum , murdered in the barracks .

  21. 目的:评价头孢克罗胶囊2种制剂的生物等效性。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the relative bioavailability of2kinds of preparations of cefaclor capsules .

  22. 哼,当我站到珍妮杰克逊和雪莉克罗边上时。

    Yeah , until I 'm standing next to Janet Jackson or Sheryl crow .

  23. 英国工会领导人克罗说,欧洲各地的工人正在为自己的权益而战。

    British Union leader Crow says workers across Europe are fighting for their rights .

  24. 头孢克罗治疗小儿支气管肺炎的临床观察

    Clinical Effect of Cefaclor on Bronchopneumonia in Children

  25. 克罗对工作只有一个要求

    Crowe has only one working rule .

  26. 头孢克罗颗粒剂相对生物利用度研究

    Study on Relative Bioavailability of Cefaclor Granules

  27. 2种头孢克罗胶囊的人体药代动力学及相对生物利用度研究

    Studies on Pharmacokinetics and Relative Bioavailability of Two Kinds of Cefaclor Capsule in Healthy Volunteers

  28. 这位是迈阿密警察局的克罗基特探员

    This is Detective Crockett , Miami-Dade P.D

  29. 目的:观察新达罗(国产头孢克罗)治疗泌尿系感染的疗效,并与希刻劳(进口头孢克罗)进行比较。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy of domestic and imported cefaclor in treating urinary infections .

  30. 他们经过一些国家以后抵达库克罗普斯国。

    After going though a few countries , they arrived at the land of the Cyclopes .