
jiàn zhù pínɡ miàn tú
  • building plan
  1. 民用住宅建筑平面图CAD软件

    CIVIC BUILDINGS Computer Aided Dwelling House Architectural Design-Accomplishing Software System of Dwelling House Plan Design

  2. 应用AUTOCAD建墙体模块快速实现建筑平面图的墙体布置

    To Quickly Realize the Wall Body Arrangement in the Building Plane by Using the Wall Body Model Block of AuTo CAD

  3. 该教程中的例子使用JavaScript,让用户能够动态控制用SVG呈现的建筑平面图的内容和形式。

    In this tutorial , the example uses JavaScript that enables users to dynamically control the content and appearance of a floor plan rendered with SVG .

  4. 应用AUTOCAD绘制建筑平面图中的墙体时,若直接用其所提供的图素来实现,有诸多的不便且费时。

    When AuTo CAD is used to draw the wall body in the building plane , if the drawing offered by AuTo CAD is directly used to realize the wall body , there will be much inconvenience and a waste of time .

  5. 一种面向方案设计的建筑平面图生成方法

    A new approach of scheme design oriented architecture plan generation

  6. 搜索建筑平面图房间的算法及应用

    A Room Searching Method in Architectural Plan and Its Application

  7. 基于特征点的建筑平面图的图形识别

    The Constructure Drawing Recognition Based on the Characteristic Points

  8. 我们假定讨论建筑平面图以使我们进入比较适当的谈论边缘。

    We were supposed to be discussing the building plans but we got sidetracked into talking about politics .

  9. 通过用电脑辅助设计设备绘画建筑平面图,学生可以获得间接经验。

    The student also receives hands-on experience with computer-aided design ( CAD ) equipment in drawing architectural plans .

  10. 问题是,我的建筑平面图已经过时了,所以我一直对尺寸感到困惑。

    The trouble is , I had out-of-date architects plans with me , so I kept getting confused about the dimensions .

  11. 要留下的宣传册包括参展者最终名单,建筑平面图也值得保留。

    The handouts to hang onto are the finalised list of visitors , and it 's also worth keeping the floor plan .

  12. 本文是根据某乡镇办公综合楼的建筑平面图而进行的结构设计和施工组织设计。

    This article carries on the structure and the organization design according to some villages and towns work synthesis building construction plan .

  13. 要想获得于马恩的免费土地,申请人只需提交一份建筑平面图的计划书。

    To take advantage of the free land in Marne , applicants need only to submit a proposed floor plan for the house they want to build .

  14. 他们很谨慎地展开行动,设法弄到建筑平面图,徵求爆破专家的意见,或者研究美术馆员工的行为习惯。

    In the process , they work very fastidiously , get hold of site-plans , ask ostensible demolition experts or study the routines of the museum staff .

  15. 对我来说,伯恩系列影片中最扣人心弦的时刻是,他在胳膊遭到枪击后一瘸一拐地穿过一个俄罗斯商场,并注意到,没错,他还记得从墙上扯下一张建筑平面图来加快找路。

    For me , the most thrilling moments in a Bourne film are those when he might be , say , limping through a Russian shopping mall having been shot in the arm and noticing that , yes he did remember to grab a floor plan off the wall to better speed his navigation .

  16. 医疗机构建筑设计平面图;

    The drawing of the architectural design of the medical institution ;

  17. 选址报告和建筑设计平面图;

    Site selection report and the drawings of architectural design ;

  18. 建筑楼板结构平面图的自动识别方法

    Automated Recognition of Floorslab Plans in Architectural Drawings Architectural Economics Architectural Design

  19. 在分析研究建筑电气平面布置图的设计特点的基础上,论述了建筑电气辅助设计软件的解决方案。

    The paper analyzed and studied the architectural drawings of the electrical designfeatures , and discussed solutions of the electric-assisted design software . 4 .

  20. 可应用于建筑电气的平面图设计、系统图设计、二次接线图设计、标注、设备统计、线型设置、负荷表计算等方面。

    It has been applied to building electricity plan design , secondary drawings design , marking , devices statistics , linestyle setting and power system load calculation etc.

  21. 本设计的建筑设计部分完成了四个建筑平面图、三个立面图和一个剖面图及一些大样图;

    The stage of architectural design has primarily completed : four ground plans , three vertical plans , one section plan and some detail plans ;